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Posts posted by ObstructedView2

  1. I read in a review it was "a rookie mistake" to pack wine bottles in a suitcase. Is it required we physically carry them on the ship? I certainly don't want the confiscated (very special bottles) but I can't imagine toting around 2 bottles for hours until we get to our room.


    Thank you for advice!



    It's recommended (not required, but it is a rookie mistake to not do so)




    According to Royal Caribbean it is indeed a (requirement) that wine or champagne (only) be placed into a passengers carry-on bag. I will drop the info below.


    Royal Caribbean Alcohol Policy located @:







  2. hi felllow cruisers -- was not able to reserve spots on Ifly prior to our cruise --- can someone tell me where to go once I get onto the ship to do this? is it at the Ifly or at a kiosk?




    Download the Royal IQ app so you can reserve RipCord by iFly online as soon as you're at the ship. If you have any difficulty, go directly to RipCord as soon as you embark.





  3. Passengers that use a cane, walker, crutches, scooter or wheelchair do not view trays of food left in the narrow hallways of a cruise ship as gross or nasty; instead many view it as a dangerous obstacle course to contend with. Please leave your trays in your cabin or pick up the phone & call room service for removal.






  4. Wow, you paid off the cruise far too early and missed out on possible price drops.


    Definitely pay the $75 and then take care of this with your travel agent because your travel agent (owns) the reservation, not you.


    Royal Caribbean did not rob you. You kind of robbed yourself. You paid off the cruise 8 or 9 months too early & you don't own your reservation.


    Good luck! I hope you fix this issue with your travel agent.




  5. Yes, that the question. Is there any free special coffee for D and above on Majesty?

    I understand there is no D lounge and no coffee maskin.

    I drink a lot of coffee and don't like the ordinary coffee on the ship so its important to me:halo:.


    No 'complimentary' speciality coffee available. You'll have to pay for speciality coffee or sip what the passengers in steerage are drinking that they already paid for in their cruise fare..



    ;) :)

  6. If I travel without it, my wife would be sitting and I would be exploring. Now she can be with me, without me slowing down.


    If she won't use it, the best thing is, and this might be harsh for some to hear, just say "goodbye" and go off on your own. Leave her on the ship, while you enjoy your travels.


    Not harsh whatsoever, 100% entirely predictable & expected.




  7. In regards to the stateroom steward, yes I tip $20 on the 1st day. I also tip the stateroom steward & assistant both $20 in the middle of the cruise and on the last evening I tip both the steward & assistant. Not expecting anything, simply tipping.


    For those that say a stateroom steward will be or is insulted by tipping them on day one, prior to service; this is soley your opinion, certainly not fact. I'd be more concerned mentioning Cruise Critic to my steward.


    Concerning my waiter/wait staff in the MDR, I tip something during every meal. Typically $10. Speciality restaurants typically $20.


    I tip bartenders or drink server runners $1 for every drink. Often I will tip my favorite bartender or server $10 or $20, once or twice, in the middle of the cruise & again at the end.


    Room service typically $3 to $5 per order, depending on size of order.


    I tip the porter when arriving at a cruise terminal $10 to $20


    When disembarking I tip a porter $20, as I know we will be bypassing the long line at customs & using the porter line, along with many pieces of luggage.


    I also tip my speciality coffee server.


    In all of my decades of cruising I only see this as an issue here. Not in the real world. Does it make or break your own cruise in regards to what someone else is tipping? Do you really care that much? Will you be losing sleep over what someone else will be tipping or not tipping? Will you cancel your currently booked cruise because of this?


    These tipping threads, for many years, over & over, are quite embarrassing here. It gives this website a black eye, along with what others will be wearing or not wearing on formal evenings, if the dress code is enforced or not. Sheesh.....






  8. Is that it.... the “unwanted guest” is tears????? But wait, that was day 5 not day 6.... not to mention 23 pages...




    Re-read her last sentence (below)......:rolleyes:


    Stop nagging her or she'll wait a week or more to give you day 6.


    Day 5 - Costa Maya


    We get to 16, exit the elevator, and I started to cry. This pierced the emotion I was holding in, trying to process all of the stress of the trip. Out it comes. The first unwanted guest... tears.





  9. We were just off the Allure on Sunday and had a few issues with the kids cub that we have not had on any of our 14 other cruises on multiple lines so I am wondering what other people's thoughts are on the issue we experience and give a warning to other parents so it doesn't happen to them. So, here's what happened:On the first night my husband went to take our son to the Adventure Ocean club. Because it was the first night, they had sign up tables in the lobby area. My husband gave the crew member assisting him the information requested and thought that he had signed our son into the kids club. He didn't realize that this was just a registration table and the room our son needed to go to was further inside this hallway area. He walked away to go to the casino to meet me. About 30 minutes later our 9 year old called us from his iPad and said the kids club wouldn't let him in.

