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Everything posted by rodndonna

  1. I expect it would be the same rate then would it not? The rate TD gives when I move money from my Canadian to US account (or vice versa) is their daily posted exchange rate. If I use my TD Canadian credit card (that has a conversion "fee") I expect I would be calculated at their daily rate PLUS a conversion fee. If I had a card without a conversion fee than I guess I pay that same posted exchange rate.
  2. And sometimes - both of them golf ...😀
  3. If you type "Perry" into the search for this forum (Azamara) you will find quite a few folks that had/have that same question (I tripped on them looking for Perry Golf info on this forum). The short answer seems to be that it has no negative impact and they are a very well behaved and managed group (I am biased as a golfer although that seemed to be the answer). Not sure about other themes though ....
  4. Thanks for sharing your experience. What you have described is why we think it might be worth the splurge 😎 Spain/Portugal or maybe elsewhere in the Med for a fall cruise (2026 or 2027) is where we are leaning.
  5. Indeed - best not to just not think about "value" when it comes to "cruise" golfing and why it would be a "one of" ... very hard to justify (even with my lackluster golf game allowing for plenty of shots!). Never thought about the roll calls, that is a god idea and I will start stalking some of those.
  6. Thanks for providing your experience. As you say, it's a splurge, so hoping "maybe" the cost for a couple is not quite double the single rate, but we don't expect much discount. I am surprised they don't provide at least some form of "ride-along" pricing for non-golfers as we typically see that on our land golf holidays with resort courses. I get what you're saying about speaking with a rep at Perry Golf for that assurance. Maybe that is why I can't see any ability to quote or book the golf with Azamara direct or on-line TA sites (even though they flag the cruise as a Golf cruise). One thing I am puzzled by though, is I can see "golf" cruises on Azamara (or on-line TA) that so not show up on Perry Golf website. In particular, there are cruises in the Caribbean labeled by Azamara as being a golf cruise, but no Caribbean cruises appear on Perry Golf site. 🤔
  7. Thanks - I think you are right and I may have to go that route for accurate quotes. In the meantime - I have found a Youtube video where they are giving a figure of about $700/pp/per round which was about what I was guesstimating .. sadly $1000/pp/per round for us Canadians. For now I can at least estimate - take the cruise cost total and then add $2000 (Can$) times the number of rounds of golf to the total. It definitely put it in the "one of splurge" experiences for us ... but at least we can ponder it....😊
  8. For those of you that do Perry Golf cruises with Azamara, can you tell me if when you are researching, pricing and booking do you typically deal with Azamara and then just "add-on" a golf package after (or while) booking, or do you just deal with Perry Golf? Here is what I am trying to achieve, I would like to price out Perry Golf cruises for us (as a couple) for future budgeting/planning purposes. I am resistant to provide Perry Golf with our contact info to get pricing estimates, but it appears I would also have to provide full contact to Azamara to work through a mock booking (and get the golf price add-ons I am trying to see) I am hesitant mostly because this would be a "one of splurge" for us in 2 or 3 years, and I don't want any more cruise line spam than I am already getting from cruiselines I am typically booking with. Do I just have to accept 2-3 years worth of additional spam to get what I am looking for?
  9. I don't understand your TA saying they can't give you Casino discount? We just booked a Casino discounted cruise last week through a TA . When I go on any big on-line TA site and I add in my Mariner number as past passenger, I get my Casino discounted fares.
  10. We book the lowest inside GTY - so no downward options available! Everthing is an upgrade from that "N' category inside (don't think anyone is actually ever assigned those cabins) 😊
  11. OK - Just tried the "chat" feature on the website - very pleasantly surprised - very responsive and easy peasy to cancel our booking (we were more than our 60 days past booking so transfer not an option). Nice to avoid calling our PCC since it seems a waste of their time 🙃
  12. We are looking to cancel our current 2 bookings with HAL so we can rebook through agency (looking for new maximizing reward points). Do I need to contact our PCC for this? I would rather not, since we are essentially ending our relationship at this point for the foreseeable future. 😏
  13. It "sounds" in line to me (although we don't purchase insurance since our trips are much cheaper). For a $1500 premium on a $22,000 vacation that is a factor of about 1/15 - and it seems reasonable that for seniors, roughly every 15th trip might need to be cancelled.
