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Everything posted by DragonOfTheSeas

  1. I have been locked out of the account since morning. I am glad to be able to log in on my laptop. This is encouraging. However, my pictures are on my phone. I will do a couple of posts as I am able.
  2. No, no magnet on the door. And I would agree 9am is fair game. But, I think 8 am is too early to knock on anyone's door. I don't think that is sleeping the day away. LOL We will just have to agree to disagree.
  3. It is 8 am and our cabin attendant knocked on our door to clean our room . I was awake but DH was sleeping. I wish the ship had one of those door magnets that you can put on the outside of your door when you’re away and you want them to clean your room. They do have a magnet that says I’m sleeping. But most people would assume that’s what you’re doing at 8 o’clock in the morning when you’re on vacation. I’m sure he is new. He’s made lots of rookie mistakes.
  4. We have arrived at the dock in Aruba. The weather is overcast but it’s not raining. Yippee! There’s a stiff breeze.
  5. There are some crazy costumes tonight. People use a lot of imagination. I took this picture earlier at the matinee bar of Snow White and the seven dwarfs. They weren’t posing for me so kind of hard to see but I thought it was it was a clever group costume.
  6. The really good thing about staying later in the evening is you can get pictures of the city at night. This one is looking toward the harbor. The pink lights are the swinging bridge. this was as good a close up as I could get. The view is great! . . . And It’s not raining. 😀
  7. Tonight is Halloween and the bartenders in the martini bar are ready. LOL 😆 They are putting on a show.
  8. The government buildings are all the yellow stucco buildings to the right after you get off the pontoon bridge. They are near the fort that used to guard the harbor. My husband always accuses me of going to a church everywhere we visit. While this building looks like a church building it’s actually the prosecuting attorneys offices. I was surprised to see that this office was the Attorney General for all three ABC islands. (there are public toilets located behind this building) These are the offices of the ministers of the government.
  9. There are lots of shops in Williamstown just across the pontoon bridge. But I’ve noticed that they’re almost all T-shirt shops now and souvenirs. There are very few local shops. My favorite shop is in the Fort Worth shopping center right near the ship. Everything in the whole store is blue and white china. I go there every time we come to Curaçao. Forgot to take a picture of it for you. on the waterfront there are vendors some of them have come from Venezuela to sell their products.
  10. While I was on the other side of the harbor the bridge opened for a ship. You can see the pontoon bridge on the other side of the waterway. while the bridge is open a ferry takes people back-and-forth. here is the bridge almost ready to close on our side
  11. After a good dousing when I first left the shop, the sky cleared off and I had a nice visit in Curaçao. it’s easy to walk around and visit the location in the city by yourself. While I was walking across the bridge the rain was coming sideways.
  12. Hello Curaçao! We are here. Our friend the sun decided not to visit today. There’s a steady rain this morning so I think I’m gonna wait till a little later in the day to go ashore. We are here until 8 o’clock tonight. We are docked on an outside berth. If you look at the map you can see our location. (Triangle) Smaller ships actually dock in the harbor. There’s a bridge that goes across the water way and it swings open when ships come through. It’s really beautiful at night with the lights. When a ship comes through they have to swing the bridge open. they use a ferry to get people across the harbor. I love the brightly colored buildings in Willemstad, the capital.
  13. He and the captain have a good dynamic. When they are together he is the straight man for the captains jokes. Ha Ha
  14. A highlight of the celebration was a performer from tomorrow evening's show, "Elements." She did an acrobatics routine supporting herself on just three blocks of wood. It was amazing.
  15. We got an invitation to the Captain Club Elite Celebration. Roberta was the entertainment as we arrived. We were glad to see her again We had seen her on the stage by the Martini Bar earlier this week. She is very good. The special guests were an entire family as top cruisers. They were Zenith three times over with 9,000 points! 😮 The Captain joked they almost had as many nights at see as him. The Captain said he has heard the cruise is short staffed. He said the staff is at 90% and the passengers are at 75%. So, he said there is a higher ratio than normal. The Captain is good at stand-up comedy. [just in case this captain gig does not work out]
  16. DH and I went to the matinee to see John Bressler. He had a show last night and I heard good things about him. He is a brilliant pianist with a witty way about him. His voice is a little raspy for my taste. [maybe less raspy earlier in his career] It was an excellent show. I really like the design of the theatre stage. It is mostly a theatre in the round. They also use light very effectively.
  17. The first two days our TV turned itself on three times. Each time it was during the day. One of the times it came on while we were out of the room. LOL But, it has not happened since--so, no issue.
  18. I must admit I did not know what this disorder was until I looked it up. I can see this hall gives her issues. The same assault on my senses that give me a positive reaction clearly cause difficulty for a number of guests. [judging by the comments on this thread] It does make me wonder if Celebrity had input regarding the possible negative issues with this installation.
  19. I thought you might be interested to see our position. I captured this from the weather dot com. I am glad DH and I sat on the outside decks near Eden this morning and enjoyed the sunshine. 😁 However, to put things in perspective. It is 44 degrees at our home right now and 84 degrres in Willemstad, Curacao. 😊 I would be happy to see some warm liquid sunshine there tomorrow.
  20. The Captain just gave his daily briefing. He said we would be going through squalls starting in 10 minutes and the people on outside decks should be aware. Unfortunately, he said they would last the rest of the day. I guess it will be back to the casino for us this afternoon. DH and I have visited the casino the last two nights and [surprise] we are minimally ahead of the house. That almost never happens. We have an Elite event in Eden this evening.
  21. Yes, there is a staircase next to Blu that will allow you to bypass this hallway. It leads up from the lobby in front of the Cosmopolitan and Cyrus restaurants.
  22. When I took my Eden pictures yesterday the lunch menu board was still up. It had a reubin listed in the handheld sandwich category. But that could have been a daily special. I will have to check it out late and let you know.
  23. Good morning! I was happy to see my friend the sun this morning. This is not exactly sunrise, but it is close. 😜 Sunrise and sunsets are always my favorite times at sea.
  24. I will have to try there for those meals. I saw on the menu they have a Reuben for lunch. That is my favorite sandwich. 🙂
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