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Everything posted by BonTexasNY

  1. I have to comment that the +1, +2 replies confuse me. If you are adding your name to the same responses previously posted shouldn't it be +1 ? Just adding one more response? I probably am reading it wrong. Won't be the first time.🤔
  2. Beautiful! Those towers flanking the Luna Park sign in picture reminds me of the Chrysler Building in Manhattan.
  3. Happy Birthday to Lottie, @brillohead Debi, and happy early birthday to Owen. I know Debi's birthday wish came true!
  4. Regarding 1st 2 pictures: Andrew, no offense to Gordon Ramsay but the mains coming out of your kitchen back home, look more appealing especially your grilled rib eyes. However, the 3rd one looks delicious.
  5. Dani, Israel will prevail but I fear at what cost. We're in constant communication with family in Modi'in. Total fear as you well know. Through all of this, how is your DH's pain?
  6. @dani negreanu Dani, I have a heavy heart reading and listening to the latest news from Israel. I can only hope and pray all of Israel stays safe. I especially think of you, DH and your family, as I do Jack's family in Israel to stay out of harm's way.
  7. Many, many years ago we stayed in a beach house in Brigantine, NJ for a few days. We laughed at the billboards along the highway announcing gambling would be coming to AC. No way, we thought.
  8. We somehow lost internet last night. Fast forward to 7am this morning. Jack said he was on the phone with AT&T from 2-3am trying to straighten it out. Guy at AT&T worked on it the whole time from his location. He had Jack do stuff with the tv and finally, voila we now have internet restored on our smart tv and laptop. One great thing about a tempurpedic mattress is that the whole bed doesn't move/shift when someone gets in and out of bed. Makes for an uninterrupted night sleep.😴
  9. Beautiful father/daughter picture. I too see a resemblance! Your luck hasn't run out. It's just beginning! The good kind!!
  10. Thanks, Lenny. We'll be going to my nephew for the 1st seder and we'll be 14. No plans for the 2nd one. Enjoy your seder surrounded by loved ones.
  11. Maryann, I sincerely think we have a cosmic connection, I was just now going to post the very same thing and you beat me to it. Thank you so much. No bread, cake, pasta, for 8 days. I might not be kosher the rest of the year but Passover to me is sacred. My mom passed away on the 1st night of Passover and I do that in a way, to honor her memory. So, let me, as you did, wish all who celebrate, a very Happy and Healthy Passover.
  12. Jack's visa was just about to expire and being young and in love (still am in love, though not young anymore) Jack asked me to marry him and live in Israel. We could have married in the states but I figured, why not? It should be an exciting adventure, right?. I was happy my parents were able to attend the wedding. We lived in Israel for one year before Jack said he knew I missed my family and that we would go back. I thought he meant for a visit. He meant to move back permanently. THEN we had to tell his family in Israel, parents, sister, brother that we were going back to NY. Not a happy day for them but for me I was floating on air. I like to say that at different times, we gave up our countries for each other. In this stage of our lives, yes we both prefer renting and living maintenance free. Memories: I once attended a Knick's game at Madison Square Garden, very early 70s. All of the players you mentioned were on the court plus I think Phil Jackson. It ran into double over-time and I was screaming my lungs out. Knicks won!
  13. I had it twice and didn't much care for it but, of course, food is subjective. It was tough, and not what I expected. TX has some great bbq. I'll stick with that.
  14. I messed up with my first attempt to respond. Too bad we're in different cities. I'm making a Costco run today too! I'm only going for 2 items. You know how that's going to end! 90s and sunshine here. I'm happy!
  15. We had torrential rain but luckily no tornadoes or hail. Glad we all dodged the bullet this time including @Luckynana in NJ. Jack discovered on one of his past business trips he loves grits. Plain grits. I honestly have no idea what it is or how it's made. And let's not forget the 1st one in the movie "a grit, what's a grit"?
  16. I am sitting here calmly under a tornado, hail storm watch. Been there, done that. I just yawn and wait for things to get back to normal. Hope all our Dallas area friends stay safe.
  17. When I moved to TX from NY almost 20 years ago, the only white gravy I heard of was served with turkey. Brown gravy was served with beef. The first time we had breakfast out in TX I asked the waitress what the white stuff was for. Her response "ma'am that's gravy for your biscuits. I asked confused: gravy with biscuits???
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