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Everything posted by VMax1700

  1. Recent experience may have very little bearing on what happens for your cruise. In June we were offered free transfers from VCE or Tronchetto, Venice, to Trieste and similarly free transfers at the end of the cruise from Trieste to VCE airport or Tronchetto, Venice. Probably HAL will offer paid transfers which you can purchase through 'Manage Booking' on the HAL website, just the way you can purchase excursions, or you could take the bus from VCE to Venice Mestre and go by train or book a private transfer.
  2. We just got a group of regular fare paying cruisers removed from the Explorations Central on Rotterdam so that we, CCer's could have a bit of a chin wag and free coffee. The regulars were not very happy to be told that a private party had the space reserved, but eventually they realised just who they were dealing with and moved on. They did threaten to escalate the matter further up the management chain, but we had that possibility covered 😉
  3. Just a note to say that on evening 1 there were no chocolates and no towel animals. Evening two which is 'dressy' and we have chocolates and towel animals. Still have not received any HAL bag.
  4. We had our CC Meet and Greet this morning and there was a great attendance however HAL totally dropped the ball and we had a very cramped space. When I went to Explorations Central at 10.30 (for our 11am M&G) there was a roped area but it was full of people. I found a Food & Beverage Manager and asked how we were supposed to have our event with all these 'outsiders' present? They were helping themselves to the coffee and water that was to be available for our group. (Not their problem as they did not know what was going on!) Eventually some of the staff started telling people that they had to vacate their seats and move out as the area was reserved for a private party. Well, that went down like a lead balloon! And I don't blame the people at all. I would have been upset if asked to move from where I had managed to find a seat in a supposed open space. Eventually the staff cleared a small area and asked me if we needed more space as they would start clearing others from their seats!!!! Well, I said 'no thanks, we will manage'. I really did not want to be the focus of a lynch mob. So a word of warning to any others arranging M&G on Pinnacle class ships that are fully booked......do not use Explorations Central for your event. Ask for a room somewhere else on the ship.
  5. I have seen the thread, but have not yet seen the performers on stage as a new performer joined them yesterday (she was staying in Hotel New York prior to boarding and they did not perform yesterday). I will give them a day or two to gel.
  6. again images rotated! Totally stupid in this day and age.
  7. This really is the most bizarre forum that takes images and twists them. Jeez it is 2022 surely they can use a software that replicates the posted images????
  8. Some more random images from Hotel New York. The window on 1st floor (2nd floor to those in N. America 😉) The breakfast room
  9. Well, yes and no! The Rotterdam situation is brought about by low water levels caused by a summer long drought. If Port Everglades is being dredged then that is a planned event and I am sure that a business like PE would plan an event like dredging well in advance and also know the effects it would have on shipping. There is a lot more traffic than just cruise ships to be managed.
  10. That is what I was thinking. Order a second bottle and then take it with me. Or a very, very large glass.
  11. Just thought about this again and I disagree with myself. It is not that it 'would be nice' for HAL to let people know, it is incumbent upon HAL to advise people at the time they book the cruise.
  12. Or just stay longer in the restaurant/MDR until they throw you out, with your still full bottle of wine 🥂
  13. Agree, but it would be nice of HAL to let people know well in advance, like before they book hotels and flights.
  14. I think he is brilliant. Just the sort of guy I would like to be. HE would be looking for a fast lane too. Doesn't suffer fools, in fact doesn't really suffer anyone 🤣
  15. Boarded Rotterdam today and a total of 7 masks on the desk! 2 HAL cloth masks and 5 FFP2/KN95 masks.
  16. Said like a true ..............Larry! (curb your enthusiam!)
  17. A little bit of this and a little bit of that! 😉 better know as 'pick and mix'. 😂
  18. I am honestly not certain. We do not go. I prefer salad with balsamic dressing, fish and chips and bread pudding. It's my first day initiation meal. I did hear someone ask about MDR lunch and they were told it closes at 1pm. So hearsay would have it open ok.
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