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Posts posted by zlacruising

  1. We have the UBP also. My favorite is the expresso martini. My husband does not drink. Do you think he could order pain killers, rebellious fish etc without the alcohol and have it covered under UBP?


    Yes he can do that. It would probably be better with frozen drinks. I'm trying to picture an expresso martini without alcohol??

  2. Debbie, my granddaughter got into my school. My daughter will drop her off in the morning between 7:00 and 7:30. I am always to school by 6:30 am. Then she will come home with me at 3:30 or whenever I leave. My daughter went to my school from 3rd through 8th grade. It should be fun.


    5 months until our next cruise with my son and his family. We are going out of Galveston.


    YAY! Great news!! That will be fun for you!:)

  3. Sorry that I have not been on for awhile but I have been busy. My brother-in-law has stage 4 lung cancer and my mother's dementia is getting worse. I looked once or twice and could not find this site so I thought it went bye-bye. I am still 2 or 3 years away from retiring. I want to make sure we have all are ducks in order financially before I do. My husband has been on disability for 11 years due to being ill and the results of it. I still like to teach but went to a lower grade this year. Debbie, you were right I like teaching third grade better than I did before. Also my partner is 5 years old than me (she is 69) so I am the younger teacher. Debbie, my granddaughter will be coming to my school next year so that is another reason that I want to continue to work. Hopefully, when I do, I can get one of the parttime jobs at my school or be the primary sub. Although the public schools in my area pay $200 a day for subs and the closest public school to me is a block away. Something to think about.


    Shirley...I have a friend still teaching at 71! I don't know how she does it but she is a ball of energy. She came on the last cruise with me. Praying for your family!


    I have a public school across the street from my house and it would take me a A LOT to sub there!!! I have been retired 1 year now, and I would rather be a Walmart greeter and I won't even shop there now...lol:)

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