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Everything posted by Funsince1983

  1. That's actually an Italian thing, but it's usually on the menu as "American pizza" also contains French fries.
  2. Stalactites* Stalagmites grow up from the floor, stalactites grow down from the top and have to hold on "tite" 😉 Can we tell whose parents really liked taking them on tours of caverns as a child?
  3. If you ever go back to Slovenia I recommend the roadside pig.
  4. Prosecco Road is also a thing! My sister lives an hour north of Venice, Prosecco Road is literally a super hilly road up the mountain where all the vineyards are. There are trails you can hike and Prosecco and charcuterie vending machines along the way.
  5. Does he need someone to keep him company while you're gone? 🥵
  6. Would be pretty egregious if Kylie were there. (I'll see myself out now)
  7. Sir, I tip my hat to you (and Adrienne as well), for I would be deceased.
  8. Is it still considered a jacket if it has short sleeves?
  9. It looks like the flying monkeys from The Wizard of Oz
  10. ANDY FOR CAPTAIN I'm actually a big Andy fan 😂
  11. At least he doesn't constantly yell "WOO HOO" like Malcolm. He might be the reason I haven't sailed Carnival out of NYC in 10+ years.
  12. Is his name just pronounced "Mark?" Or is it actually "Mar-Q?"
  13. No I really had no idea. I'm a penny slots girl. I try to keep it to $.88 a spin.
  14. I've never been to Progreso. But I hate Freeport more than Nassau.
  15. One day she'll realize. Just might not be at night. 😂
  16. As someone who has been assaulted by those seahorses - agree to disagree.
  17. So uh, I hate to be the bearer of bad news - you're in a casino putting money in a slot machine and not getting it all back.. you're gambling.
  18. I spent like maybe $500 in the casino 2 years ago and I'm still getting offers for free cruises/$150 balconies. You don't really need to spend $10k.
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