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Posts posted by guitarest

  1. Welcome back yall. Just a little update with my issues with HUD, and ADA with the former apartments I used to live at. I spoke with HUD today and even though I originally accepted a offer I have pulled that off the table again. Its been over a month and the apartment complex which is part of a larger corp, did a few legal manovers over the month. Rather than get signatures and cut a check they desolved the former company and created a new company so that the upcoming punishment in regards to required training and other required items would not have to be completed since it is at least on paper a new company. HUD did not know this, so they are moving forward to complete this investigation of me being evicted because my service dog is a German Shepherd. I understand its not illegal to do what they did but it is very immoral. I have a appointment with lawyers at JAG in the morning to see what my legal rights really are. It took me forever to find that post from June/July that had the info on it. I finally located it and have been on the phone all day trying to get this issue resolved. My final remarks to HUD (their manager for Mississippi) was I feel as if we have forgotten that I am the victim here. From being a 100% DAV, the correct paperwork, loads of witnesses who backed me up and finally all the physical pain from the Vascular Ulcers and finally my newest medical issues with the better leg who now has Heel Spurs because I babied the left leg. All I can say is thank God for Blitz because without him life would be so much more difficult....

  2. Finished printing some pictures how did I leave cooler out....off to Target tomorow for antoher round of photos.


    Very cool, I just got finished with my last painting. Thats where I have been this past week. I have been in allot of pain lately with the legs since the weather is starting to switch into fall. So one of the things I enjoy doing in spurts is painting. What I need is the motivation to do the paintings. A buddy of mine is still in a real bad way since his wife had a serious motorcycle accident. She is no longer in the ICU; but still in the hospital. They live in Ohio and I am unsure if I will make it to some of the benefits although I wanted to help. Below are three examples of recent paintings I did for them.



    I love this painting, its something different for me.



    This was my first painting for them; and this fish lives in my 100gal saltwater tank.



    My least favorite since I am taking artistic liberty by adding really vibrant colors to this dinosaur. According to all the new research the male dinosaurs had huge colorful displays attracting females.

  3. Sunshine, if you decide to stay at an airport hotel just let me know which one and I'll come and get you on the way. Or, if you decide to stay at your friends and want me to get you there, that's fine too........Just let me know by Thursday. I drive a huge Expedition so there's lots of room for all of us and our "stuff!" You can call me at work or email me.


    Friday, I'll be in, "what did you say, I can't focus mode!!!!!" I'll be in the packing, packing, loading and more loading frame of mind. Morey's hips, knees and feet are really bothering him so I don't want to bug him too much with the paraphenalia......I'll just take a few trips to the car and, of course, Brenda will help!!!! :confused: :rolleyes:


    Roz your in LA, cool we will have to hook up. Two girls and two guys; I wonder what trouble we could get into..... lol My son's In-Laws live in LA and I hope to be out there real soon. I'm still waiting on a frigging check...

  4. Well its been a week and the Sea Robin eats from my hand but easily scares so here is a video of Flipper the Spade fish.




    Here is the Sea Robin a week after he entered the tank, out of all my babies he is the most special because of how long it took to acquire him and the special things and features he has...



  5. I love it when dogs do that! :D


    Wow! My first doberman could catch her tail... and it was cropped!


    Guitarest, I love your videos (and the videos you find)! BTW How is your friend's wife doing?


    They took her off life support last week and she is actually doing real good currently. On Friday she sat up in the bed and now the docs can address her secondary issues. The primary issue being the life support and had swelling of the blood upon the brain due to a broken blood vessel or something like that. The docs decided not to open her up to relieve the pressure from the swelling on the brain and it worked out for her. The secondary stuff like the broken collar bone and the superficial cuts and bruises have now been addressed. I am heading to Ohio in October to help Calvin with his wife. They are having a few benefits for the family and I am donating a few of my paintings to be sold at the local auction. I am donating the Catfish painting below and a few others.


    Speaking of what a weekend, I fished the entire weekend (dang near). I actually wore out Blitz. We were fishing from the harbor barrier and there was so much going on with kids, seagulls, bratty teenagers throwing huge stones and then jumping off the pier near where we were at. After we got home today, we went to Walmart and then came home; he has been sleeping since. Below are a few pictures from last night; these do not do justice to the actual view.







  6. Jocko, he is an amazing example of what lives in freedom in the water, he's so ugly he's gorgeous......let him go! You've limited his world.....set him free!


    I am a huge animal lover also and the flip side of this little fish is that they are killed by the majority of those who fish down here; so the limited area is exchanged for a longer life without BP oil and those who kill just because he is ugly. I have several fish tanks and this one is the 100gal and when the fish get too big they do get let go, in areas away from the normal fishermen. I recently let a few blue crabs go and the real big boy I wrote on his shell in perm marker "Please do not eat me I was a pet". Most of my fish in this tank (except for the new guy) have been in the tank for 2 years and were originally saved from the BP Oil spill. The other reason I can't or should not let these guys go is because of this right here




    These fish are very much humanized, and I very much respect your thoughts about the safety of these fish.

