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Everything posted by deladypilot

  1. This is good info. We typically like the smaller ships and so far the ones we have been on do not have Starbucks but we are booked on the Joy and I will use my app and make sure I have plenty of money on my card. While I drink the coffee on the ship an a lot of it, it really is terrible coffee so im looking forward to this next cruise
  2. Im sorry, you are right, I did not even include where I was going. We are headed to Hawaii. Luckily we are going out 2 days in advance just to deal with jet lag.
  3. Just curious if anyone has used NCL air from the Baltimore or Philly area and can tell me what airline NCL booked you with and about what time you took off in the morning.
  4. This would be awesome. I always look for a coffee mug at the first place we stop at so I can have a larger coffee cup than the one they offer in the cabin. This would work. I already collect Starbucks mugs so it would be a win win if this is really offered
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