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Everything posted by Victoria2

  1. Now forgive me, but I don't make a habit of getting that close up and personal with chaps I don't know [or most chaps these days 🙃] in order to inspect their starched shirt fronts and calibre of shirt studs. I do however, make sure my chap is gussied up and presentable and that includes studs on his pleated shirt front and the double cuffs have my favourite cuff links. Those who wish to iron and starch on holiday, go ahead but this refusenik leaves it to 'staff' and will continue to do so too. 😃 Bottom line, pack your own, and don't forget to take it with you when you've finished as the starchers who forgot theirs might find a freebie. 🙂
  2. Dunno. Must be in the same category as starch! 🙂 My husband's formal shirts endure the ship's laundry and just get replaced regularly when needed. Keeps them fresh and keeps me happy on holiday. Sorted. 👍
  3. What's starch?😁 No, you definitely won't find that in passenger laundry. I'm with The Old Bear. Shirts go to ship's laundry, as do most things to be honest. Silks have to stay the course and get laundered once home.
  4. OK, just googled and they're not angry version of jeans. Revised advice OK for a quick breakfast and OK for lunch after an excursion I suppose but personally, I wouldn't wear them for lunch in the restaurant.
  5. Depends on the footwear. If it's a scramble to get to the restaurant in time, stuff hats etc into rucksack and leave by 'the desk' and coats can go on the back of chairs. or pop into Kings Court for a buffet lunch after wash and brush up in the cabin.
  6. You never know what can be 're-imagined' 😀 and I have often double 'cooked' toast when needs be but I suspect you're right.
  7. Even I wouldn't have put those together unless 'chips' is a label for re-imagined rectangular blinis or the slices of thin toast which is what Cunard usually serve with caviar.
  8. No swimwear and possibly keep the thermal Daisy Dukes as deck wear and apart from I have no idea what ballistic trousers are unless they are an angry version of jeans, and the fact heavy sweaters might be too warm in the restaurant, your day clothes sound fine. Enjoy. 🙂
  9. I have ordered a Bamboo dish on QV but the last time it was catered in the Grills Kitchen and was similar but not the same. I will be trying again on QA so will report back.
  10. We took VIA Quebec to Montreal and Montreal to Toronto years ago [we flew to Quebec from Toronto] and my only piece of advice would be to book business seats. It's a great experience so do it in style. I would say one day in Quebec isn't long enough but you can pack quite a bit in and get a flavour of the place [a dish of Poutine or a bowl of French onion soup is a must] in 24 hrs. We stayed at The Frontenac for three nights and that suited us. Montreal was also a three nighter but at least most of one day was spent watching racing at Gilles Villeneuve Circuit on Notre Dame Island. What astonished us was when a tour guide had difficulty finding some words in English. Quebec Province is French! Quebecois French, but French all the same.
  11. and the way personal knowledge can help members' new experiences. Love the way members on this board can help and inform each other.🙂
  12. No problem. Fly to Vancouver and spend a few days there, [fabulous city and surrounding area] then fly onto Seattle, also a great city to explore for a couple of days.
  13. OH! OK. Plenty of time to plan then. Great fun thinking about future holidays though isn't it. 🙂
  14. I have had my '24 bookings acknowledged for obc with Stockperks and I have to eat my words and say once I had the app sorted, it was a piece of cake getting our cruises registered.
  15. 'The shot heard round the world'! I love Boston; the history of the surrounding area; the home of the Minuteman [I thought we were talking people of small stature before I learnt of the history]; Duck Tours; the swan boats and Boston Pops and... Wonderful area of the US.which we've explored many times. Well worth packing as much as possible into an overnighter.
  16. and when trying Cunard Vista Q1s I am so glad you picked QV and not QE as I think the lack of a second/guest bathroom would be a definite minus and although I have not been in any top QM2 cabins, I would think them quite sumptuous and on a different level [literally too in the duplexes] again to her sisters. So with the present three ships in mind, logic says, not all Cunard top cabins are of the same calibre so a generalisation can't be made. Just enjoy the lovely cabin you have booked. 🙂
  17. Seabourn would be on our potential list if we ever fall out of love with Cunard but at the moment, it ain't broke so is in no need of fixing! We have had millpond North Sea experiences and extremely 'bumpy' ones. Find a cosy nook and sit down [with a book in my case] when it's bumpy was the Captain's advice last year. At no time did either of us feel 'ill'.
  18. Seabourn to Cunard is a different experience and should/hopefully will be viewed in that context. Because the Cunard product suits us so well, I can ignore any comparisons other than Isr45's views of the Queen Victoria [I specify this as QE's Q1s are not in the same bracket now as QVs after the rejig of QVs aft] deck 7 cabin and the restaurant. I'm sure Isr45 will go with an open mind and will be prepared to accept the two lines are not the same standard.
  19. I'm guessing leaving it isn't an option now and as Isr45 was tipped off by his/her agent on their thoughts on the differences, hopefully, forewarned will be forearmed and any negatives can be put down to experience.
  20. Queen Victoria as a ship is not in the luxury class and many will say QG isn't luxury either. As it suits us, I won't enter into that debate. I do think though that QV deck 7 aft cabins will compete with luxurious accommodation on any ship. The interesting thing will be the price differential in comparison to the top cabins on Seabourn. Go with a negative attitude and the experience will be tarnished before it starts. Go with a 'I know it's not Seabourn but I'm willing to give it a go' and hopefully, some positives will ensue.
  21. As long as you bear in mind the differences in the ships and be prepared to accept these, I think it a brilliant idea. I have no idea of any Seabourn price points so only you can compare bang for your buck and that, I WILL be interested in. Deck 7 cabins are slightly bigger than the 6s but both, in our opinion are pretty top notch...if you ignore the fact there are no usb ports in the deck 6 1s which when used to having them in the 7s, means you go into panic mode initially! I look forward to any feedback, good, bad or indifferent.🙂
  22. I will be interested too as we think the aft cabins pretty special and we're very fond of the restaurant but do bear in mind when making the comparison, the overall experience will not be in the same category as Seabourn. Enjoy. I'm envious. 🙂
  23. I seem to remember a past post which would seem to indicate you're on Victoria? We haven't sailed Seabourn but we have in the 1s on QV. Hope you enjoy your stay as much as we do and the cabin [deck 6 or 7?] is worth any quibble over lack of discount. 🙂
  24. I cottoned on to digital when my husband baulked at the fourteen paperbacks I tried to pack for a three week land based holiday. 🙂 He did have a point!🙃 Only avid readers would understand the need for...A BOOK!!!!! 😄 and the angst involved if we run out of reading matter! 😲
  25. We have the same member of staff delivering out breakfast throughout the cruise apart from when he/she has a day off so we can say thank you as we depart and it's incorporated into a general extra thanks, not necessary but our choice. 🙂 The service charge covers everything and it isn't necessary to tip for room service but a $ or £ or two at the most would be my thoughts if different staff were involved each time.
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