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Crazy For Cats

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Everything posted by Crazy For Cats

  1. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily fleet report. Mona woke me up very early for pets and rubs. I was able to hear thunder while it rained. My weekend starts today and am planning on running errands. I want to check out the sales at BBB and Christmas Tree Shop. I like macaroni and cheese and I think that’s on the menu for tonight. DH suddenly realized he hasn’t packed yet so that’s his weekend chore. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  2. Good Morning, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. Today is supposed to be slightly cooler than yesterday’s 93F but with high humidity, the ac will remain on. The Alaska 2025 itineraries are available to see. I’m planning on booking a 14 day in May 2025 while on the Zaandam later this month. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  3. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for the daily fleet report. It’s going to be a hot and humid day with little relief in sight. Luckily for us it’s not as hot as those elsewhere. I appreciate what cows give us. I prefer plastic bags to paper simply because I use them to clean out the litter boxes. I also add trash to them and haven’t bought garbage bags in a very long time. I’m done work at 1 today and will run to the grocery store, I have a coupon for free eggs and bacon is on sale. I hope everyone has a good day today. @dfish the countdown is on!
  4. Good Evening, thank you for today’s report. It was a busy in office day. I was able to get a blueberry muffin this morning and I’ll have it after I give the kids their meds. When I left work it was 90F and DH was kind and turned the ac on when he got home. @aliaschief I remember getting glasses and S&H green stamps when they pumped the gas. I hope everyone has a good night.
  5. Good Morning, thank you for today’s daily fleet report. It’s a rainy day today. I’d like to open up a bit and let fresh air in but it’s still very muggy, hopefully later. Shocked this morning to see some rainfall totals in SE Pennsylvania, I hope everyone is ok. This is my four day work week and I’m already looking forward to Friday. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  6. I’m waiting on the test results. There is a delay in getting the results since the doctors father passed on the 4th. Jasper is acting is usual self.
  7. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for today’s daily report. The kids let me sleep in until 5:30 then they ganged up on me for breakfast. It’s another humid day and ac is still required. No real plans other than a trip to Aldi. Sugar cookies are in my top 5, although I don’t get them that often. Yesterday I packed for the Zaandam cruise, except for electronics. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  8. Good Morning, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. It’s another humid day and I have the ac going. I went to Walmart for Temptations cat food and picked up a blueberry pie. Today’s meal suggestion sounds really good to me. @dfish I’ll start packing this weekend.
  9. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for today's daily fleet report. Its another hot and humid day today. I enjoy celebrating all things chocolate, after all I grew up in Chocolate Town USA. I'll pass on today's meal suggestion and will have some leftover pork. I hope everyone has a good day today. The birds planted this.
  10. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for today's daily fleet report. It's another hot and humid day, the feel like temperature is supposed to get to 99F. I'd like some fried chicken, DH liked KFC but none are near us. Instead we will have leftover ham. I'll go around and kiss each of the kids. I hope everyone has a good day today. Another Aldi find is blooming.
  11. Good Morning, thank you for today’s daily fleet report. It’s supposed to get up to 90F today and it’s humid, thankfully the ac is working. I could go for today’s meal suggestion and @dfish I agree the addition of cocoa is interesting. Last night I saw a hummingbird on our deck visiting some of flowers, that’s a rare sight here. @summer slope I’m sorry to hear your news. It’s never an easy decision even when it’s the right thing to do. Today is a work day and it’s full of meetings. DH pointed out that July 4 is on a Thursday next year, I just submitted a request to have the Friday off. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  12. Good Afternoon Everyone, thanks for today’s daily report. A parade is scheduled to go past the entrance to our street this afternoon. The weather may not cooperate, it’s been raining off and on and now we hear thunder. If the weather cooperates we will walk up to the corner and watch it go by. Any errands must be completed by 4 since the street gets blocked from traffic. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  13. I’ve had this happen before and found out at check in. I had my printed boarding pass in hand but at the counter they claimed I hadn’t entered my information. When I mentioned that I couldn’t print my boarding pass unless all information was entered she told me I was wrong. Later I found out that it was a computer glitch.
  14. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. It’s a work day and I expect customer calls and emails to be minimal. I do have enough things to do since I had Friday off. Another 10 people were let go on Friday. I’m now considering cancelling our December cruise until I feel like the cuts are done. I’ll pass on today’s meal suggestion and we will have chicken instead. I think every day is disobedience day with the cats, they rarely listen. @kazu I hope Ivan feels better soon. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  15. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for today's daily fleet report. I'll pass on today's meal suggestion, instead we will go to Texas Roadhouse for dinner. This morning I trimmed the wisteria and cleaned up the front of the fence in between bouts of rain. DH gave me a much needed haircut. My other chore was washing a litter box. I suspect that the ac is getting turned on very soon. It's only 70 F but the humidity is high and will get worse tomorrow. I hope everyone has a nice Sunday. Another Aldi find is blooming.
  16. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. This morning is very foggy. Today’s meal suggestion is a good one and depending on where we go for dinner we will have it today. I hope everyone has a good day today. We’ve been to today’s port several times. Last year we did the walk on the ocean floor and it was so good we are doing it again later this month.
  17. Jasper yelled all the way to the doctor. He lost a half pound since his last check. The doctor suspect’s thyroid issue but will wait for the test results before deciding on a plan of action.
  18. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. I’ll pass on today’s meal suggestion, I’m leaning towards pizza tonight. This morning I’m taking Jasper to the vet to get a blood test to see why he is losing weight. Hoping it’s an easy cure. I’m off work today so I have a three day weekend. We’ve been to today’s port and I always enjoy our visits there. One year we were there for Canada Day and it was fun. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  19. Good Morning, thanks for today’s daily fleet report. Today’s meal suggestion sounds good if I use chicken instead of the shrimp. Today I’m making pork and sauerkraut in the crockpot. It’s the last work day of this week. Looking forward to not using the work laptop tomorrow. I’m sure I’ll get hugs from Tucker and Zander, Tucker is busy making biscuits beside me. I hope everyone has a good day today.
  20. Good Morning Everyone, thanks for today's report. Today's meal suggestion sounds good and I look forward to @dfish sharing pictures and recipes. I'm aware of insurance since both house and car policies are due in June. An Aldi find in bloom on our deck.
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