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Everything posted by kalos

  1. The two times we flew out of Manchester to do the T A cruises ,the coach left the port around 10am . We had a comfort break 1/2 hour midway back to the airport and were back at the airport for around 2.30 /3pm . The driver offered to drop a couple off near the train station and the rest of us near the T2 arrivals .
  2. In your trade it would be the bye products like the odd Ā£1 note left in pockets . I've lost money that way before šŸ˜¢
  3. Morning hope your all doing well,.šŸ™‚ It's a bit windy out there this morning and lashing it down but the good news is the temperature is into double figures . A curry can be nice but not always if you get it wrong Relationships are like Indian food They start out hot and spicy but end up with someone sat on the toilet crying and saying why me.šŸ˜Ÿ The worst one I ever had was a homemade one ,made by the loving caring Mrs K. I came home from work one night and she had made me a nice chicken one but every mouthful was like eating a lit welding torch . It tasted nice but , not wanting to hurt Mrs K's feeling I fought on with it . "You seem to be enjoying that but you are sweating a lot " ,said Mrs K. I just gave an approving smile , by now I could barely speak anyway ! After eating 3/4 of the meal I gave up ! What did you put in it I croaked ? .. "Nothing I just used one of them jars and a bit of water" she replied and went off into the kitchen returning with said jar . Upon inspection I realised she had bought a curry concentrate , one of those where you add one or two spoons of it and not the entire jar as she had just served me . Happy days !šŸ˜Š Take care
  4. Just shows that old children's game "Knock Down Ginger " is alive and well šŸ˜‰
  5. Maybe set up a sound system belting out a few festive tunes and maybe carboard cut outs of yourselves ! Now that would get the neighbours chatting šŸ¤—
  6. Good morning hope your all OKšŸ™‚ Todays our day to take down our Christmas decorations and store away until later this year. Funny how you after stop yourself saying next year . 5 days into the New Year and my resolution not to make any is working for me . The only other thing to do today is return a gift to a shop as I got a pair of gloves for Christmas ,but they were both left handed Which is fine on one hand, but on the other hand it just not right. Take care !
  7. I don't like it when they start mooching ! No good ever comes of it . They come in all excited saying thigs like " You will never guess how much money I have saved us today" .. "This should have been Ā£100 and I got it for Ā£40 " So to summarize ,this mooching has cost Ā£40 and all you have to show for it is your now the proud of possibly a musical trowel or other such wonderous goodies . šŸ˜‰
  8. Wow people are paying more for a Premier Inn around here ! I wonder if the press will be quick enough to print the good things that are happening now? I am surprised they have not printed about Queen Victoria in dry dock today with passengers onboard . (I would have loved that experience šŸ˜Š) But can you imagine the papers headline ? Read all about it .."Cruise line leaves passengers high and dry " Hope you are enjoying your cruise šŸ˜Š
  9. When it comes to travel insurance, the problem is people put on review sites how wonderful they are and all they are telling you is how easy it was to buy, not about when things go wrong . I have used Get Going that covers me for medical issues and when things went wrong they paid me out ,no problem .Recently they sent me a discount for being a past customer as well.
  10. I'd be more scared if Phil's Mrs found him on the singles site šŸ˜®šŸ¤£
  11. Just popped onto YouTube and as well as Rob Brydens TV adverts ,I saw some from the P&O Cruises "There's a world out there " TV advert campaign, with it's posh music . I remember them well.
  12. Good morning ,hope everyone's doing fine .šŸ™‚ Day 2 of the New Year and the festive season draws to an end and as we swallow the last of the selection boxes ,we can comfort ourselves knowing our Easter eggs are now on the shelves waiting for us šŸ¤£ A spokesperson for the supermarkets said " It is what our customers want ,they like to buy early " Does anyone know who these persons are who asked for these eggs to be stocked for the 2nd of January ?? When you think of all the products supermarkets could not supply or were short of , they have not let us down with our Easter eggs . The good news is you can test a few before we get to April , to see which you like best šŸ˜‹ Anyway merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you all ...As you can see I do suffer from premature congratulations ! Have a good day !
  13. Sorry for your loss of a great friend of so many years. The feeling of loss must be impossible to count. But the love and happy memories your friend has left in your heart is exactly the same . Enjoy your cruise
  14. Regarding more bad publicity .. Look at these poor souls who were given free bottles of wine with their meals as they struggled on with this ruined cruise ... šŸ˜‰
  15. Morning folks, Hope everyone is ok šŸ˜Š @Beckett Watching 80 plus year olds dancing in the street must have been a sight to behold. All those old songs getting belted out .Lets hope they do it again next year and if they did...šŸŽµ WOULD'NT IT BE LUVVERLEEE šŸŽµ šŸ˜‰ There seemed to be plenty of fireworks around here last night , which reminds me .. Paddy's New Year firework party was a complete disaster last night . "I don't understand it!" He said. "They all worked fine when I tried them yesterday,"šŸ˜† Take care
  16. I phoned my mate Barry to see what him and his Mrs are doing tonight to see the New Year in ? "Not much ,the Mrs has just got some Milk Tray and ate the box"šŸ˜® I told him "We prefer to eat the chocolates but each to their own " šŸ˜† Happy new Year to you all. Wishing you health and happiness to you all. (Until next year 2023) ,take care šŸ„° Off to watch the fireworks
  17. Madeira looks superb tonight Aurora still on her way ,Queen Victoria ship sat out in the bay šŸ„°
  18. The one I used to go to was so posh, they called it the James . The fist time I went there the instructor instructor advised me to wear loose clothing while I'm exercising. I would not have joined the gym if I had any loose clothing ! They had all sorts of equipment you could use, so I decided to hop on a treadmill but everyone gave me strange looks until I ran on it same as others using them . Next year I really need to call down there and cancel my membership as it's just not "working out for me "šŸ˜‰ Take care and best wishes to you all
  19. I hope and wish that as tonight draws nearer, that the dining room saga and even the keg beer or any other drink for that matter problems have been solved across the entire fleet. Happy cruising to all onboard who sail into 2023šŸ˜Š
  20. The other side of the coin we never hear about is when thigs go right .. My Mrs is now eligible for her pneumonia jab and a tv advert prompted her to ring our local surgery up yesterday afternoon . The receptionist said "Yes we will see you Tuesday if that's any good" "What this Tuesday coming ?" asked Mrs K They do a great job through these difficult times through no fault of their own .šŸ„°
  21. With an attitude like that ,you will end up on Trip Advisor šŸ˜‰šŸ˜†
  22. It's that wonderful time again šŸ„°šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹
  23. @Beckett great to hear your ok and back on CC again . Happy days šŸ„°
  24. A woman after my own heart and I see you have salad , love it like that as well. It's coming to that time of year where we have to take charge of our own body . I never thought Iā€™d be the type of person to wake up at 5am in the morning to exercise and do a two mile run .I was right, I'm not . The only diet I seem to be capable of sticking to is the one that just involves just saying NO to food. My Mrs says "Is that enough chips for you?" I say "No." Simples šŸ˜‰
  25. Got to be one of the best nights onboard a ship we've had .Superb display !
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