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silver surfer 2010

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Posts posted by silver surfer 2010

  1. We also love Arcadia and the aft cabins and like Florry are boarding on Sunday.


    We have visited an E deck aft cabin and found sitting outside very noisy but the middle 3 aft are larger cabins and large balconies.


    D deck is completely covered balcony so not for us.


    C deck aft cabins are slightly smaller than B deck and A deck.


    B deck is our fav and have stayed in B150 and B169 twice. We have B152 booked for the world cruise. They all have extra large balconies.


    On Sunday we are in A173 which has a massive balcony. We don't normally go for A deck because of the potential noise from the sun deck but we are trying it out as both the cabins and balconies are larger than B deck.






    We usually go for A deck and have never had any disturbance from up above

    David & Esther

  2. Most cabins on the Arcadia are balcony cabins. We are just back from the Baltic cruise and had cabin A122 which was very quiet and very convenient for the lift down to the restaurant for breakfast and dinner. A122 is on port side aft and we found it suited our needs very well

  3. Planning an eastern med. cruise for next year, opinions on best time to travel. We are thinking May to avoid summer heat, but we like to enjoy pool on sea days, and beach while in port. Is this a good time or is it still to cool to swim?



    We used to go on a land holiday to Crete every year and went in the first 2 weeks in June which was very pleasant. They reckoned that it never rained in Crete after about 20th May so my advice would be late May or early June

  4. for some reason the links from cruise critic don't seem to be working. try typing it into your search engine.

    Alta is the only port where the ships captain needs permission to dock from air traffic control, its so near the airport.

    Shuttle bus were provided at Alta but you could walk into town is Stavanger or Bergen

  5. Don't take an hastle from the 'stewards' and insist that you are entitled to priority check in (which you are) and need a 'Fast Track' card to get you to thr check in desk earlier. Friends of ours had a similar problem and just went to another steward and got striaght through.


    It's nothing to do with a classless society - it's a perk that you have earned so use it. Enjoy your half bottle of Champagne!


    Sorry about the typo's

  6. Don't take an hastle from the 'stewards' and insist that you are entitled to priority check in (which you are) and need a 'Fast Track' card to get you to thr check in desk earlier. Friends of ours had a similar problem and just went to another steward and got striaght through.


    It's nothing to do with a classless society - it's a perk that you have earned so use it. Enjoy your half bottle of Champagne!

  7. We heard from a member of staff on our recent cruise that waiters in Freedom Dining don't get any of the auto tips and that is why they are rotated between the 2, trying to be fair.

    Personally we like to hand over the envelope, what happens after that is not our problem, we are satisfied that we have done our bit. This last cruise we split the tip 50/50 between the waiters and the cabin steward and everyone seemed happy.

  8. We have always used Eavesway and will continue to do so as Inter Cruises do not own their own coaches (they are a thomson (Tui) company) and everything is sub contracted out. I believe the type of coach provided by Inter Cruises may be a bit of a hit or a miss as I have seen many critical posts and many complimentary posts so, sorry, take your pick. We travel from Glasgow and Inter Cruises leave anything up to 1 hour before Eavesway and may take detours for passengers, but still arrives around 2-00 pm

  9. Easy to get a taxi which is right in the parking lots after you pass the shops.




    Would agree but make sure the taxi drops you off where you want to be.

    We did it in October and were left quite away from the shopping area/centre of town and got a very poor impression of St Maarten. Immediately got a taxi back and tried the shops near the ships

  10. The full brochure does not usually come out until late March early Aprill each year. I suppose when you consider the cost of producing a brochure it is not surprising that attempts are made to streamline it a little and a lot will depend who will help by advertising in it, like holidays extras, baggage handling co, inter cruises etc

  11. I agree with all this about who and where you can get ripped off but to my bitter disappointment by far the worst experience I have had is on my own high street last Saturday.


    Spotted a pair of trousers in Mango in Manchester that I really liked and a bit unusual. (You know the sort of thing that you just have to get!!) I know both Mango and Zara are Spanish companies.


    They cost me £49.95.


    However when I got home and got them out of the bag another price tag on them saying the cost 39.99 euros. That's about £27 at the moment.

    I rang the shop to ask why I had paid almost twice as much as the euro price and was told this is because they were exported from Spain. I simply cannot believe it cost so much to do this.


    So sadly they will have to be returned however much I like them as a matter of principal. Apart from that I will be going to Spain next week and hopefully will see them there at the price they should be.





    I wonder what would have happened if you had demanded to paay in euro's ?

  12. I don't know if it has already been said but the only way you will get your ticket is by printing either yourself or getting your travel agent to print it for you. P & O do NOT send out tickets these days.

    Luggage labels will be in your excursion brochure but if you have gone 'Green' then you will have to do everything yourself

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