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Everything posted by Funsince1983

  1. 🎶 My girl wants to potty all the time Potty all the time She potties all the time, ooh hoo Potty all the time She likes to potty all the time, potty all the time, ooh hoo Potty all the time, she likes to potty all the time Potty all the time 🎶
  2. Nothing new for us. I think we all knew this was coming @MeganGC1983 congrats my friend, I'll be rooting for ya from here on out. If you're gonna get taken out, why not have it be by the best, right?
  3. My nerves can't handle this. I'm watching an hour and two minute long YouTube video of every Phillies home run this season instead. I am prepared for heartbreak.
  4. At least it's not Sid on his way down there 😬
  5. Can you get me one of those snazzy Funship Freddy hats so we can match?
  6. Pretty sure it you averaged out the last two he'd fall within the range 😂
  7. Gotta enjoy those plastic straws while you can, right? 🤷🏼‍♀️
  8. I feel like this was a bat signal so hi to you and @JinxyB
  9. I have a feeling @HelloItsMeB may need to take over later. 😂
  10. Hopefully not spilling any secrets 😆 I just got back from a couple nights away with my aunt, first night she was doing all sorts of mumbling in her sleep but all I caught and an "oh no" and an "uh oh" 🤣
  11. Omg! Ernesto picked me up from the Marlins game in April. 😂😂😂
  12. If he was 50% off I'd totally Venmo you the money to bring him on the cruise.
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