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Everything posted by drron29

  1. drron29

    Crew Fund

    We as miserable Aussie tippers do both. Our butler and room attendant are given a tip and we also donate to the crew fund. We take an envelope down to reception after we board. In pre covid days those who donated to the crew fund had names plus photos up on the crew noyice board. Told this by several crew and over the years several have thanked us in person. But it is just our choice and no one is forced to donate to the crew fund. In fact a great number of guests on any cruise have no knowledge that it exists. Basically it is spread by word of mouth. In our case we were told by a lady known here as Duct Tape.
  2. More views from the Moon. Slipped to third at trivia but won at golf so a good day.
  3. Then lunch at Kaiseki. They had a new member of the team from Thailand. She was pleased that I recognised she had a Thai name. I had sashimt followed by a beef bowl. Rojaan wasn't feeling hungry and had a California roll and salmon sashimi followed by coconut ice cream.
  4. The last of the walk. When I got back refueling was about to take place.
  5. One of our favourite restaurants in Bangkok is Nara but ut is Thai food.
  6. I was now on one of the main streets which led back to the port. Let me tell you that the traffic here in Naples is crazier than I have seen elsewhere in Itally. You are not safe even on a Pedestrian crossing with a green walk sign. The motor cyclists will still come through. On one intersection a light truck came roaring around an intersection as I was about to step onto the crossing. Fortunately I saw him in time. But if something had happened he was prepared for on the back of the truck was a coffin. Back again to the buildings.
  7. And I have had the Anderson Valley Pinot in the last few days on the Moon. Tasmania is now producing some excellent Pinot Noirs and Sauvignon blancs. However they are a bit more in price than those from the mainland and NZ. In Launceston, Tasmania they have a Pinot Noir shop where I was to be seen quite often.
  8. In these small streets I did find a couple of the recommended pizza places but they were still closed or had a crowd of people so I kept going. Every second restaurant was selling pizza but you couldn't see a pizza oven which you could in the recommended places. They all looked the same so with apologies to Malvina Reynolds and others wo sang this song. Little boxes, little boxes And they all had a piece of pizza and they all looked just the same. I just couldn't help having that song go through my head forc some time afterwards. But back to boring old buildings.
  9. Even in these narrow streets you had to watch out for cars and the motor cyclists are dangerous.
  10. And some traditional Italian dancing. Well maybe not the Flamenco.
  11. Looks more like a quiche than a pizza. And now in the Piazza de Gesu.
  12. A little further on the street turned into a cheap market. Getting into the old city with some very narrow streets.
  13. And across the next street a Private eye. Now back to the main square.
  14. The Theatre. \ Across the street a magnificent old enclosed shopping centre.
  15. After breakfast I set out to walk around the City. It was a very nice walk. Cool so great weather for walking. A fort at the gates. Walked up the main plaza. Then headed for the old theatre.
  16. The Italian Navy was coming to check us out. It backed in right past our cabin. Joining it's little brother. More port views.
  17. The next morning we were moored in Naples. The Capri armada was preparing the day's mission. There was a Costa ship anchored off the port. About 0900 it sailed away. Lots of ferries.
  18. Atlantide again. Rojaan's wine which she liked. I had one of the Italian reds I have had before on the cruise. We both started with the asparagus and then we both had the lime marinated scallops. Perfect. We also had the raspberry dessert from the day's menu. Probably the best dessert we have had on Silversea. And some petite fours from the Arts Cafe.
  19. And as an Australian wine drinker I have heard of all the Australian and NZ wines on board and many of the South African and Chilean wines as well but hardly any of the Northern Hemisphere brands. And our wines under $20 US can be great value. Nine Aussie wines under $US 20 won awards at a recent European awards show - Mundus Vini. Maybe you should just try a few. Quite frankly I prefer Aussie wines to US wines even though my godson won US awards for his reds made in Sonoma. He is now setting up his own label on the East Coast.
  20. But I had 2 holes in one today and won at the putting. So can't be too naughty.. Besides I didn't even bring a pair of jeans.
  21. It was just one finger not a whole hand.😀🤣
  22. Back on the ship and lunch. Rojaan wasn't hungry and just had the Eton mess whilst I had a hamburger. A large trawler had come in. Around 5pm a number of trawlers returned to port followed by flocks of seagulls.
  23. I had been completely lost as the streets were narrow and inding. But I picked a street to go down and it came out at the shuttle bus stop so back to the ship I went. The only passenger on the bus. A couple waved the driver down but they were from the Oceania Sirena so not allowed on. Past the fishing port with lots of stored nets.
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