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Everything posted by DragonOfTheSeas

  1. I have taken Amtrak to both the Newark Airport and the Newark Penn Station. The first was for an international flight before a cruise. There was an attendant as we exited the train "station." She asked to see our airline ticket. I have read this station is only for airport connections. YMMV We have gone to the Penn station twice before cruises. We stayed overnight at the Doubletree adjacent to the station. On one of these trips our train was over 2 hours late. A large family group at our embarkation point was frantic because they were going to miss a flight. I would not trust getting to the ship on time with a same day train trip. . . . but that is just me. 😁 : .
  2. My DD and I shared one WIFI on our last cruise. It worked for us. However, I imagine your DG will want to spend more time on the Internet then she and I did.
  3. MY DH uses a walker onboard. We have not had to notify anyone. We flag his reservation that he needs assistance with embarkation/disembarkation. When we get to check-in he gets wheelchair assistance. We found the easiest thing to do was for me to push his walker onboard from there. It has the advantage that I can put my purse and small tote on the "seat." Easier than folding and carrying it onboard. YMMV
  4. They took very good care of both of us. His surgery was the late afternoon of the shooting in Lewiston. So, I was "locked into" the hospital until police discovered his body of the shooter two days later. [I could have gotten security to let me leave--but, could not return] We felt like we were part of the community.
  5. MY DH fell last fall while our ship was docked in Portland, ME. He broke several ribs and one of them nicked his lung. After surgery and 14 days in the hospital our cruise insurance [purchased through RCL] paid upfront to send us back to VA via ambulance. He was not able to fly home due to the injured lung. It was a grim 12+ hour trip. I cannot even imagine the cost of that trip. We figure it was more than we have paid for insurance on all the cruises we have taken.
  6. We sailed on the Mercury twice from Baltimore. If fact, we were on the second to the last voyage before they sold the ship. It was a smaller ship. To my knowledge there have been no larger X ships sail from Baltimore. I check ship availability from Baltimore often.
  7. I guess I would not characterize that as unreliable. It works the way it was designed to work. We found that it worked very well. We just used it to let DD know where we were in case, she wanted to join us. We could coordinate our mealtimes and locations. She did not send too many chatty messages. We saved those for when we were together.
  8. My DD and I used the messaging tool on the app while on the anthem of the seas in March. We did not find it unreliable. We connected to the internet by clicking on the app link for free. We found our messages always went through. The one thing I do not like about that is that there is no notice you have a message. You have to look at your phone. My iPhone would show I had a message on the screen and I would then open the app. Not a perfect system--but a big step up from sticky notes or white boards. 😁
  9. There are children under 18 that are pinnacle. You should get a C and A number for each child and start accruing points for them.
  10. Yes--it goes to the balcony cabin. We used the door stop the cabin attendant uses when cleaning a cabin. DD used her footstool to prop hers open. However, I am sure you could get another door stopper--we did not ask. Since we are all adults we closed our doors for sleeping. But, there is no reason you would need to. The exterior door needs a sea pass to enter. I really liked the set up. It was convenient. Have a good cruise!
  11. We had the JS and solo cabin on the Anthem in March. I really liked the arrangement. DH and I were in the extra large balcony JS--.8632 [we are D+] Our adult DD was in the solo 8630. [first time cruise]. We kept the door to the hallway closed and propped open the JS door unless we were sleeping/ dressing. Yes, we all checked in together and I was able to make reservations for our check in times, dining times and excursions. Here is the JS It was like having an apartment with a separate bedroom. The solo cabin is the door on the right. [below] There is a door with a lock to the left. The cabin attendant would need to unlock this door for it to have access the interior little hall. I was standing at our door looking toward the hall. The solo cabin is small--but she said it was all she needed. The JS has a very large balcony. Ours had 2 loungers, a table and a chair. Because the balcony is on an angle it is very shady. That was good for us, too. I really liked this combination and would not hesitate to book this arrangement if we were traveling with family, again. Solo cabin with virtual balcony:
  12. I was amused by the McDonald's. When we were in Estonia the guide referred to the McDonald's as the American Embassy. LOL😁
  13. I feel the same about this. I do not sail in full suites very often. However, there is really no incentive on an older ship. There are so few benefits it doesn't justify the cost. Voom is something they could offer. I get there is no space or number of potential guests for a Coastal Kitchen on these ships.
  14. This is what we did with our DD. I selected boarding times for all of us. then she was able to enter passport info etc.
  15. Wow! That is very nice. We were on the Anthem in March for my DH b-day. They did not do that.
  16. I guess it depends on the ship. We were on the Liberty last May and we saw two groups of 14 brought and seated at tables that had been four tops all pushed together. They were across from u and I counted the seats.
  17. I hope you were able to describe what he did in the survey. That is so far above and beyond. He should get praise for this. 🙂
  18. I am interested to see how this boarding goes. We like the Norfolk area around the terminal. there is lots to see and do. There is also a lot of traffic. We sailed from there many years ago.
  19. We were on the Anthem a week ago. Our DD had those each day. 😁
  20. You are the one who needs all of our positive thoughts. What most of you don’t know is the Delta was on the Royal Caribbean cruise that left Baltimore and had to return to Norfolk. It was a bit of a train wreck there, but the best Royal Caribbean could do under the circumstances. So welcome back to dryland Delta blue.
  21. While passenger vessels are not the main traffic at this port, they are still an important source of revenue for the area. Hotels, restaurants, parking, gas, etc. It does not make sense to build a new bridge without increasing the height. I know the other bridge is still a choke point. However, there are already plans to replace that one. too.
  22. Sorry--I listed the correct event, just not the correct class. 😜 My bad!
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