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Everything posted by Catlover54

  1. Here is the CC link to my very, very, very long review about my impressions of the Nova. Bottomline: I enjoyed the ship and the journey, and would consider cruising on Nova again, either solo, with DH, or with friends. There were many pros, and a few cons and oddities ( to me), but my overall rating is 4.3/5, rounded down to 4/5 for the CC ratings options. https://www.cruisecritic.com/memberreviews/memberreview.cfm?EntryID=708560
  2. Bottomline: It was overall a pleasant cruise, with mostly good food, service, and facilities. https://www.cruisecritic.co.uk/memberreviews/memberreview.cfm?EntryID=708178&stay=1&posfrom=1
  3. Welcome to HAL, Bundtkate (cute username, BTW):) ! It is always nice to read a post by someone who has researched and informed herself as well as possible about a feature being considered but still has specific questions. I am very new to HAL myself (only 4 total, twice in suites) but like others here, I absolutely loved the separate CO dining facility (I was on Rotterdam, but it was similar to the Konigsdam layout). I thought the service was better than in the MDR (more efficient and more properly staffed), and the venue was quieter. I strongly dislike loud MDRs and I don't think that dining room noise concerns are "piddly" . I did not experience lines at CO (which I also try and minimize, including for tenders) , and it was nice to have an extra entree choice. The only thing I missed was a sea view, and that it was closed at lunch. The food wasn't at Haven level, but was still very good cruise food, and oddly overall I even liked most of the food better than the MDR food on my last 'luxury' Seabourn cruise (and the better service just made everything taste nicer). If you want an even more "premium" meal, I also encourage you to try at least a couple of the specialty restaurants if you can (book as far in advance as you can to assure a spot at a popular time, though spots open up on the cruise). If you have your first dinner and decide that the entrees run too small and you or your DH need "extra", you can advance order two entrees instead of one at future dinners (or when the entree arrives you can eyeball it and decide to order more then and there). But you can do that in the MDR too . I found the portions sizes just right for me, a senior female with a normal BMI and only moderate activities, but a big muscular and/or younger guy who works out a lot might need either a bigger entree, or extra courses. The waiters can suggest some decent wine pairings for your food, but they are not sommeliers and don't have unlimited time . If you want a more precise pairing, look at the food menu in advance on the app, and you can also look at the wine menu to get some ideas on what is covered by beverage packets, what the mark-ups are, and what might be fun to try, i.e., do a bit of your own research, and then run it by the servers if you still need help. I hope you have a fantastic cruise, and report back on this board and/or as a "member review" (or both) after you have sailed!
  4. And here I thought it was just me who dislikes the "loud talkers" in SB Square in the mornings while I am in a semi-coherent pre-caffeinated state 🙂 Thd "loud talkers", on top of the loud machinery sounds of the grinding and blending equipment, lead me to avoid SB Square in the mornings (and the pumped in music thumps lead me to avoid it later on unless I needed its wifi connection or had a problem the service clerks needed to resolve for me). The best AM ritual is still coffee in my own suite, whatever the ship is, or in the quiet observation lounge equivalents with a pastry (preferably buttery), or the deserted outdoor deck loungers early in the morning when no one is there yet to facetime his grandkids without headphones. I am really appreciating luxury land trips more than I did pre-Covid (I am convinced the Brits do those best, on average, by far). But I still feel compelled to cruise despite the skyrocketing and ridiculous prices. But I only have four more cruises lined up within the next year so far, ( on four different lines) with probaby only 1-2 additional likely to happen, depending on whether or not I can justify $50,000-$70,000 to stare at ice and fog for two weeks.
  5. Perhaps "Flight Ease" should be renamed to "Flight Fretting" or "Flight ____" [ insert another word that begins with an F] 😞 Regardless of what cruise line I take, I do my darndest to maintain control of my own flights even if I can't use miles. I know that usually costs me extra (though not always -- sometimes the cruise line "bargain" rate quotes a higher price, of course with more dependency on the line making errors, than what I can find on my own, and usually it's more or less a wash). I see it as one of the many extra costs of travel (and boy have long-haul airline prices gone up these days, especially if you want anything other than economy -- even premium economy for many long-hauls is costing more than business class just before Covid). Good luck, this is so frustrating. This is one of several reasons to have a TA (let *her* do the jockeying with Flight Ease).
