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Everything posted by not-enough-cruising

  1. The trade off for the discounted per meal rate with the plan, is that one must wait to book reservations onboard
  2. I am sorry but I will not engage you in this discussion, I feel categorizing any death in the line of duty by nationality to be tasteless. I (and my adult children) have lived our professional lives in medicine, and I will not be accused of diminishing anyone's role in that pursuit. You have allowed your nearsightedness of an economics discussion to take this debate to a point that I can no longer participate. Good Day, and Happy Cruising.
  3. They have your birthdate and billing zip-code. that should be enough
  4. No one claims they shouldn’t be paid more than at home. They are being paid triple, on average.
  5. New York did NOT import nurses from the Philippines during Covid (not in great numbers) sorry but that’s just patently false. The argument you are trying (poorly) to make doesn’t hold water. I never said they should be paid what they make at home. They are being paid TRIPLE, probably the same multiple the nurses were paid. We had many nurses (my daughter included) from the hospitals I staff in TX, that went to NYC on 90 day assignments for a similar multiple In their salaries. The only thing you got right is the crew should be paid the going rate for the industry in which they are employed; and they are getting exactly that. They aren’t being paid a paltry sum.
  6. This would be a very welcome addition, I agree! As an alternative, one should be able to put these type “appointments” into your phone calendar, and receive a notification
  7. Changes are coming, but I would have waited on dropping money until every is officially announced, and all details made official. This isn’t going to be an open door “free for all”.
  8. 5 cruises since November (latest last week), we received daily Compass in our room every evening every week EXCEPT Allure in March, and even then they were available on the racks at GS. I have grown fond of many of the aspects of the APP onboard the more I have used it. I especially like the reminders that you can set for the things you may like to attend throughout the day.
  9. Of course you have to look at the economic environment of the “home country”, to debunk the narrative that the crew are being paid slave wages, and by not participating in the auto gratuity you are screwing over the behind the scenes worker. I do agree that far too much energy is spent on this topic. Everyone should do what they are comfortable with, with no fear of judgement. The main complaint, as I see it, and has been expressed quite often here; is the lack of formal communication on the change.
  10. But “gratuity” was already added automatically. You completely missed the point.
  11. You are looking at the salary through North American eyes. I use the Philippines as an example since there are quite a few crew members from there. Average ANNUAL salary in that country is US $3200. On a 9 month contract a Philippine crew member is guaranteed to make over 3 times the average annual salary in his home country. That IS significant, and is why they return year after year for another contract. As for your second issue; no, I don’t tip Porters unless they wheel my bags out to my car post cruise. I drop my bags off at the head of the line, where they are dropped right into the cages.
  12. Yes, I have never been on one, but we are considering it. Galveston is an easy drive for us, however I do not have the Royal Visa card.
  13. They are only on President’s cruises. One specific sailing per year.
  14. When they start calling it a service fee, I will agree with you 100%
  15. I am perfectly happy, I tip my way. Sorry you aren't happy about me debunking your incorrect information.
  16. the UN ILO regulates sea farers salaries from any nation who work 70 hours per week. The minimum is sat at $1200 per month. By international convention, this salary CAN NOT be tied to any gratuity or DSC; it is a flat, guaranteed rate. Cruise line employment contracts do NOT guarantee gratuities, only the UN ILO undated salary. No one should budget on anything more than what is in your contract (which by the way is a very nice amount given the economic areas where the wages will be spent) I am not "anti tip". I am pro facts, and anti disinformation regarding the process. I tip those I feel deserve it. I see no need to concern myself with the dishwasher, or the laundry staff, the services they perform are the ABSOLUTE minimum that one should expect from their cruise fare.
  17. OTHER hotel services is far from transparent. This is not a true breakdown. my point is correct. see post #153 for the fact regarding your laundry statement
  18. You are exactly right. This is strictly a “bean brand” policy change for Cafe Promenade. you won’t be able to get your Starbucks favorites there, you will still need to go to the Starbucks location and pay.
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