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Posts posted by guitarest

  1. My "countdown clock" actually says 3 weeks and 6 days.......That is so cool!!!!!!


    I don't know how I'm going to drive to CCI.....I'm so excited now, can you imagine me in 3 weeks? I had no idea what to expect when I drove up 9 years ago to attend Team Training. Now I know what it's all about and receiving a new partner in the end is just so overwhelmingly fantastic!


    I hear that song playing in my head, remember it was a pretty decent hit in the 70's (for those of us who remember). I think it was called Anticipation



  2. I figured she was full of crapola also but wanted to get feedback from here since I do not know it all. Now the Ex is fully convinced I do know it all yet I would never admit to her that I don't.


    Yall did touch on something about bragging about your SD's; I am all about bragging about Blitz. If you go to my facebook page I have more pics of Blitz than my own children... lol OBTW my facebook s



  3. OK question for the experts here, I had another thing happen to me in my travles and basically I called it BS. While I didn't tell the woman myself I felt she was not only full of it.


    Basically this woman had three small dogs oone was a Yorkie, and the other two were around that size and all three sported new "Servicedog" vests. I found it just not of the normal situation. I started a conversation with her and she was immediately defensive about her dogs. My comment was "Wow three service dogs", and she replied "The ADA says you can have servicedogs if your handicap". I agreed and while I was standing there one of the dogs started growling at Blitz, which would be understandable if these were normal dogs. Service animals are supposed to have much more training especially when it comes to socialization. I just out of habit mentioned its OK Blitz has had allot of training and jokingly told her the Yorkie could beat Blitz's butt. So I mentioned to her it it was very unusual to have three dogs with only one master; what is the reason. Then she said you can't ask me what my disability is. I said OK I'm not trying to be rude just wanted to know the reason. So then I did ask her "What exactly does these dogs do for you" she again said I can't ask that question. I pointed to Blitz and he has a ID which is like any ID that can be purchased on line (I also carry my perscription with me just in case I need it) and on the back of his ID card is a brief of the ADA and showed her that two questions can be asked and one of those is "What service does the service animal do for you". Her reply could have been a situation like knocking me over with a feather. According to her all three dogs were "Hearing dogs". I jokingly said "Really 3, what does one hear and tell the other and tell the other and the Yorkie tell you"? Buy then she as very nervous and also jittery and her voice was starting to have a edge on it as if I was annoying her. I told her thank you and good luck.


    So I personally think she was full of 100% Grade A BS; although I am not a expert in this field and this is why I am asking you the experts. Can any one think of a valid reason to have 3 hearing dogs; all were a few years old and none appeared to have too much training. I know those dogs are trained to assist a individual who is hard of hearing although I did not see any hearing aids and she heard everything I said. Since our conversation was personal my tone and volume was lower than if it was just a casual conversation.


    Any ideas? Could I be wrong?


    Hey shift in gears; are all the members who live in the CT area have power now? It looks like those in Ok will be having another rough day with rain finally. That storm front goes up to the U.P of Michigan and will turn to snow.


    OK I'm finished heading out to vote this morning. Not really too concerned about the offices open heading out to Vote against 26. Way too many rights being taken away from women including most forms of birth control.


    C Yall Ltr....


    This is a very pretty photo of Blitz's sister



    I always have a soft spot in my heart with lil German Shepherd puppies signaling for that right turn...... lol



    This is a beautiful picture of Dia this past weekend.

  4. OH they had a blast this weekend; since Friday afternoon nothing but playing catch, learning new tricks, car rides, and sharing love between each other. At night my daughter sleeps in her old room and closes the door so Dia can't leave. I wake up around 6:30 and let her out and thats when the day starts. I have to let them out separately if not Dia will not go to bathroom.


    I also experienced what its like to have a lapdog of Dias size and it was great. Dont get me wrong Blitz is the stuff; very smart and loving and except for the almost 20lbs more they are identical. Those few extra pounds mean allot when Blitz is laying on your lap and that elbow causes your leg to go to sleep or sharp pains.


