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Posts posted by irishayes

  1. My daughter and I are arriving at about 3:30 on Friday night, January 6, and we would like to take a short (3 hour) Old San Juan or food tasting tour in the late afternoon/evening time period that night.


    Any suggestions?


    Also, i booked a night at the Acacia Boutique Hotel, but reading recent reviews I'm rethinking my choice. Could I please have suggestions for a moderately priced hotel in Old San Juan?


    Thank you!!

  2. We have been to Turners Beach twice, although the last time was in 2012. Both times we found a gradual entrance into the water, a sandy shoreline. I do not remember any great drop off. There were waves, as I remember my husband body surfing.


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  3. I too would like to know this as well. Hopefully we can get a response.


    What about Hawks Bill Beach?

    I'm sorry, I just saw this. I want to say it's about a 20-minute cab ride to Turner's Beach. We shared a cab with another couple and I don't think we paid more than $10 per couple each way. We arrange for the same cab to pick us up at the end of our day and take us back to the cruise port as well.


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  4. Very simple - tell the taxi driver 'Tony's on Dickenson Beach'. Ten minute drive. To get back, there are usually taxis waiting in the Antigua Village parking lot, just down the beach past Sandals. In fact, if you fancy a beach stroll, you could ask the driver to drop you at the Antigua Village lot and then walk along the beach past Sandals to Tony's. If you keep going, you go past Halcyon Cove (with the restaurant out on the pier) and the top end of Dickenson is dead quiet.


    You may want to search some of these posts re Valley Church beach. I seem to recall a suggestion that it gets crowded on cruise days, in part because some eatery is 'encouraging' taxi drivers to recommend the beach. I can't verify that. Look, most of the Antigua beaches are lovely. Dickenson is busy, Jolly is huge, Half Moon is completely deserted and there are no facilities whatsoever. Personally, I don't care if I never see it again but some people love it. Long Bay is a long way away. I'm partial to Turner's.

    My vote is for Turners, as well. .Best conch fritters every, Cold beer, and a oretty, secluded beach


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  5. I thought that was the problem as well, until I read the above post complaining about not being able to get a chair unless you get out there at 8 am, and the suggestion that everyone should be assigned a time they get to use a chair, to relieve the "pressure" since there are not enough chairs for everyone.


    Then it seems like others are begrudging those of us who get out by the pool early enough to get a seat by the pool and sit there all day.

  6. So then would Celebrity (or other cruise lines) offer a discount for the late bookers who don't get desirable chair times?


    My #1 favorite thing to do on sea days is sit by the pool and read a book. All. D**n. Day. I have no problem getting out by the pool early in the morning to place my butt in a chair. I really don't care if anyone thinks I'm a chair hog. I paid for one of those chairs, and I'm going to get my use out of it.

  7. Rude behaviour can be found everywhere. We were at an upscale resort in Puerto Vallarta this March. While I was dozing in my lounge chair, a woman came along and took all my belongings off the table and put them in my chair, then proceeded to take the table because *she* wanted it. I also observed this woman grab an extra chair pad for when hers got wet after swimming. Unbelievable behaviour.


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  8. I've heard the problem is "hours on end" and "5 minutes" of non use of a chair warrants losing them.


    What IS a reasonable amount of time to leave the chair vacant without the fear of losing it?


    I am one of those people who LOVES sitting by the pool ALL DAY LONG. I may leave my chair for several minutes to take a dip in the pool, or to go grab some food and bring it back to my chair. I don't want to have to worry about some overzealous chair police throwing my stuff off if I've been gone a few minutes longer than they think I should be.


    I would NEVER leave my stuff on a chair while I go do another activity. When I leave my chair, it is with the intent of coming back shortly.


    So what IS a reasonable amount of time to leave the chair vacant without losing it?

  9. On Summit it was tough to get a good pool chair for sure. You need to get up there early or forget about it. This is the best way. The people that do get a lounge chair, will keep them a very long time. We are talking about professional cruisers here. I give a suspicious, flip flop, book holding, towel covered, unoccupied chair, 5 minutes, before I will ask a pool attendant to observe, and then will move in. Touching other peoples things may cause a problem which I am not there for.


    5 Minutes? Really? So if I were to take a 10 minute dip in the pool while leaving my things on the chair, this would be "fair game" to you?


    I definitely agree with the chair hogs who save chairs and then go out of the pool area to do whatever it is they are doing except sitting by the pool. But if I leave my chair for a few minutes to take a dip in the pool, and find that someone has moved my stuff, yeah, I'm gonna be mad.

  10. It's the coffee that gets me. Especially when we have a drinks package, I get way too may espressos for my own good. Sadly, the desserts haven't been the same for me since the black and white cookies went away. But, that is probably a good thing. I can stick to the espresso.




    SAY IT AIN'T SO! Those black and white cookies were to DIE for!!!

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