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Posts posted by zlacruising

  1. As of yesterday (Halloween) I'm calling it three more years to retirement. It's really three years and two months but I plan to make sure I have 8 weeks of vacation banked and take those last two months off. I looked into retiring now but the extra three years means an extra $900 a month in retirement pension. That can help pay for more cruising. ;)


    Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk


    My extra 3 years mean about the same as yours. It will be worth it!! More cruising and NO work week hours.!!!!!IOW...sleepinig late....:)

  2. I started counting in Oct. 1992, I told co workers 22 years 2 months in and 22 years 2 months to go. I was at the mountain top everything from now on is all down year. They thought I was nuts.


    Then again in 2001 things changed and I could retire 2 years earlier. Other co workers were talking about different ways they were counting till retirement.

    So I said 55 weeks left till I retire, They said I couldn't retire in 1 year and 3 weeks. I said no I have 55 weeks of vacation left till I retire 5 weeks a year x 11 years = 55 weeks, They just rolled their eyes.


    Then again when everybody was worried about the Maya/Mayan calendar and the world ending on 12/21/2012.


    Being I could retire on my 60th birthday which was 12/23/2012 two days after the world might end just my luck.


    So I saved up Vacation days from 2011 & 2012 my last day at work was Halloween 10/31/2012 (1 year ago today) for the rest of Nov. and Dec. 2012

    I didn't want to take any chances just in case.


    We had never taken a cruise till Jan. 2013 between then and June 2013 we been on 8 cruises and three more planned.




    Cruising is great!!! I know retirement will be in 36 working weeks!!!!! You definitely had your retirement down to a science...lol

  3. wow! Those are seriously good pensions. I work in the public sector in the UK (Healthcare) and am on the 'old scheme' (ours have changed too), but can't touch those. I'll go at about 32 years with about a third of my Salary. My OH took early retirement from teaching at 55 (it was that or sacrifice his health). He lost. 25% by not waiting until 60, despite having 33 years and he gets less than 1/3 his salary! It will be much worse for those who come after us all. I wouldn't want to be beginning a career now :(


    Yikes!!! I'm sort of like your husband. I have to wait til 62 to collect that amount with the 25 years. If I would do it now it would be 40%. Do you have to pay for your health insurance too? The new teachers coming in will not have the same plan. It has changed for them and not for the better.

  4. Great thread.

    My husband and I are both going parttime next year. I thought I'd be happy to do that for a few years (I"m 55) but now I'm planning retirement the following year (money pending). Another teacher here (in Australia).


    Can I ask why people are saying people retiring early must be teachers? Do you have a good retirement package in the US? Under our old scheme teachers retire on nearly the same money but they scrapped that before I started (20 years ago) so no great pension.


    And I feel for you with having to pay for your medical. Isn't Obama trying to bring in a medical scheme?


    So I'm looking forward to 4 day weekends next year but I want to be free to jump on a ship whenever I see a good deal. I'm taking long service leave in June July next year and will do a cruise (hopefully to Russia) plus travel around Europe.


    Good for you!!! The truth about teaching in my state....At 30 years you get 75% of your salary. I'll be getting 62% at 25 years. The only ones that get full pay is 40 years, and most don't stay that long. Our health insurance is $500 for 2 people per month. Obama...lets not go there...no telling what will happen..lol


    Those cruises sound great to me!!! Always wanted to cruise Australia and New Zealand but just the airfare is too much for my pocketbook...lol!!

  5. That is great of you working with those second graders. Those are the ones I teach and I know they would love the tye-dye t-shirt activity. But times have changed here...a month into school this year one of them asked when they would be able to color in their color books. My heart broke. Sadly, the only time is on rainy day recesses when they stay in for the recess. Although we have a 20 minute art time we have so much that is mandatory that we teach we don't have time for art. That is called common core!! No one likes it, but I'm afraid it is here to stay.): These kids come into second grade as 6 and 7 year olds and are expected to do things they aren't ready for. Reading poems by Emily Dickenson and Robert Frost and trying to explain it to them...!!! Crazy!!! Or the new new math. As in decomposing 2 digit numbers and adding or subtracting from another 2 digit number when they don't even know their subtraction facts. Again Crazy!!! Ok...off my complaining. It is just really sad. Talk about setting them up for failure is not good!!


    I think I'll return as the art fairy when I retire...lol!!!

  6. I have 39 weeks left to work. I'm a teacher and with all the new common core curriculum it is taking my nights and weekends, plus being extremely stressful. I plan to get a para professional job as soon as possible to have less stress. The pay is half of what I am making now but won't effect my retirement. I will be able to leave all work at school and see my kids and grandkids more without all the crazy stuff!!! Any other teachers out there dealing with the new standards??

  7. I'm thinking the "23rd of Februry, 2014. I know that is a strange date, but it will be (hopefully I can make it till then :)) a year since I have been out of the hospital. In the last two years, I have been in the hosptial 6 times, and I "don't" want to go back.:(


    I work for a large well known corporation and I will have just turned 71, but most people think I am younger than what I am, and I love my job so we'll see.

    Well, I'm thinking exactly a year after that for my retirement. Blessings to both of us!!!:)))

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