It would be useful to say the least, for Crystal to let Symphony passengers both onboard now and those staying on or getting on for the next few voyages which are scheduled to go through Red Sea and Suez Canal , just what Crystal’s intentions are. Does anyone in the decision making process seriously believe that our cruise, Mumbai to Athens, will go ahead?! We should have been told weeks ago that it will be cancelled.
World Cruisers etc on Serenity will get a new itinerary and this needs to be worked out. Fair enough.
However, Symphony’s cruises will need to be cancelled in order for her to get round Africa and through the Straits of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean as quickly as possible for the Med season. This will probably mean deadheading in Singapore, as any new itinerary for passengers which involved stopping in Africa would mean delays in getting to the Med. The refuelling, restocking etc stops for the dash to the Med on a crew only ship can be worked out separately to passengers being informed that their cruise is cancelled.
So, yet again I have to ask, what is the point of dragging this farce out?