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Posts posted by guitarest

  1. Roz: I am here. I try and at least read all the posts, everyday. I am not sure if it is our computer or our service but internet explorer keeps shutting down on us. I just lost a post I was in the middle of. Anyway, since mom has been home from the hospital, she is virtually bedridden. She won't even try and stand up. So, she cannot get to the bathroom, thus DEPENDS and depending on me to change them! :eek: Not a big deal except I cannot lift her to get the new ones on or the old ones off for that matter. We have gotten into a "rolling" routine! Nuff said.


    I am so excited about Sunday. I can't believe it is already here! I remember when we were saying 2 months would be a long time. It is going to be a very LONG week for us, waiting to here the gender and breed and of course the name of your new baby! :)


    Sorry about your mother, the wait will be real short for the puppy. As for the PC if you do not have antivirus go to Microsoft and download their Anti Virus/Malware program. Its the stuff and its free. It gets rated better than most that have to be purchased. I have switched many of my friends PC's to this program and have had it on my machines for two years now..



  2. OK its bragging time again..... I belong to the Patriot Guard and this great organization escorts former military members from the funeral home to their final resting place. Since I cant do bikes or motorcycles it works out great; the flags can go in the trunk of the car. We arrived about a hour before the family and Blitz was very proper during this time period. There were 25 to 30 motorcycles and most were loud Harleys. Then out at the Biloxi National Cemetery the US Navy provided a detail that included a Color Guard and a Drill Team that performed a 21 gun salute with 7 members X 3 shots each. I could have never been so proud of Blitz. He sat next to me with while I did my hand salutes, he did not make a noise at all when all the motorcycles started up. Finally when the 21 gun salute happened Blitz did not shutter or cause any problems at all.


    I know I am new at this point in my life having a helper like Blitz; I was super nervous when I saw the weapons yet he was a trooper and did me so proud. Finally after the service the family members came over to say thank you and many also thanked Blitz and had no idea he was even there. We have been home about a hour now and currently he is sleeping next to my window running in his sleep. Poor tired puppy.....


    I know the items above are things that service animals are supposed to deal with on a normal basis, noise and distractions. But like it was said earlier its a amazing thing to see a dog like Blitz who I have pour so much training into him actually shine in a time when perfection is demanded due to the situation.

  3. In Los Angeles, I had to provide a letter from CCI along with the city's request for payment of her city dog tags and I received her license. On the license registration it states that she is a Service Dog.


    Really in LA yall have city dog tags, cool. So what about people who do not go through a agency and have a self trained service animal? What documents then? Prescription, any animal certifications like star puppy, K9 G C? Letter from dog trainer? From just these few responses I can now see how the Service Dog program can be so abused. When I ordered Blitz's ID Card I was told no proof was needed to get the ID. When I ordered his vest no one requested any paperwork since I spoke with the company on the phone. So now I understand how people who are not disabled can actually get away with purchasing items that should be limited to those who are truly disabled.

  4. All male CCI dogs are taught to squat and not lift their legs.


    Thats why Blitz is being taught to do this. Actually its rather simple with Blitz. I take him out to go to bathroom and keep him away from trees and he squats so the training is rather simple so far. The bad part is the other two males here; if they could I know they are laughing at poor Blitz and making fun of him.... lol

  5. Wait...


    In all honesty where can you register a dog as a service animal. The reason I am asking is while the VA gave me the paperwork and its in my records. Harrison County has posted signs about no dogs on the beaches so I contacted the Board of Supervisors and asked the process to allow Blitz come on the beach and assist me on the uneven surface. They asked for supporting documentation which I provided and now he is documented in South Mississippi at least as a service animal should we be asked why he is on the beach. I can't go there too often since it hurts my legs and my knee is unstable. Now I know there are rip off websites that provide certifications for service animals and I know their paperwork is as legal as those who purchase vests for their dog so is doesn't have to stay at home while the family is out.


