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Mr. Boston

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Everything posted by Mr. Boston

  1. Thanks for bringing us along with you. I will enjoy your adventures during the cold winter months.
  2. Good morning folks. Thank-you for the daily report, recipes and lists. Three nice days to observe. I installed new bird and suet feeders at my mom’s the other day and we’ve been enjoying watching the birds. Th quote is great advice. Think I will pass on the meal and drink suggestions today. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list today. Cheers to those celebrating happy events today!
  3. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists. I’m a little late as I’m getting a cold and I took Nyquil last evening before I went to bed. Seems like I’m vaccinated against everything but that! Nice collection of days to celebrate, since I have not followed pop music for years I’ll celebrate Tom Thumb Day. The meal suggestion sounds delicious but I’ll pass on the drink. The quote seems a little silly to be an actual quote. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for all on today’s prayer list. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events!
  4. Good morning everyone. Finally, a light dusting of snow overnight here in northern Michigan so that you can tell that it actually is Winter! The snow machines at Boyne Mountain have been working overtime the past few days trying to make up for the dismal holiday week. This is the perfect place to celebrate the festival of sleep with nothing but the deer and birds to interrupt your nap! I like the quote very much as well as the meal suggestion. I’d taste the drink but it’s probably not something that I would order in a bar or restaurant. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list today. Bon voyage to all of our world cruisers and cheers to those of you who are celebrating happy events! 🍾🥂🛳️
  5. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily updates. Enjoy your buffets I’ll be steering clear thank you very much. No time like today for motivation and inspiration being the new year and all. Funny saying by Rodney Dangerfield. The meal sounds very nice. Think I’ll pass on today’s drink. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for all on out prayer list today. Happy _______ to those celebrating happy events!
  6. Good morning everyone and Happy New Year! Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists. The house is very quiet this morning as we celebrated my sister Pat’s 60th birthday last night. I think some folks forgot what a night of whooping it up can lead to the next day! I really like the quote and the meal suggestion as a side dish. I’m going to pass on the drink as it sounds a little sweet for me. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list. Cheers to those of you celebrating happy events today and happy anniversary to @Cat in my lap! 🍾🥂🎉
  7. Good morning everyone on National Bacon Day. Thank-you for the daily update, recipes and lists. I like today’s quote a lot. Think I’ll pass on the meal and drink suggestions. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list today. Cheers to those of yoy celebrating happy events!
  8. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily updates. Good reason to call a friend today. The meal suggestion sounds very nice but I’ll probably skip the drink. As we’re visiting on the western end of the Eastern Time Zone and we live on the eastern end, the sun is coming up one hour later in the morning and setting one hour later with no time chance for us, I love it. We visited Dubrovnik in September and found it fascinating. Prayers for those on our prayer list today. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events!
  9. Good morning everyone from a gray, drizzly Northern Michigan. Thanks for the daily updates. I didn’t get to check in yesterday as we had an early flight and the day was taken up by visiting with my mom and siblings and their families. Sounds like a nice collection of days although since we’re currently on the edge of the woods with deer, bears, bobcats, coyote you name it, there will be no reason to visit a zoo. I like the quote. Will pass on the drink and meal suggestions today. We’ve been to today’s port but our photos are not digital. I do remember having a delicious nutmeg ice cream cone by the Carenage watching the kids get out of the various schools in their differing uniforms. Prayers for those on today’s prayer list. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events! We’re off to take my nieces shopping in Traverse City.
  10. Good afternoon everyone and Merry Christmas!🎄. Just a quick visit as today has turned into a blur. Mass at 8am followed by gift opening, breakfast, packing for our trip early tomorrow morning, dinner prep and finally a holiday beverage before dinner followed by cleaning up and making sure the house is closed up and then bed. It all sounded so plausible when we made or plans a couple of months ago! I hope everyone is having a nice day and are enjoying the holidays with friends and family.
  11. Here is a Polish custom of foretelling how wet or dry each month will be next year. On Christmas Eve separate twelve cups from a whole onion sliced lengthwise, each cup represents a month from the following year. Fill each section with salt and let sit overnight. The salt in each cup will absorb varying amounts of moisture, foretelling how rainy or dry the corresponding month will be.
  12. Good morning on a gray, mild Christmas Eve everyone. Thanks for today’s report. I’ll happily celebrate Christmas Eve and eggnog this afternoon at our niece’s home in York, ME. Happy Independence Day to Libya 🇱🇾. I like the quote although I’m not sure that I fully understand it. Pass on the meal suggestion for today, the drink sounds tasty though. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list today. Cheers to those of you who are celebrating happy events and happy birthday to @grapau27’s Sarah! Good luck to anyone doing their last minute shopping today!
  13. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists. A busy day planned with wrapping gifts and starting to pack for our Boxing Day flights to Traverse City, MI for a holiday visit with my mom. Too busy to watch holiday movies but I could find the time to eat a pfeffernusse with a cup of tea though. I’ll pass on the meal as we’ll be having a big lunch at the Stockyard later this afternoon. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for those on our prayer list and positive thoughts to those who need cheering up! Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today. Happy birthday to @kochleffel🍾
  14. Good morning from a sunny, cold (brrr 22F) Boston. Thanks for the daily updates. Nice collection of days, I’ll gladly celebrate cookie exchange day. Nice quote today. I think I’ll skip the meal and drink suggestions. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events today! I’m off to purchase my final gifts today and will begin wrapping later, let the games begin!
  15. Good morning everyone. Thanks for taking on the responsibility of the daily report @kazu, it’s very much appreciated. Here we are at the Winter Solstice the end of our slide into long nights. Prayers for the many of us who have a reason to celebrate Blue Christmas, hopefully we aren’t humbugs though. The quote is inspiring. Today’s meal sounds tasty but I think I’ll save the drink for Sunday. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for everyone on today’s prayer list. Cheers to those who are celebrating happy events! 🍾
  16. Good morning everyone. Thanks for the daily update, recipes and lists. A great day to celebrate caroling, sangria and the brave contributions made by Sacagawea to the Lewis and Clark expedition. I like the quote and think that it may be true. Think I’ll pass on the meal and drink suggestions. I haven’t been to today’s port. Prayers for everyone on our prayer list. Cheers to those celebrating happy events! Happy Wednesday all!
  17. If it’s any help, we had very little Fall color this year. When we flew through Montreal to Boston on 10/8/23 the trees were all still green, same in Boston. We took a 7 day cruise from Quebec City to Boston in late May, early June of 2013 and had very nice weather mostly with some typical Memorial Day overcast drizzly days.
  18. I wonder if there may be a typo in the ingredients listing; the directions call for stirring in the heavy cream and salt. In that case, the thick cream would actually be heavy cream.
  19. My labor this afternoon, my mom’s recipe for peanut butter crunch cookies. I’m too intimidated by the cutout cookies as my decorating skills are sloppy. I’m not even supposed to be eating these!
  20. Good morning everyone from a cooler and clearer Boston. Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists. Nice days to celebrate, ribbon candy, candy canes and those filled raspberry hard candies come to mind. This is the time of year that evergreens step to the plate and shine. Heroes and heroines are all around us and it’s nice that we celebrate them. What a hoot Phyllis Diller was, and missed. I’ll pass on the meal suggestion but the drink sounds refreshing. I haven’t been to today’s port but DH spent part of his college semester abroad there and loved it. Prayers for those on our prayer list today. Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today!
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