    Well after Julie leftwith Dia Blitz laid next to the kitchen door for about 2 hours hoping they would return. I felt sad for him; so I gave him and his brothers a large chew bone treat.


    Hope everyone had a great weekend I sure did with my daughter stopping by.

  5. Doesn't that drive you nuts [was Bltiz with you?] It's been a long time since I've seen an ill-behaved Service Dog in public. But, if I did I wouldn't hesitate to comment to the person that their dog is acting inappropriately and I'd even request that the manager have them removed.


    It's okay for the public [and, that includes you] to request that a poorly behaving SD be removed from the public venue. Quite frankly, I prefer it!!!! They just make it more difficult for the rest of us, who legitimately train their dogs to act with great respect for the public.


    It's really important that we "call" the imposter out!!!!


    Blitz actually stayed home with his adopted sister Dia. My daughter came down and both Blitz and Dia were fired up so we left them at home to play with each other. We came home to happy pups and I had also gave them rawhides that I just purchased. Blitz laid with my daughter on the couch and Dia laid on me on my Lazyboy. She is smaller than Blitz and is about 15lbs lighter. Both dogs are great pups and its really nice to have German Shepherds that listen to both of us. Blitz and Dia are equally as well behaived and tomorrow (depending on my right leg which is on fire right now) is the world championship Frizbee Catch Off between Blitz and Dia. I will post pictures later in the day. Hope all have a great weekend and I do pray for those still without power will soon have power.




    Blitz is in the front and Dia is the smaller pup. To put things in perspective, Dia is 60lbs in this picture and Blitz is 89lbs

  6. Doesn't that drive you nuts [was Bltiz with you?] It's been a long time since I've seen an ill-behaved Service Dog in public. But, if I did I wouldn't hesitate to comment to the person that their dog is acting inappropriately and I'd even request that the manager have them removed.


    It's okay for the public [and, that includes you] to request that a poorly behaving SD be removed from the public venue. Quite frankly, I prefer it!!!! They just make it more difficult for the rest of us, who legitimately train their dogs to act with great respect for the public.


    It's really important that we "call" the imposter out!!!!


    Blitz actually stayed home with his adopted sister Dia. My daughter came down and both Blitz and Dia were fired up so we left them at home to play with each other. We came home to happy pups and I had also gave them rawhides that I just purchased. Blitz laid with my daughter on the couch and Dia laid on me on my Lazyboy. She is smaller than Blitz and is about 15lbs lighter. Both dogs are great pups and its really nice to have German Shepherds that listen to both of us. Blitz and Dia are equally as well behaived and tomorrow (depending on my right leg which is on fire right now) is the world championship Frizbee Catch Off between Blitz and Dia. I will post pictures later in the day. Hope all have a great weekend and I do pray for those still without power will soon have power.

  7. I got really mad earlier today and it took my daughter to chill me out. We went to Hard Rock to celebrate my B-Day with the free buffet yet she somehow talked me into buying her dinner. Gotta stop doing that... lol Any ways we finished dinner strolled over to the giftshop and there was a woman with what must have been the most misbehaved service dog I have ever seen. NO way this animal was even a self taught service animal it was uncontrolled; running out as far as the retractable leash would let it go. Wrapped around the person walking the dog. Something like this dog does others so much misjustice in the eyes of the public. It even looked like the yorkie was going to pee on the floor and would have if the woman would not have jerked on the leash and picked up the dog. I was going to speak with them yet my daughter told me to leave it alone and its not worth it.


    So what would have yall done?

  8. Cindy, we're watching the news and seeing the horrible weather that's coming through the East. It's way too early for this kind of snow. I hope your Mom does okay through it.