    Just wondering

  6. I don't know about that lady from SF this is how it happened with Blitz. My ability to walk is slowly going away thus carrying items is more difficult as it getting items so I discussed this with my health care provider at the VA. He offered the idea and the following month I came back and agreed with his suggestion. Not long after that I received a VA Prescription for a service animal and it mentions the disability qualifiers on it. I know different docs and agencies do things differently. I did contact a few agencies and even today I feel like I would be taking a trained service animal away from someone more needy than I am. Yes I need help walking especially since the heel spurs on the good leg. So after some research I decided to go to a local breeder who offered a male sable puppy at less than half price. Blitz's mom and dad are from Germany directly and Blitz was born in Louisiana. The breeder has been a huge helping hand in Blitz with his training since this woman is no stranger to German Shepherds since she trains K-9's for local PD. Yes there is a huge difference from Attack to Assist and the breeder is very understanding and more than willing to help Blitz and I on this journey.


    As far as Blitz and his reaction to other animals or dogs, even with snappy little toy dogs with attitudes Blitz will notice those little bark-allots yet has no reaction to those ankle bitters. I understand most here have fantastic puppy's who are really trained and work so well with the mommy and daddy's who post here and I consider my friends now. Blitz is not on that level yet when it comes to training; although he is the most trained dog I have ever had and we have only started our journey together. There is a huge connection between him and I. One very proud moment I have with Blitz is the reaction between Blitz and their reaction to him. So far nothing but positive comments about his being helpful to me, his reaction to others. This past weekend we did the Wounded Warrior walk (I couldn't finish). The sky is the limit when it comes to Blitz and his training.


    I am a member of the Patriot Guard, which is a group of individuals who escort falling soldiers or those who passed away after their military service is complete. They called and asked up tonight to do our first escort of a fallen Navy Service Member. It works out really well for Blitz and I since I cant ride motorcycles due to my disability. We will have the most important job of all, we will escort the flags during the funeral. I asked them again to make sure its OK for Blitz to come and they Welcomed US as a team.


    I know he is a special animal and just getting out is way easier for me since Blitz came in my life. From the physical to the mental disabilities he has helped me beyond even my wildest dreams. This is the most important reason why I have helped with setting up a new agency in S Mississippi called "SAV".


    What a great agency, it provides emotional support dogs for those Veterans who suffer from PTSD. If you know veterans in your local area give the home office a email (or send a PM to me) and who knows maybe we can help those individuals.


    OK book finished.....

  7. Well guys just got back from the VA ER, I over stressed my heel spurs on Saturday. I went to the Combat Wounded Warrior of Mississippi Walk and while I did not finish the walk (just couldn't) the heel was injured again. Even if I had the ability I couldn't do the walk since everyone had to meet me and talk about Blitz.


    On Friday I added the decals on the car (real fancy by a real printing company) that says Jocko and Pilot on one side and Blitz and Co-Pilot on the passenger side. OMG all the people who slow down and notice Blitz now I would dare to say its comical. Had one family lower their window and started saying hello to Blitz by name.I was scratching my head trying to figure out how they knew his name; then I remembered the decals. DUH......

  8. Laura the comments about the cruise ship and the urination training was not trying to make you defend yourself. Many of us have service animals with different degrees of training. To do a cruise your animal has to be very clean even thought it might be considered a service animal in SF there are still standards that have to be upheld. A dog marking the ship could be something that would cause a concern and may make it difficult for others with service animals. Blitz is recognized as a Service Animal by the VA, and the State of Mississippi although he also needs more training in the bathroom department and working with that 3X3 box.... Although proudly I can say he doesn't mark his area..


    What happened to the edit button? Small typo in my comment, sorry. Its fixed here.

  9. Laura the comments about the cruise ship and the urination training was not trying to make you defend yourself. Many of us have service animals with different degrees of training. To do a cruise your animal has to be very clean even thought it might be considered a service animal in SF there are still standards that have to be upheld. A dog marking the ship would not be something that could cause a concern and make it difficult for others with service animals. Blitz is recognized as a Service Animal by the VA, and the State of Mississippi although he also needs more training in the bathroom department and working with that 3X3 box.... Although proudly I can say he doesn't mark his area..

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