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Posts posted by irishayes

  1. Can anyone tell me what the ATM fees are on the ship, for withdrawing money? I'm debating whether I should bring cash with me , or just withdraw it as I needed on the ship? A little insecure about carrying a lot of cash with me.


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  2. Anyone currently on the Summit? Hearing there was a Noro outbreak on the sailing ending on December 24. Wondering about the current sailing, as we are scheduled to embark on January 7.


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  3. Does anyone recall whether they have seen Alpina watches being sold in any Caribbean Ports? My husband has had his eye on one and I'd like to surprise him, if I could find a good price on it.


    Sent from my SM-N915V using Tapatalk

  4. Does anyone recall whether they have seen Alpina watches being sold in any Caribbean Ports? My husband has had his eye on one and I'd like to surprise him, if I could find a good price on it.


    Sent from my SM-N915V using Tapatalk

  5. Does anyone recall whether they have seen Alpina watches being sold in any Caribbean Ports? My husband has had his eye on one and I'd like to surprise him, if I could find a good price on it.


    Sent from my SM-N915V using Tapatalk

  6. Yes, I've been there before a couple of times and I love it. Just wondering about taking a cab because it will be only my daughter and I, so concerned about safety.


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  7. I've seen you post these locations before. Do you have a vested interest in these two places? First of all, the link to Jacqui o's is not valid. Second, turners beach bar she's NOT attract hoards of cruise passengers.


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  8. No need to post "to share a taxi". Just take a shared shuttle minibus from the port, there will be many going there as it is a destination for the Cruise Herds and tours. Outside the port gate will be many taxi Captains touting for business. Ask for "Turners". If you do not wish to be part of a mass migration, there are better options.


    Just curious which beach(es) you would recommend over Turner's Beach Bar, and why?

  9. DD and I will be in Antigua for the day in early January. I want to take her to Turners Beach Bar for the day. I've posted on my roll call to invite others to join, but so far no interest.


    Do you think it is safe for my daughter and I to take a cab by ourselves to Turners?


    Sent from my SM-N915V using Tapatalk

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