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Everything posted by derorim

  1. My Night Blooming Cereus opened tonight. The flowers last just one night and have a strong sweet fragrance. I love the details inside the flower. The plant itself is rather homely but the flowers are spectacular. It usually blooms in September but decided to make an early appearance. Maybe it will bloom again in a couple of months.
  2. I had to look up "mystery knit along." That sounds like fun, and I can see how you would need to trust the designer.
  3. I love all the angles and patterns of the different stitches. Did you follow a specific pattern, or did you design this yourself? As always, I'm intrigued.
  4. Greg, I'm so sorry to hear your knee situation is worse than you thought, requiring a knee replacement, and that Linda needs hand surgery as well. I thought you were going to say she needs back surgery. Is her back doing better? Hugs to you both, and hoping that you will both find relief.
  5. Graham, at first I had to chuckle that you thought 75°F was considered hot. Where we are, it was a muggy 89°F today. But we have air conditioning and I don't think I would enjoy trying to sleep in a humid 75°F. It reminded me of a conversation I had years ago with one of my best friends. She was probably 110 pounds and was struggling with the fact that she had gained a little weight and her pants were too tight. At first I wanted to scoff at her, but then I realized, it's all relative. A skinny gal who gains weight has the same problem that someone at any weight feels when they gain a few pounds and their clothes don't fit. That experience reminded me I needed to keep things in perspective and be more accepting of how one feels in a situation. So here's hoping that you will soon have cooler, more comfortable weather. Cheers!
  6. So, do you want to win the battle and lose the war? Choose your battles wisely. 😉
  7. Deb, if these trees are in bloom now, they are probably Kousa Dogwoods. We had a cream colored one in northern Virginia. Very pretty trees, with tons of blooms.
  8. Your needle skills are so intriguing. I always like to zoom in on your pictures. The colored rectangles used for blocking the piece on the mat are clever. I've never done any of that stuff, but I enjoy seeing how it's done. .
  9. A long time ago I took our cat to the vet loose in the car like that. He expressed his displeasure by peeing on the cloth passenger seat. That smell never goes away, so we traded the car in. My apologies to whoever bought that car. Now we always take kitty in a carrier.
  10. Here you go: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1P02jhe9iw-mXyk3L9xhEJ_8lv_j4LHI6Qt0TMYy_WP8/edit?pli=1#gid=109586028
  11. The spreadheet works for me, it took me to this page: https://www.royalcaribbean.com/account/cruise-planner/category/beverage?bookingId=000000&shipCode=AD&sailDate=20231021 See if that works for you.
  12. Well, I guess the party is over. We have been blessed with incredible extended spring weather, but the recent rains have brought out the mosquitos. While sitting on the deck I killed a couple and then had to bring out the citronella candle. Its kind of stinky, but I’ll do what ever it takes to continue enjoying this view in 75 degree weather in June.
  13. I've killed one of those before! I loved the way it smelled like chocolate. I bought it in Hawaii and they shipped it home for me. Poor plant, it never knew what was coming when it was entrusted to my care. 🤪
  14. I’m just waiting for someone to ask what the menu is for the lifeboats. 🫠
  15. I agree, loss of internet is far worse than loss of hot water because of all the modern technology that can’t function without internet. We are fortunate that our son lives 4 minutes away and we could take showers at their house. I hope you are back up and running soon.
  16. I don't feel so bad now for not having hot water for 3 days after our water heater crapped out Friday night. At least we had internet. 🙂
  17. I love a good gps, but I love a good map even more. If you always rely on a gps, it’s hard to learn where places are in relation to each other. One thing I loved about AAA was how the gal at the desk could read and highlight the map while looking at it upside down.
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