  7. While it is not in my position to question the big man upstairs some times you have to say "*****". Point in fact to this thread; I have been looking for this fish for two years in its normal hiding place with no luck. Yesterday I decided to go fishing for the hell of it and the first cast I pulled in this freak. So what do ya do? It took me about ten minutes to offload all my gear, icebox, poles, nets and chair; do I let him go or load back up and bring him home. Its early in the day and no one is around so I dropped my buddy into a 5gal bucket and turn on the air pump. Load all my crap up drove home did the fastest normalization of tank water vs sea water and bam a new tank member. I drove back to the fishing spot, when I left no one was there, I get back and the entire town in fishing in my location.... I use barbless hooks so the fish that I don't keep have a small hole vs ripping out half their jaw. This morning his sore from the hook is close to completely gone and he ate two complete shrimp, head and all.


    So back to the fish, he is called a Sea Robin. The big man upstairs must have had some spare parts and decided to be funny that day. This guy has 6 legs that he actually uses to walk along the bottom. Then the big guy gave them huge fins that he uses to fly in the water. Look at that face he has a huge shovel head for doing nothing but digging and then the big guy gives him a Raccoon mask. Yup a freak of nature, and a cool addition to my 100gal tank.


    Some cool stuff, heading out today going fishing again since last weekend I thought about changing my name to Noah......



  8. Hey guys here is another creative side of me besides playing guitar. A little back ground first, I have been involved in painting items since I can remember. From building models in the 5th grade, to my year book doing a 1/2 page on my model building in my Jr year (it must have been a slow year for my school, lol). I have also done ceramics for years and purchase those pottery figurines at Michael's like the Santa's and painting them and giving them as presents. When I had a accident almost 3 years ago and injured my left knee again. It was during that time period while I was laid up I spent allot of cash for supplies and I got into acrylic painting. I have painted a few things, yet this is my first somewhat realistic living thing. This is supposed to be my catfish in my 100gal saltwater aquarium.


    Only back ground and light line for fish



    Start shading



    Fish basically finished



    Finished painting, just need to seal it and sign back.


  9. A few pictures taken during a break in the rain, I ran down to the beach with Blitz. I don't know if he went there to prove how brave he was; or maybe he went to the beach to keep me from being stupid. Damn I just realized his head looks so fricking big and his body so small in this picture. Kinda funny actually.




    This reminds me of a sitcom about a 3 hour tour...... lol




    Blitz comes face to face with his kryptonite, ducks..... The weather doesn't scare them so a 86lb furry chicken with 4 legs is nothing to them.




    This is in Long Beach Harbor, under the water is three piers and three boat ramps. The tops of those poles are approx 7 foot about a normal tide from the top of the water to the top of the poles. This is a example of the tidal surge and high tide at the same time.





  10. Alright this storm just has to go, its surely screwing my sleep schedule for sure. So I am unsure what woke me this morning, I have been up for a hour so far. The NOAA has us under all types of warnings and weather alerts. There have been 5 tornado's detected on doppler radar in a hour with the squaw that just came a shore in my area. So far all the tornado's have been just west of me, and they can stay that way.

  11. That's very funny! We had a pretty bad wild fire here in a suburb of L.A. [near the high desert] - They could have used some of that rain. The saddest part was that some sheep and cows who were penned-up and couldn't run away were killed in the fire.....it was so sad to watch as the fireman tried to drop retardent from a plane......I couldn't watch. Too sad!!!!


    Ever since Brenda has come into my life I can't watch any animal shows, where they show the "food chain" and you see animals being killed......I'm ultra sensitive to it now!!!!!


    I agree, while I in no way support Peta and their tactics which many times borders on illegal activities IMO. I am a card carrying red meat eating individual and I hope that the meat I consume was dispatched in a humane way. What gets me is watching things on animal planet and seeing what individual people do to their own pets, IMO there is a special place in he11 for those people. Allowing the pets in their care to starve to death or get eaten alive by internal or external bugs and or parasites. Blitz isn't doing well this week and the vet thinks its just stress because I am very stressed with Tonya in the ICU and my daughter not willing to watch my other pets (which one was her's) while I went to Ohio to visit my brother in arms and his wife. When she told me no you could not have hit me with a hammer and gotten a more painful blow to me. I needed her help last weekend to recover some of my property at a friends house and I gave her a specfic time and we had to arrive at that time or John (my friend) had other things he had to do. Not only was my daughter late by 30 minutes, she didn't call me or return my calls or text messages. When she got home she was surprised that I blew up, yet its more and more of her being disrespectful and not caring. If my legs worked like they did 6 years ago I would have never asked her, after the fight she had the "balls" to demand a apology. She didn't get a apology and could not understand why I was mad; especially since it was just 30 minutes late. I know Blitz was very stressed by that situation; it was the first time he ever heard me get angry and yell. Now this storm so he picks up on emotions.


    My point before I got on the soapbox was when Blitz or any of my babies acts even closely to being sick they are at the vet. My babies get the best food I can afford and the best food without all the advertising hype. While I was at Walmart yesterday getting a few forgotten supplies, I ended up in the treat section and usually let Blitz pick something. A woman came up and was giving away free samples of those dog teeth cleaning bones (name escapes me but not the mint ones) and she also had coupons for dog food.I gave back the dog food coupons yet kept the samples and coupons for the teeth cleaning bones. She looked at Blitz's teeth and asked how his tetth are so white and i gotta stop telling people I let him chew on children, lol. I told her I did use her product; and Kongs also help with the cleaning teeth. Then she used Blitz as a example for some people in the store; I tell ya he is a hella ambassator for his breed for sure.


    Like I was saying there is a special place in he11 for those who abuse one of the only things in their pittiful lives who will give them complete unconditional love.

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