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Everything posted by derorim

  1. My great grandmother received a telegram from Lyndon B. Johnson on her 100th birthday in 1963. On her 104th (and final) birthday she just got an impersonal card.
  2. @ReneeFLL I know you are the Orchid whisperer so I thought I'd share this picture with you. I've killed every Orchid I've ever had, until now. This cutie not only survived, it bloomed again! I kept it on the porch all summer and fall until the nights got too cool, then brought it inside. It must have liked the change in temperature and then bloomed to show its gratitude. Yay!
  3. Yep, that was me. The doll outfit was a big hit. I also made hats for everyone (including the doll), and she loved that too. April, last month you suggested to @Arzeena that the library might be a good resource for learning to crochet. I never would have thought of that. I checked with our local library and there is indeed a Yarn Guild that meets twice a month. I went this week to check it out. It was a friendly, helpful group of ladies, and they primarily work on items to donate to the children's hospital, veterans home, schools, animal shelters, etc. People were making hats, lap blankets, baby sweaters, fidget toys, cat blankets, you name it. I joined the group and am happy to have found a way to continue with my newly resurrected hobby and help others with what I make. Thanks for making that suggestion.
  4. This summer I started to crochet again. I was never good, and never made anything spectacular (unlike @Keksie's knitting projects - wow!) but I don't shy away from trying anyway. I found a pattern for a Baker's outfit for an American Girl doll, and decided to make it for our 9 year old granddaughter. A few days ago I took the completed project over to their house while she was in school, and dressed and staged the doll in the outfit. I would love to re-do the cake and the cherry pie, but I thought the hat, apron and oven mitts turned out pretty good. It's all packaged up and ready to give her for Christmas, with this picture at the bottom of the box. I hope she likes it as much as I enjoyed making it!
  5. I’m glad it’s working now. I have an appointment next week to get a hearing aid for one ear. I’m a bit stressed about how it will interact with my Android phone and other Bluetooth connections, as well as life in general. I’m halfway tempted to cancel until I have more info.
  6. Bonnie, here are some suggestions on the Phonak website that might help. https://product-support.phonak.com/s/article/Connecting-computer-and-Phonak-hearing-aids?language=en_US
  7. I can't imagine watching those videos for nine months. Thank goodness for CC and our Bella friends elsewhere.
  8. We had your wild weather last night. We were watching TV and heard a loud bang towards the front of the house. We looked inside and outside, but couldn't find anything. I thought something had hit the front porch. This morning I found it... an expensive bottle of wine we bought as a gift had rolled off a tall chair onto the wood floor. Thank goodness it didn't break!
  9. Those kittens were so cute, I know it must have been hard to part with them. But it's good you gave them a good start in life and could find nice homes for them.
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