    I agree,I thought about wearing a flannel shirt today while going to the VA for my monthly doctor appointments. Its a good thing I did; it was like 70 degrees today outside and it must have been 60 degrees in the hospital. They will not turn the heat on in the hospital until spring..... lol

  9. What is comfortus?


    Its a oral anti flea pill; I refuse to use the dots on the shoulders on my pets. The oral pills allow for a few extra days before actually needing to renew since its in the body. The only drawback is with pregnant females cant use this form of anti flea medicine. I had serious flea issues right after Katrina and nothing even a dip would take care of the fleas. They always came back and got into the new place since our place was destroyed. We faught back with Program and Comfortis and its been since Katrina and my babies have been flea free.

  10. So, first of all...Cindy and John (and Wex), Roz, so excited about Mr. or Ms Successor, Cindy and John,and Karen


    Hows that for a quote, ehhhh pretty dang creative. Yeah thats me; Mr Creative..... lol


    OK silly part finished. I really hate one thing about this forum we are all here because someone in your family or yourself needs the assistance of a 4 legged animal to have the same quality of life. With that said that means some of us are sick or have some sort of ailment that causes physical or emotional scars on our daily routines. With this comes normal reports from each other about our health or spouses health. I do hate this aspect of this forum that has brought us together. Although without those annoying defects in our bodies I would have never been blessed with this meeting this wonderful group who I can say very proudly I know ya really get me since you feel the same pain I feel every day.


    With that said I do hope that with research and passing of time we will all one day be in a situation were we are no longer disabled or one day it just will no longer actually matter.

  11. Jocko: When my Renie Boy was a youngster, we always told to pick his toys up, out in the yard. He would run get one and put in the box. It was so cute. Now our Jezzy Lou does the same in the house. Hers is mostly like yours, taking them out of the basket as mommy puts them in to vacuum........It must be a dawg thing!


    Fer sure and here I thought it was a southern dawg thang..... lol

  12. Nancy, I'm afraid too!!!! You know I'm not going to be able to look any dog in the eyes and not want to take it home with me!!!! I'm going to have to use a lot of restraint!!!!!!!


    Save the emotions until you know for sure, have to remember that while we really would like our 4 legged friends to have the same emotions they do not. Save the love until you know for sure. OK I'll shut up now.

  13. Nancy, I'm afraid too!!!! You know I'm not going to be able to look any dog in the eyes and not want to take it home with me!!!! I'm going to have to use a lot of restraint!!!!!!!


    Nancy, there's no excuse in the world for a Grandparent to ignore a Granchild....NONE!!!!! I truly disliked my youngest daughter's first husband but that wasn't going to stop me from seeing my sweet, adorable and very first Grandson. He couldn't threaten me with an Uzi to keep me away!!!!!!!! But, that said, everyone's different and, today, I actually like the man...[loose term!]


    You want my mothers phone number, maybe you can talk some sense into the woman.... lol

  14. Well Simonds is here and he's a cutie. So far he's taken half the toys out of the toy box and my living room looks like a disaster area! :eek: He reminds me alot of my Rangeley. Here's a couple pics.


    One trick I have in this family and I swear I don't know how they learned it but I am not going to question it either. I have a huge plastic box that you can get at Walmart. The puppies at my house sometimes will pick up their own toys and place them back in the box. Not aways and the one time they do work against me is when I am cleaning. I put one toy in the box and the dogs remove one each so they are three times faster at removing than I am at replacing. Although I love those rare times when they assist in picking up their own toys....

  15. Big Kudo's to Travis on getting on the honor roll! That's a huge acheivement......please give him a big hug and licks from Roz & Brenny.


    Sorry about the "absentee" Grandparents.....I will never understand folks who refuse to acknowledge their children. Travis deserves better. He's got you and all your love and pride for him. ;)


    I agree and thats exactly how it is still in my family. I have great children but because the folks never liked my EX they refuse to accept my children just because of their mother and I being married. The first time they met my children was before my son went to Faluga Iraq in his first tour with the Marines. They havent seen or expressed any wanting to see them again. Bunch of jerks if you ask me, geeez I hate drama. I'll be 50 soon and I still have issues with mommy and daddy....... lol

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