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Everything posted by rodndonna

  1. Did you get other perks within that deeply discounted rate or is it just a deeply discounted fare? A free cabin is about as much of a "discount" as you can get, and even with those, we (and others) have been able to add HIA. I really don't get the stance "you gave us so little money for this cruise, we have decided we don't want more of your money by selling you HIA". It is a weird stance ..🤔 Maybe your particular cruise has some other overriding element that disallows HIA. The mystery continues ........
  2. I must confess to be being one who does not calculate what our HIA package costs when bundled in the fare at time of booking (early) since we just really never consider not getting more for convenience. Wow - I just checked a 14 day fall 2024 itinerary similar to on we are hoping will be around for 2025, and wow - it actually comes out to just $58 CDN/day or about $45 US/day and that is for the pumped-up "early HIA" with premium wifi, elite drinks and gratuities. 😃
  3. Ours are held in a non-registered account, but as you say no tax implications to date with no dividends. If and when they reinstate dividends, it will still be peanuts from a tax perspective for 100 shares.
  4. I actually don't have any investment interest n CCL (beyond the 100 shareholder benefit) so just hoping they survive is my goal 😎
  5. I can't say I've been following this thread, and hate to be the bearer of good news, but had to pop on to here to say CCL has been on a tear! https://www.investors.com/news/composite-rating-for-carnival-adr-jumps-to-96/ And up another 9% today!
  6. If the fall 2025 comes out before July 22, we have a "Thank you for sailing" to use as well but not sure that's realistic. Expecting we will still have our typical Casino discount (seems realistic) and shareholder OBC as well. 😀 I totally agree - the combination of the all early discounts and OBC's offers make our "early booked" cruises better value than our "free" cabin cruises (as we always still get HIA). Couple that with better flight prices when booking in advance, always the preferred option for us.
  7. I agree (although we go non-refundable). We seem to get the best deals booking early for the early HIA benefits. Combine that with the Mariner early bonus, hard to beat. Waiting now for 2025 fall cruises to come out so I can book with those promos (and using FCD for deposits to boot!) 😀
  8. Let us know if you have better luck with the app. I'm really curious because you are still the only case where I have heard adding HIA has been denied. They do make that vague statement "available for most fare types" but to date have not found a fare type that it did not apply to except for yours ..(including free cabin Casino rates) 😒 I am wondering if perhaps they are changing the rules on what codes it can be added to.
  9. Are you still trying to get HIA added? Someone a thread about the latest app update said they were able to add it now using the app, when the website said it was unavailable. I would link to the thread, but not sure how .. it's the one tracking all the Hal Navigator app updates on page 1.
  10. Would spring or fall make a difference? We are contemplating doing a TA in fall TA 2025.
  11. Did you pay in full because you were past the final payment date? If past that date, it cannot be repriced.
  12. We did the Millenium apr 2023 in an aft and loved it. Have downgraded (for now) to get on the NCL cruise and hoping to bid up, but is not looking hopeful
  13. We have the NCL Viva booked for Jan 2024, and then the X Summit for March 2025 - wanted to compare the new verses old experience on similar itinerary. 😀
  14. As an aside, by checking there was a slight price drop on our Celebrity booking, so great timing 😀 I agree with your original sentiment regarding RCL. We have yet to sail or book with RCL, just can't get my head around the pricing on those as I think it should be much cheaper, but doesn't seem to be.
  15. We have a southern Caribbean out of San Juan booked with Celebrity Mar 2025, so I just checked NCL pricing to compare (also 7 days out of San Juan). NCL is coming almost identical in pricing on that one (early March 2025 cheapest inside)
  16. I have been doing the same with HAL which we have only sailed since Covid, and like you don't expect the "payback" rate to continue at the same level we have enjoyed this past year. That being said, before Covid we had sailed Carnival a few times and tested it in terms of what we could get for lower levels of slot play. We had no problems getting future discount rates (which we are still getting) which exceeded our typical out of pocket costs, so am hoping it might be the same with HAL.
  17. On the HIA page - they give this number to add HIA - so perhaps should be the most experience with adding HIA to bookings Call to upgrade 1-877-724-5425
  18. I think you posted the wrong video - nothing like that was mentioned in that video.
  19. I would think you can cancel your HAL transfer.
  20. I watched the video - where was the why? In the video they state they are a bit baffled based on the the relaesed results.
  21. Has he been comparing it to the rising cost of an equivalent land holiday or does it really just come down to not feeling the value of a "cruise" holiday in general? Indeed if with changes (or sometime just time itself....), I can see becoming disenchanted with something (like cruising) and it would therefore hold less value. Either way I feel your pain. 😒 We are relatively newer to doing cruise holidays, and still early on the upwards ramp of enjoying them. At this point is still seems an endless variety of things for us to try (cruise lines, cruise ship sizes, itinerary's, etc.) . For us they appear to be very comparable (generally better) value than land holidays and a whole lot less work, which became the biggest disenchantment factor of land holidays.
  22. I think $50/day is the normal price of the package - they state the "value" of HIA is $99/day - which is roughly what it would cost if you bought the components of HIA separately (drinks, wifi, shore excurions and dinners) https://www.hollandamerica.com/en_US/deals_CAD/have-it-all/have-it-all-upgrade.html There was a brief time when it was sometimes offered at $45/day but have not seen that in quite a while.
  23. What's full price? I've only seen ever seen adding it in after a booking at the $50/day/pp rate for last year or so. Anything above that would be a hard sell for us also.
  24. As a crazy fly "day-of-er", one guideline is the allowable flight arrival times if booking within HAL Flightease. I will do a flightease search for my cruise, and take a look at the arrival cutoff time they allow. As an example, if they allow flights arriving as late as 1:00 pm for my cruise, then I would use that as a starting guideline for booking my own flights. Edit: Also I think they meant "do not arrive later than 3:00"
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