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    Yonkers, New York
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    Books, rock and roll music and cruising
  • Favorite Cruise Line(s)
    Holland America past cruises include QM2 2006 , Eurodam Northern Europe 2008 Veendam Bermuda 2010
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  1. Good morning. It is a nice day today with sunshine and lower humidity only going to 80. i am ready to hitch a ride on a UFO for many reasons. These are good days to celebrate and I can’t quite get the quote. Perhaps more coffee is required.Grilled fish for dinner would be nice but I lack enthusiasm to travel to the fish store. My DSIL is leaving on July 4 for a nine day cruise with her family out of Miami. The youngest traveler just turned three(Camilla) and there will be a total of nine. I will have to check the itinerary but I sure would not want to be on a cruise ship with a storm of Beryls magnitude.Scary stuff. I am thinking this morning about Annie and Chuck as well as all our other Dailyites having issues. Take care everyone.
  2. Joy, I am so sorry to hear this. Praying for her and everyone involved in her care
  3. @ottahand7, Nancy, I was hesitant to say anything before but now agree that your brother needs a very squeaky wheel. And an infectious disease specialist to consult with. I unfortunately had many patients with infections of their joint replacements and it was never easy or simple. Sometimes it was related to a host of other medical issues and so much harder to treat. I can’t imagine the pain he must be in and send prayers to all involved. Sorry if I overstepped.
  4. Good morning. It is beautiful here with a breeze and low humidity. Yesterday the storms were a tad scary but the power held. Happy Canada Day to our friends in the North ! I have not been to Japan and look forward to photos. The slaw recipes all look good but I am going to try the third one for our July 4 cookout. Thank you, as always, Debbie @dfish. @marshhawk, Annie, I hope you are able to get a word in with the doc or PA regarding your DH. @Cruzin Terri, If the tear is not repaired it is certainly very painful for a while and I am sorry that you are going through this. I hope it improves soon. @Nickelpenny, Pennie, how is your surgical scar now? I marvel at your ability to tolerate high temperatures . @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, sorry to read that your DH has the cold now. I am glad you are mostly better. Enjoy the day everyone!
  5. Good morning. It is awfully humid and we are expecting the dreaded severe storms this afternoon. I spoke to the dogs about going on a shorter walk today and they seemed to agree.Nobody is moving much here. I will celebrate the extra second available and those who have a Parliamentary form of government. I agree with Debbie @dfish, thatI prefer plain lobster and that lovely butter. It is obscenely expensive now and has not been purchased recently. I love avocados too but they have been expensive as well. I have not been to the port but thank Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the pictures. @marshhawk, Thanks for the pictures of the kittens and their new friends. @cat shepard, Ann, I have often been tempted to jump in a pool with my clothes on! Humidity is the worst. Take care today everyone.
  6. @cat shepard, Ann, I just looked up an eggplant florentine recipe that will be easy to put together. Thanks for the inspiration!
  7. Good morning. It is cloudy and 68 going up to 80. The humidity is back. Sorry, no celebration of mud here. Scleroderma is a really challenging disease with many complications. I have not been to the port and would love the soup. I have enjoyed Star Trek and all the various movies and television series for many years now. @ottahand7, Nancy, I am so sorry to read of your DB’s ongoing issues with his infected knee. I hope the rehab facility is on top of it. It has to be hard to be so far away and get reports from the family. @Nickelpenny, Pennie, I was so sorry to read about your surgical site opening. I hope things are a little better each day. It is so hard for very active people to do less.Hang in there! I am contemplating dinner ideas.The teenagers work on Friday and Saturday nights at one of the bigger restaurants nearby so we have a smaller group to feed. So far I am uninspired and will try to find a recipe for something different that everyone will enjoy. Tana is not really eating much but she still tries valiantly.
  8. Good morning. It is a beautiful 63 degrees and sunny and will only reach 78 or so. The clean up of trees and tree branches continues in the neighborhood. I saw a total of four different tree removal trucks in the usual path I take through the neighborhood yesterday and the wood chipper machines were going strong. As Maureen said yesterday @RMLincoln, the damage from the storm was much worse further north of us. My brother lost power in CT and it is still not fixed. At least it will be pleasant today! I get alarmed by all caps and will not celebrate them. Lightning safety and logistics are very important. Unfortunately I had quite a few patients over the years that were hit by lightning with terrible burns afterwards. I have not been to Brazil except in my daydreams and will consider the recipe as it sounds interesting. i made both chicken and eggplant parm yesterday and have enough for a repeat performance tonight. Hooray for leftovers! We were awakened last night by the oxygen concentrator not working. I am waiting for the oxygen company to bring the replacement. Thank goodness for back up tanks. Tana called this machine Hal in honor of 2001 and will have to come up with a new name for the next one. These machines work hard so I guess they are allowed to abruptly stop. It always seems to be in the dead of night. @Vict0riann, Ann, I was so happy to read you were home and making pizza! I hope your recovery is swift. Have a great day everyone.
  9. Good morning. We had a whopper of a storm last night. There are trees down in the neighbor but the power held throughout.It felt as if the lightning bolts were landing all around the house. Of course, like Vanessa, we got the tornado alarm from the phone but our area was spared. We could not go to the basement so we huddled in one room trying to keep the dogs and our patient calm. Apparently today will be a beautiful day with low humidity. I will take it. I have been to Aarhus and found it to be a beautiful and very walkable place. I guess I will celebrate the days. The creamy spinach sounds good to me and I like the quote. @cat shepard, Ann, yes, the food was enjoyed last night with a small portion! Today we are making eggplant parm. Tana and I decided that in our last lives we might have been Italian as that is our go to food choice. @Vict0riann, prayers for you and your surgical team today. @kazu, Jacqui, sending hugs and prayers. I am sorry that the chiropractor could not help. I hope the vascular surgeon can improve the situation. @Mr. Boston, sorry DH is unwell but Ihope the move goes well today and tomorrow. @marshhawk, Annie, oh my on your boss. I think you have incredible patience and you are very good at your job. I have no respect for someone hanging up like that either. Enjoy the day everyone.
  10. Annie, how were the rapids at the infamous Railroad Bridge? We were with a group from work and all ten canoes were swamped/tipped! I love the Delaware but my canoe days are in the rear view.
  11. Good morning. The heat and humidity returned and the weather person tells us that we can expect storms tonight. I have not been to the port, like the meal and enjoy canoes. Bar codes are ok, I guess. @Cruzin Terri, I hope the ortho doc can help with the biceps tear. @dfish, The lake looks so beautiful. Enjoy and I hope the weather improves. @mamaofami, Carol, Happy Birthday! I have a baked ziti in the oven as Tana thought she might like that. I gladly turned the oven on if it encourages eating. We hope for a quiet day today and so far, so good. Enjoy the day everyone!
  12. @marshhawk,Annie,condolences on the passing of your friend. I hope the good memories help with your loss.
  13. @Crazy For Cats, Jake, please wish Juan a very Happy Birthday!
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