  6. I appreciate the balance (i.e., noting not just things you disliked, but also good things you liked), and all the details you provided about the not so good things. Specifics you provide make it more difficult for potential cheerleaders who may have vested interests (as occurs on other lines) to pounce on you, e.g., to insist that you were mistaken, didn't do something correctly, exaggerated the importance of some issues, didn't have the right attitude, don't appreciate how lucky you are while people are suffering in the Ukraine, etc. There will always be some who will even accuse critics who provide specifics of being liars, though they usually use more elaborate phrasing or euphemisms. Probably the most disturbing to me is that unlike on other luxury lines, the food and beverage managers were uninterested in at least pretending that they valued your input. They seem to be foreclosing improvement. The other review available, by a frequent cruiser, so far also rated their cruise no higher than yours. But of course travel influencers and travel writers all over the internet who had complimentary cruises are, not surprisingly, swooning. You cruise so much that had you been impressed with this cruise, you could have become a loyal and regular customer and thus a source of good profit for them. They blew it. So far, based on what I have read here and elsewhere, Explora would have to have a spectacular and convenient itinerary at an amazing price for me to book them, or a Hapag Lloyd Europa style Ocean Sun classical music festival. It's not any one thing you described that is a deal breaker, it is the long report of non-luxury behaviors that was bothersome (I had to laugh at the 20cc bottle of premium spirits they came up with for you). We'll see what their occupancies are over the next few months, compared with other luxury lines. Maybe there is a group of paying customers that will find a niche for themselves on Explora as is, a group that will be fine with luxury prices without luxury food and beverage.
  7. There will be a little bit of deep fjords with Flam as Gnomie said, but the rest is western coastal Norway and Baltics. All those areas have their own unique appeal (though fog can make everything gray and unpleasant while sailing, the towns are still interesting in the Baltics). However, there is quite a bit of scenic cruising mixed into these sections other than Flam, e.g., between Helsinki and Stockholm is scenic and lovely, and with one or two exceptions the ports are stimulating. This is a good cruise if you have never been there. If you are interested in ship excursions, be alert to be ready to research and book them when they open up (which may be as soon as now). Same with the reserve dining rooms.
  8. The reference is to "guests, travel advisors, and media" but it seems most of the positives have been travel advisors and media, or guests with a more restrained and balanced view (which doesn't mean they didn't enjoy their cruise, some exceptions who clearly hated it). Do travel advisors and media *ever* write negative reports about a [comped] cruise they have been on? It doesn't mean that positive reviews by them are wrong and untrue, it just inspires skepticism in me when they drool, just like strikingly positive over the top reviews about a line written by their main cheerleaders (who often receive other indirect benefits) inspire skepticism. And yet I always hope the gaga travel advisors, media, and cheerleaders are right about how wonderful things are . As someone who mixes and matches lines and is always exploring alternatives, I am delighted that sometimes things turn out to be even more wonderful than expected, though not necessarily in the way you thought it would be. I'm holding off on Explora for now as my dance card is pretty full for a year or so and I have no interest in some of their destinations on dates I could squeeze in a quickie. I'll give them time to sweep their biggest dust bunnies under their designer rugs, and then I will probably book even though I won't be able to get a bath tub and the view of the sea from the bed will be partially obscured by a bookshelf 🙂
  9. Two years ago when we flew into KEF arriving early in the morning, in summer, entry was very easy and quick and pleasant (though some elevators were broken). Exit (flying back to U.S.) in the afternoon, when many flights to U.S. were leaving was terrible (huge understaffed security lines with no priority line for business class, and intense intrusive security even on 80-year-olds, it was quite bizarre -- plus the bz lounge is pre-security which heightened anxiety) .
  10. Of course living in a beautiful area such as Scotland makes staying "closer to home" a bit easier as one gets older and less mobile. Every trip I plan has to compete with just staying in our own beautiful area (not to mention medical appointments). But since we spent time driving around Scotland a few months ago, she has been calling our names to return for more cruising and more land journeys. One of DH's hobbies is photography, and he was in seventh heaven there. There is still so much more to experience, but it's just the getting to Europe and back that is the hardest (even if we fly "business") not so much the being there. Since retirement, we have started combining more experiences in Europe, e.g., doing a port-intense cruise, then an easy-going land tour nearby, then another intense cruise, then visit friends and relax, then land, etc., to avoid repeating the dreaded agonies, anxieties and commotions of repeated (not to mention ridiculously expensive ) long-haul flights to/from California. I hope you are enjoying the Nova, and wish you well!
  11. It worked this time, thank you.
  12. Thank you, JD. I was just thinking about that what happened with that investigation as I was getting ready to plunk down 5 figures on a Viking expedition 🙂
  13. ". . . .Because of past disrespect by visitors, photography was very restricted.. ." ". . . Members of the Arraluli explained the significance of the art and some of the stories associated with it. They wryly noted that some of the vandalism had been caused by their own people who used acrylic paints instead of the traditional earthen dyes and brushes.. . ." Apparently things also happened during Covid (when no visitors could officially come). I'm confused as to what the nature of the "disrespect" was that would preclude visitor photography (especially when coupled with the members' statement that their own people had used acrylic paints and apparently that itself is vandalism). I'm having trouble picturing the events: perhaps when no one was looking during Covid, visitors of some sort brought in acrylic paints and together with some Arraluli members (perhaps youths) used the paints to make unapproved graffiti and then took pictures? It is of course the Arralui's place and they can ban whatever they want to ban for whatever reason at any time, but it would be disappointing to us to trek all the way out there and have to rely on just our memories because even supervised photos, without any paints up our sleeves, are not allowed. I know some churches and other tourist sites ban photos (even without flash, and even when admission has already been charged) with the hope that people will then buy the pictures sold at the site instead, to further enhance revenue. Perhaps it was as simple as that. Hopefully it was disclosed in advance that photography would be forbidden on the excursion. Other than that mild snag, it sounds like you had an amazing day! How have the temperatures and humidity been?
