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Posts posted by MoreMouse

  1. Hi! Enjoyed your review.


    I have a question related to the snorkeling portion of your trip.


    I have debated buying one of those full face masks, but have been unsure if it would work for me. I can't stand to get water in my nose/sinuses, and I can't breath out of my mouth (if I can help it... lol). Would you recommend one? If so, can I ask where you got yours?


    I'm glad you enjoyed the zip lining. We did the same tour and it was really fun. I didn't enjoy being "caught" by the poor guy at the end of each line. We at least had a mattress type thing to stop us.


    Trish :)

  2. Okay, people will think me crazy, but..... my favorite meal of the day is breakfast. Bacon to me, is an entire food group.


    I've found on previous Carnival cruises that I seem to be encountering what I call the "bacon natzis." :mad:


    I promise Carnival, if I ask for bacon, I'm eating it ALL. It will NEVER be wasted! Please fork over the bacon. Don't make me beg for it. LOL :D


    I've asked for more and they've given me one extra piece, so I just go to the table and come back with a new plate. I've also been known to send the husband back for more.


    So, is there free reign on Vista, or will I be making multiple trips?

  3. I think I saw the individual powder Arizona packets at Target. Not sure what they'd taste like. Arizona sort of reminds me of what the dispenser stuff tastes like. We're used to having it home-brewed and served everywhere down here. :D It's always weird to me not to see it.


    I'm from the South and drink nothing but sweet tea, so it's a little weird trying to make it at dinner. They have to bring me LOTS of sugar packets to try to sweeten it up. It's hard to mix that sugar into cold tea. ;) Totally worth it though.

  4. Has anyone recently used Aristocat for a sail/snorkel excursion? I haven't really seen any detailed reports.


    Just wondering if it's worth the $120 for the day.


    Pictures would be great if anyone has some. :D



  5. We loved the table service at night in Cabanas. It was so much quieter than the dining rooms. More intimate in my opinion.


    We ate there twice. We are also big meat and potato people. I'm VERY picky. (and please leave all those dang sauces off! LOL)


    They had THE best steak. I had it both nights. We also had the same waiters both evenings. During OUR visits at least, there were very few people up there. More attentive waiters and faster service.


    We loved it! Give it a try one night. :D

  6. My husband and I (both 40s) enjoyed the Amazing Race in Cozumel. It was great.


    We also went over to Playa and went to Xplor Park. It is AWESOME! Especially without kids. ;) It IS expensive, but well worth it. You should check it out online. Actually you can check both of those out.


    We've been to Coz more times than I can count, but we always find something to do. Even if it's renting a Jeep, putting the top down, and driving around the island.



  7. Even as an adult, I prefer main seating. We go to bed pretty early anyway. Yeah, when we cruise too. :o


    I have been with children and without on a few DCL cruises and noticed that a lot of the little kids at second seating were pretty tired and cranky. ;)

  8. Had an almost Seinfeld flashback experience on Fantasy a few weeks ago.


    On entering our cabin, there was a small wrapped piece of bar soap on the sink, just like you see in any hotel from the cheapest flop house to the most expensive luxury resort. Little bitty wrapped bar soaps are the norm in travel. On Carnival they have liquid soap dispensers in the showers. I don’t care for liquid soap, I prefer bar soap. So I moved my little bar from the sink into the shower, but it wasn’t replaced the next day. So I went down to the customer service desk and asked for an extra piece of bar soap and had my SNL-skit experience:


    "We don’t have bar soap,” the rep said.

    "But there was one by the sink when we arrived."

    "Oh, that’s a ‘promotional item.’ We don’t replace promotional items."

    "'Promotional item?' Soap? Seriously?"

    "The liquid soap is complementary. The bar soap is meant to last you seven days. You can buy soap in the gift shop."



    I tried not to laugh, it was both funny and sad that Carnival is cutting costs so much that they take a hard line on not doling out a .20 cent piece of soap for a probably rare request such as mine. This wasn't the only cost-saving measure noticeable --my husband is still going on about his supposedly watered-down martini--but it is the most bizarre I think I've ever experienced.


    mipcard - I thought of you immediately after we got to our cabin last week! ;) We had four whole bars of soap in our little shell thing on the Dream. I don't know what kind, only that they were round and I thought, stinky. LOL I don't know if those were the ones you were looking for. I laughed for you though. :D

  9. I just want to say, we LOVED it. We just got on board the Dream. We got to the port, walked to the Captain's lounge, and were on the ship and in our cabin in less then 20 minutes! Time to go cruise. :)



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  10. Thanks guys! I appreciate hearing everyone's opinion. I think I've decided it would just look better to order my drink from the server. What the heck, I need to use my bar obc anyway. I unfortunately can't take the "looks" from strangers. It would make me feel uncomfortable. That's just me though. :rolleyes: My husband would say that he could care less what anyone thought about it. I'm too OCD. :)

  11. I know people on CC think it's a waste of money, BUT I can get very "testy", lets call it, when I'm standing around holding a bunch of drinks, carry-on's, my purse, etc. I completely stress my husband out. I can't carry all that crap around. We end up sitting in the atrium not doing anything until we can get to the cabin. My fault, but that's the way it is. I blame the OCD. ;)


    It is WELL worth the money for us to be able to walk straight on the ship and go to our cabin. If the luggage turns up before Muster, so be it. We'll put everything up whenever it finally comes.


    All I'm paying for is the ability to go to our cabin to drop stuff off. I couldn't care less about the other things.

  12. I think you should be able to dress up as much as you want on formal night. Some people love to be able to break out the good stuff during cruise elegant night. I've seen everything from evening gowns and tuxes to business casual (and sometimes a lot less :eek:).


    Have fun with it and enjoy. :D

  13. I don't usually drink anything that they serve for free during dinner in the MDR. Is it okay to bring my own drink from our room? I have a Tervis cup that I can pre-fill before we go.


    Just wondering. I usually order a Sprite or something during dinner, but if I can bring my own Sprite I will. I just don't want to look like an idiot. ;)

  14. Hello all, curious about the French door cabins I've seen referenced. Any info would be great! Also, are there any inside cabins on ANY CCL ships that have sofas AND the ability to turn the twins into one bed? Thank you for the help! Have fun cruising everyone!!!



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    I have been wanting to ask this same question forever! Thanks so much for doing it. ;)


    It seems pretty cool. If you can get fresh air without paying for a balcony... wow! If we ever do that class we'll look into booking one of those. :D

  15. That's what the DMV gives out until the other one comes in the mail. They usually take the old license so you can't give it out to someone else (sneaky) and one of the girls lost hers all together. I'm hoping the paper will suffice. It has their photo on it



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    Oh, okay. I guess every state is different. I've always gotten the actual card while I was there. :)


    I hope you guys have a great time! :D

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