  14. not sure it's any different than with shuffleboard, ping pong, basketball, hub tub occupancy ...etc.. everybody isn't doing the same things at the same time as everybody else....
  15. We went with the itinerary with St. Crioix and Pointe a Pitre as that gives us 2 "new to us" ports and is the latest sailing (March 29) which we "hope" means less spring break kids/families. I like the "14 day, no decision required" and would be our choice as well, but that option was veto-ed by our dog 🙄
  16. Well - you're a convincing crowd - we're booked March 29 2026 in a Window Suite 😄
  17. Yes - you're right (I was/am confused) When you say "full suite" I assume that means the additional suite perks that are mentioned in a window suite and that a "mini-suite" itself is not considered a "suite" with those perks? And then Reserve collection Mini-suire is a level above that - is that correct?
  18. Great thread - we're leaning to Window suite for 2026 from San Juan but as another poster commented, I don't see Window Suite describing any further perks over min-suite for that cruise. Not sure that matters to us anyway, but will like to get to the bottom of it before we make a decision. Edit: OK - I think I see it now... there is the WIndow Suite and then there us "Reserve Collection" Window Suite which has the perks (for an additional $97/day)
  19. We are thinking about booking the Grand Princess from San Juan in 2026 and am intrigued by the Window Suite cabins. There seem to be only a few and they price in the same as the lowest mini-suite cabin. We are primarily looking at getting a "suite" as it appears to be the lowest cabin category with a sofa in the room which we like. We are not big balconies users especially when on a ship that has nice outdoor areas to sit (like Promenade or aft deck outdoor bar etc). I guess the other reason I am drawn to them is they seem "unique" , at least to me (we've only sailed Discovery on Princess) Are those "window suite" cabins generally liked by people? Any reason to avoid them and go for a traditional mini-suite?
  20. Happy to see Princess offer cruises from San Juan. Like others we love sailing form San Juan when we can, but options are limited. We've only been on the Discovery but purchased FCD's and looking to try a smaller/older Princess ship to compare with - so it's a win/win for us 😄
  21. I will add my one and only pre/post Covid cruise cost "number comparison - We "were" booked with a flight/cruise package on Marella for mid-late March 2020 and it was $1845 pp in (Canadian$ not that it matters). The pricing for Marella cruises has always been all included (drinks, taxes, gratuities) so no weirdness in pricing sales or inclusions to blur the numbers. Today - I looked at the same package for March 2025 and it is now $2175 pp - so about 18% increase for 5 years (amounts to just over 3% per year compounded). Not bad really. I don't have any HAL (or any other line) pricing to compare, but on Marella CC threads there are the same comments about the increasing costs.
  22. I am starting to think it is a feature used by very few cardholders - but maybe the people that do use it, use it regularly.
  23. We dropped the landline some time ago as well but still have a Voip "home" number (which helps to avoid that second cell phone and have a number we can give to places we don't really want to hear from 😄). I totally understand how folks (pretty much EVERYBODY except us) doesn't understand how we still get along with just 1 cell phone - but I am pretty stubborn. It's like how people lived in the dark ages ... sometimes we just have to wait until someone gets home to ask "how did it go?" We're young retirees (not yet 60) and both worked in tech ... so it is odd that we're still going strong with just 1 cell phone ! Edit; With regard to the shopping and texting for confirmation - as the wife and one who is the primary grocery shopper ... that's one of my biggest pet peeves in a grocery store ..someone (typically male) being unable to make that executive decision "if there are no diced tomatoes, do I get crushed or whole tomatoes???" 😄
  24. We did Can/NE cruise last year in June and happened to see whales in the St Lawrence while walking the promenade. It's more like "you might....but"
  25. That's a good point, I actually do have an older dumber phone which I use aty the home on our Wifi (connected to a couple of apps we use for music and such). That being said - it's still hard for me to forgo having my own card to save $199 at this point in my life.
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