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Everything posted by kalos

  1. Last night we were watching various Christmas markets people have filmed on Youtube. Some were good and actually showed you around and also what's on the stalls . Others were to busy filming themselves ,so you hadn't got a clue what the stalls were selling . Two of the best markets were in Germany and Slovakia and had Christmas carols playing and even a nativity scene ,a thing we noted was missing from our UK towns and city markets. Ours seemed more stick a fairground in the town centre and those cone shaped things that resemble a Christmas tree ,whilst playing anything but festive music . To say the newspapers are full of doom on how Christmas will be a disaster ,most UK markets seemed rammed with people queuing up to buy a cup of mulled wine or a German sausage costing anything between four to six pounds . Maybe not too bad ,who knows . We aren't going to any markets this year but if we were we would head abroad as we think they are better . In our country the ones around London seemed the better ones but the best market to us not very festive but the varied choice of goods ,was the Bourough market would be our choice . If your off to any markets ,wrap up warm and enjoy 😊
  2. A bit like fuelling the car up at a garage only to find a garage 2 mile up the road is selling their fuel 5p a litre cheaper ! Do I now take the car for a run up and down the motorway to burn fuel off ,so I don't miss out on the 2nd garages offer ? 😕
  3. Just a heads up people ! Mrs k is a member of a local community web page . She has just informed me that two separate incidents with private courier delivery's have walked down their paths ,held the parcels near the door ,took a photograph, never knocked on the door and started to walk off with their parcel . Luckily both households were quick to open the door and challenge them . Both have let the police know and photographed the cars registration and one gave the police CCTV evidence as trying to contact the courier firm is nigh on impossible . It maybe fine where you live but keep an eye out if your expecting anything .
  4. Hi everyone ,been to the dentist for my dental examination and got away with a bill of £23.80,so that's it until next summer . I made the dentist giggle when I said " Goodbye and I hope you keep well. I wont say much more as every time I open my mouth, it costs me money !"😕 Sad to see Christine McVie from Fleetwood Mac has died, great talent gone As we move into the season of good cheer, looking at the calendar ,we seem to have more strikes than a bowling alley ! Not all is bad , according to my deluxe chocolate advent calendar. only 3 days until Christmas . I love this time of year ,it's the only month you can shout DONT COME IN THE ROOM and they wont cos they think your wrapping a present for them , nice to be left alone 😉 I can spend more time reading on here about the wondrous things people are making ready for Christmas ! Which reminds me ...
  5. I was just about to say from that page use the link but you sussed it 😊
  6. As solentsam (GOOD CALL) has put there is a workaround .. LOG IN but do not click on your name THEN PASTE https://www.pocruises.com/my-account and you should be there 😊
  7. A timely reminder to test and check your fire alarms . If it's not a built in one check on the back for date as they should be replaced if over ten years old.
  8. They don't make things like they used to . A fitter once told me he kept a lump hammer handy . " If it dunt work give it a clout ,nine out of ten ,that's all it needs " he said . Not that I recommend doing so to your PC/Phone but I can understand the urge to do so .😀
  9. Just tried on my laptop again and I'm getting logged in ok but now at the top of the page When I click onto "Hello Kalos" to go into my account (the tab next to logout).. I am also getting "Sorry, there's been a problem. The page you are looking for can't be found" So me thinks the problems are at P&O's end . I can still get in via the my booking page using booking reference though .
  10. Just been on mine...no problem. You never said what your trying to log in with ? I have just logged in using Google Chrome on a windows laptop and then on my Android phone both are working fine . I once had an issue and so I deleted the desktop short cut and gave the PC a good clear out of cookies and cache ,which did the trick for me .
  11. Different things amuse different people. I once watched a dog chasing his tail, I thought, "Dogs are easily amused" It was then I realized I was watching a dog chasing his tail.😀
  12. Thank you for your report back and lets hope things get better for you .
  13. They say football is a funny old game but that depends on if your team is winning or losing😊 The world cup is every is every four years unlike Emmerdale, Corrie which with others seems to be every day 365. Not that I have anything against these programs ,I do watch them now and again . I'm wondering how Ena Sharples is getting on helping her mate Minnie Cauldwell locate her missing pussy ,which I am sure I saw on a wall as the credits rolled by 😉 I realise now these programs are not real , a bit like those fans stood in the baking heat , singing "Footballs coming home " but it's nice to dream for a while. I can think of a lot worse things to watch on TV, Origarmi for begginer's , might watch it just to see what unfolds 😕 I suppose it would be good if they gave everything their own channels but you know what would happen then ..People would complain there's nowt on the telly when they tuned into the main channels ! Channel five seem to have almost got it right ,a few heart warming Christmas films (in Nov) followed by a few cops Tasering some nasty people , followed by the lovely kind folk of Barnsley who go out of their way to injure themselves ,so we get to see how the hospital runs . People will always moan there's nowt on telly these days ,me Nan always had a jug of flowers on hers but the top of our telly is way to thin for that . Whatever you watch I hope you have an enjoyable time doing so. Take care
  14. So to summarise.. 😊 1/ seeing Gary Barlow is not compulsory 2/ It was for a very worthy cause and was a successful evening 3/ No persons came to any harm because of his performance. My personal take is I respect all performers even if they are not my cup of tea . Well done for all that money raised and who could argue with that ?
  15. Here's a thought Harry ?😊 If Locksmiths were go on strike..... Would they refuse to picket?😕
  16. If you like to book direct ,then be sure to get quotes from a cruise specialist who is offering a cheaper price .We have done this and got the same price booking direct using price promise . https://www.pocruises.com/why-choose-us/price-promise
  17. Should you ever change your mind HMV have got a sale on .😉😉😀
  18. That's 2 bones down and 24 to go if she's going for the full house 😕 Hope she's fit enough to go away.
  19. Not always H 😊 I've had a few listening to radio 2 . The last couple I had were the ones that took ages and all I got was a robotic voice saying " Breathe in and hold your breath" by the time it's saying breathe normally ,your gulping air in before it starts all again . Give me the radio and relax one any day .
  20. I bought a ECO Wedge XT Solar Motion Welcome Light a few weeks ago . It lights up our path on the lower lumen setting ,so could be set brighter if needed . Very impressed with it ,only cost £20 and the only energy it need was me screwing it to the wall.
  21. We used to love visiting Winchester cathedral if we stay there overnight before our festive cruises . It is truly a amazing building . We did a cruise to Rouen and as we wandered around on a very cold day ,we went into their Cathedral and as we walked around a corner into one of their wings a choir started to sing "Oh Holy Night " We just stood in amazement, spellbound by the beauty of it all . We must have caught the choristers eye as he just gave us a welcoming smile and beckoned us to come into the area closer . A truly magical moment ,we will never forget. As you say they are wonderful places to visit this time of year . Take care everyone
  22. https://energysavingtrust.org.uk/advice/lighting/ Read the link above to be enlightened 😊💡🔦😊
  23. I didn't feel like eating when I saw the price of my car tyres either. Best not to talk about it you will get over it quicker that way .😉
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