  14. When I search on the Crystal Forum, I am given a choice for Crystal Serenity and Crystal Symphony (which go way, way back to the start) but not the Endeavor (which started in 2021 and ended just a few months later, as you know). Does anyone know where I can find the archives for Endeavor? Or have they been deleted? I'd like to look up some information in some of the posts, even though the ship now belongs to SS. Thanks in advance.
  15. There is a thread on the Silversea forum which already has 54 pages, over 56,000 views, and 1400 replies -- and the OP does not even sail for another 3 months! (Admittedly it is for a world cruise, and not for a one-week hit and run). I think earlier you said either here or on the Ponant forum that you were anticipating 50,000 or so views, so I suspect you will do more than break a record (and we will of course do our best to help you get there) 🙂
  16. I actually reported on the Ponant board on CC a couple months ago that my experience was the two languages were *not* handled well onboard (but it was a very long-winded review on a forum hardly anyone reads). I was not the first to report a discrepancy. https://www.cruisecritic.com/memberreviews/memberreview.cfm?EntryID=699343 Experiences and expectations differ, of course, but though I am looking at Ponant for another cruise, if I go with DH (who speaks and understands zero French) it will almost certainly not be one that doesn't have either an English dominant group on board, or another reason to think more than the usual small minority of Anglophones will be on board (such as sailing out of an English--speaking country). An expedition is also in the running (since there can be no ports where excursions can be made "bilingual " (i.e., favoring French) if there is a guide shortage, and there will be no need to know what the times in "port" are (important for booking private excursions). I am confident Jim and Lain will do great, however for various reasons. As for MSC it is a very different animal, and its 5 language announcements put all languages on the same level.
  17. Given modern knowledge about health, nutrition, sun, exercise, smoking, rejuvenation formulas that actually work, and leisure time -- not to mention availability of skilled plastic surgeons for reasonably affluent people -- I would venture to guess that many people were on average ten years older than you guessed, and there were thus more than a "handful" of pax over 70 on your Ponant cruise (as there were on mine from Ireland to Scotland last spring). And that of course doesn't count the pax who remain young at heart but won't ever have to show ID when there is a "senior discount" at a venue. 🙂
  18. I don't think he will need help with the French language, since he reported that Lain speaks fluent French 🙂
  19. 1. Has there been any classical music in any venue at any time so far? 2. Are the hot tubs actually hot, i.e., above body temperature? I ask this because my DH was surprised and disappointed that on Hapag Lloyd (which is still my favorite line) they only heat them to 28 C, that is the policy. 3. Is your cruise full? 4. How is the service in the dining venues (I have found that on many lines, dining personnel are not uncommonly the weak link). Thanks in advance (apologies if my questions have been covered elsewhere on the Explora forum).
  20. It is almost certainly ironed.
  21. I am so sorry you did not find the F&B on Explora acceptable (the things you describe are a bit comical). I haven't been on board yet to see for myself, but it is discouraging to hear net negative reports (for various reasons) from Explora pax, other than those written by people who are travel writers, travel agents, or those who are otherwise eligible for comped or partially comped cruises. Unfortunately too many "luxury" and "inclusive" lines try and pass off poor quality, typically also inexpensive but included wines as "special", so apparently Explora is just following the trend of fooling people who don't know any better or who are happy enough with 'whatever is free' as a wine. That is one of many reasons I like Hapag Lloyd's set-up -- you pick your wine from hundreds, listed with a fair price and fair mark-up, low or high, and you simply pay for it, no pantomine or comedy. Oddly, when I click on the wine list pdf, instead of getting a wine list, I get 6 pages listing Explora voyages and no wine list.
  22. I think the "still required Covid test" is not due to a Ponant policy at this point, but a police of the area where you are boarding. On Ponant out of Ireland and to Scotland in the spring, we were not required to take a test (just fill out a declaration),
  23. I remember learning a lot from your reports and photos on Celebrity, which helped guide my choices there when I decided to try it. I have only done one Ponant cruise so far, a classical music focussed cruise on L'Austral last April (which I reviewed), so I look forward to your report (starting with telling us where you are going :). The few reports I have read have shown there is quite a range of differing experiences reported on their ships.
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