    So, I went to the kids club to find out what happened and the crew member said my husband walked away so she tried calling our cabin and no one answered. So, she asked our son if he knew how to find his way to our cabin and he said yes. (This was our first night on the Allure and we were on deck 17, which you can only access from the rear elevators and stairwells- opposite of the kids club). So, he was told to go back to the cabin and wait for us. If we did not have the wifi package, there was no way for our son to contact us and we would have never known he was back in the cabin by himself. In addition, he got lost several times trying to find his way back to the cabin.

    When I asked the crew member why they would let a 9 year old go back to the room by themselves, they said that they followed their policies. I guess I just don't understand why our son wasn't treated like a lost child and taken to guest services while they attempted to locate us. We told our son where we would be at but no one ever asked him this.

    So, my question is whether everything thinks this is okay or not? It could have been hours before we knew that our son was not in the kids club.


    It seems as if your husband made the mistake, not Royal Caribbean.


    You stated that your husband didn't realize the registration table was just that, a registration table, nothing more.


    And hubby didn't even ask anyone to confirm things before walking away, sheesh!


    Bottom line is this:

    Your husband should've asked simple questions & waited with his son until he was secure.




  10. Does anybody know what the formal nights are on the 9 night Grandeur out of Baltimore and where I can find the MDR menus. Want to book Steakhouse and Italian but want to make sure it's not on a good menu night, lol....


    Formal evenings should be on night 2 and night 7. Hopefully another member can confirm, just to make sure.





  11. Thanks all for your input, etc... The savings for 7 days at Bayonne Cruise parking is 45ish dollars ... that's not worth saving IMHO.... I just hope there's parking available for Friday departures for the Adventure.. Does anyone know if there's a return cruise on 19 July? I'm leaving on the 20th.





    The 20th?? Are you certain? Adventure sails on the 22nd.


    Plenty of parking will be available, even with Celebrity Summit passengers already parked there right now.


    Even plenty of parking for the Anthem on the 23rd.





  12. LMaxwell, let's adjust that thinking a little bit, and let me ask you this.


    What if one couples bill is $40 & they left an $8 tip but sat at & took up the servers table for 6 hours.


    The other couple had a $200 bill, left a $40 tip & took up the table for 2 hours.


    That $40 check with the $8 tip just cost the server a lot of potential money. Happens quite often in restaurants.


    A server will lose a lot of money because someone is taking up a table having some sort of meeting, on a lap top, doing business, etc, etc... While in that time the server could've flipped that table a few times.


    What I'm trying to say is:

    The customer took up the table for 6 hours, leaving the server an $8 tip on the $40 check, but not on the hours sitting there. Causing the server to lose money....


    So what about 'time' as a factor. Should it be a factor?





    As for the concept that the $40 couple somehow spends 6 hours without being asked to leave, in a restaurant where it's apparently common to order $200 in a two hour window, I find that hypothetical rather hard to buy as an option.



    Every restaurant I have worked at in the past 25 years we were not permitted to ask paying customers that are sitting for hours, to simply get up & leave.


    There are all sorts of instances & circumstances of course, most managers or owners would not do so, but apparently you have never worked in a restaurant. So I understand why you find the hypothetical hard to believe.




  13. taurant works.


    Maybe the question should be; if 2 diff couples are occupying a table each at a restaurant and one runs up a $40 bill in 2 hours and one runs up a $200 bill in 2 hours, why is one couple expected to tip $8 on average and the other $40 on average? Maybe restaurants should go to flat charges like cruise ships?


    LMaxwell, let's adjust that thinking a little bit, and let me ask you this.


    What if one couples bill is $40 & they left an $8 tip but sat at & took up the servers table for 6 hours.


    The other couple had a $200 bill, left a $40 tip & took up the table for 2 hours.


    That $40 check with the $8 tip just cost the server a lot of potential money. Happens quite often in restaurants.


    A server will lose a lot of money because someone is taking up a table having some sort of meeting, on a lap top, doing business, etc, etc... While in that time the server could've flipped that table a few times.


    What I'm trying to say is:

    The customer took up the table for 6 hours, leaving the server an $8 tip on the $40 check, but not on the hours sitting there. Causing the server to lose money....


    So what about 'time' as a factor. Should it be a factor?




  14. Bottom line is, if some Michael Jackson crotch groping, dirty dancing, and flipping the bird doesn't offend you like it does me, then this play is perfect for you. The singing and acting were good, I just don't feel all that other stuff was necessary and it certainly wasn't in the movie nor did it make the play any more enjoyable for having been inserted.


    Ohhhhhhhhhh....... you were expecting a play.




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