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Posts posted by daveispar

  1. We had a Baltic Cruise on the Oceania Marina a few years ago. It was great. We went with my 2 Sisters, my TA got them 7004 and 7006. Just like your 7001.  Very nice rooms with great big, deep balconies.

    But, my TA got us 7008.  The balcony is the same, just as big, but, the deck goes in after 7008. So, you have a much better open view as you look toward the back of the ship.  We have another cruise planned and have 7008 again !  7009 is the same on the Starboard side. 


    Rooms  7108 and 7111 are the same toward the Aft when the deck opens up again. Check the deck plans. I'll try to add pictures.













  2. A few years ago we went to MSM from Le Harve it was one of the greatest day trips we have ever went on !  But, also, one of the most stressfull !  Yes, 2 1/2 or so hours to get there and 2 1/2 to get back.  

    Off the ship at 7, first in line to get a rental car at 8.  GPS in French !  Got there at 1030 or so, saw everything we could in 3 hours. It

     I told my Wife at 130 or so we have to leave.  The ship didn't leave until 7, but, the car had to be checked in by 5.  Couldn't just leave it in their parking lot.

    As stressful as it was, I'd do again in a second !  MSM  was AMAZING, hopefully, we can get back there again !!


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  3. I don't know, if it's available, but, when we stopped at Rhodes, we took a bus tour to Lindos, it was great.  It was several hours long and stopped at a factory store first that made dishes and bowls.  But, the Lindos ruins and views were great.  A little strenuous,  steps,  etc, but, well worth it.  The downside we need to go back, we didn't have much time to see the rest of Rhodes.   But, we did have a nice stop sitting over a square and had a light lunch and a glass of wine that was memorable. 





  4. From  Le Harve, we were 1st off the ship at 700AM, ran to the car rental that opened at 8.  1st in line, drove to MSM in about 2 hours.  It was great and amazing !  At about 2, I told my Wife we had to get going !  The rental office closed at 5 and the car had to be turned in, the ship left at 7.  Would we have any problems on the way back ?  The GPS was in French !  We got back at 430.  No problems, but, probably, the most stressful day of my life !  Was MSM worth it, would I do it again ?  In a second !  It was one of our greatest vacatiom day ever !

    • Like 2
  5. Kudos to you Niki !  A dollar or two to them is a much bigger deal to them in Mexico.   I think, if people are on a Cruise, you can afford to be courteous.   I  have been to Mexico many times.  I have been asked many times to go on a Timeshare presentation.  I always say no thank you, I'm not interested.  I know this is their job, but, at least I don't disrespect them.  I find, "Treat people the way you want to be Treated".  Guess what it works !  And really what's a buck or two to us.  Although, I agree the $100 lotion was overboard.  Next time something like that happens try saying no thank you and keep walkin on.





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  6. On 7/22/2021 at 11:01 AM, tvmovielover said:

    daveispar Israel was our first Gate 1 tour (big group) and we have taken several since.  There was something for everybody and we did an add on to see Petra and the Red Sea.  We have since tried their small group tours that are even better.  Only one think to think about:  Petra would be a great place to stay overnight to see at dusk or dawn.  Enjoy Nautica!

    Yes, definitely a lot to see !  And yes, Petra is on our list !  Thanks for the info.

  7. My Wife and I just signed up for this Cruise yesterday.  It's our 2nd Oceania Cruise, the first time on the Marina.  It was a great Cruise.

    We wanted an Aft Balcony, but, they're all taken at this time.  So, we took 6031.  Has anybody stayed there before ?  Anybody have any info on this room ?  Any pictures would be greatly appreciated.  Facing out, there isn't a room on the right, but, there is a blank spot to the right back of the room.  Anybody know what that is ?  

    We want to take a tour of the Holy Land at the end of the Cruise.  We're looking at Gate1 tours.  We've used them before.  Any other suggestions ?

    We're from Northern Calif.

    Thanks in advance,

    Dave & Leona

  8. On 10/6/2020 at 1:18 AM, Glenndale said:

    On Marina and Riviera we like to book the extended balcony cabins which are B grade.

    If there are no extended balconies left to book I like a cabin close to the concierge lounge for an early morning coffee.

    On the R class ships we enjoy the aft facing cabins which are A grade.

    As to getting 2 tops in the specialities, who knows what the future holds with regards to seating arrangements in the restaurants?

    WHY do people sleep in the library?



    We'll be cruising on the Nautica next year and we have an Aft Balcony.   Do you have any pictures of the room and the balcony  ?  If so, please email them to daveispar@comcast.net.  Thanks in advance. 

  9. On 9/27/2020 at 6:37 PM, tropicalkerry2002 said:

    The aft balconies are wonderful. Deck 6 has the deepest one.

    If you or anyone else have any pictures of the aft balconies on the Nautica, could you post them, please ?  


    Actually, any pictures of the Nautica would be appreciated !


    Or send them to daveispar@gmail.com.  My Wife and I would appreciate it.


    Thanks in advance,

    Dave & Lee

  10. Yes, having researched the Cruise now, I think, the Cruise, is not what we were expecting.   We were looking for a rain forest experience.   This isn't it.  We will be canceling.   Thanks to all for the information and help.

  11. My Wife and I are booked on the Marina Feb 26, 2022 from Rio to Miami.  But, 8 or 9 days the Marina goes up the Amazon River.  We were really looking forward to the wildlife and the Brazilian Rain Forest, but, now, reading a few reviews, it seems like that doesn't really happen on the Cruise.  The Amazon River is so large, the ship stays near the middle of the River and you don't see the land along the River very well.  And, the Rain Forest doesn't really begin until after the city of Manaus.  So, maybe, this cruise isn't for us.  We still have plenty of time to do our own research.


    But, now we're looking at this Cruise - Cape Town to Cape Town - Jan 11, 2022.


    It leaves Cape Town, then to Walvis bay, Namibia, Port Elizabeth, Durban, Maputo, Mozambique, Richards Bay, Mossel Bay and back to Cape Town.


    Has anybody been on this Cruise or a similar one ?  My Wife and I are interested in Wildlife and Safaris.  Would we be seeing much Wildlife on this Cruise ?  How about the Nautica Ship ?  Similar to the Marina ?  We enjoyed the Marina a few years ago.  We like Aft Balconies and Deck 6, 7 and 8 each have 2 Aft Balconies.  Does anybody have any info on those rooms and their Balconies ?


    Anyway, any information would be greatly appreciated.


    Thank You in Advance,

    Dave & Leona Vicencio

  12. We are signed up for the Feb 26 Cruise in 2022, but, now we are not sure.  We've read good and bad reviews above. The bad was kind of 2nd hand knowledge, but, we wanted to be in the rain forest.  Doesn't sound like that's going to happen.  We're going to do a lot of research.  We'll have to research TV shows, one we just noticed is Earth Odyssey with Dylan Dreyer.  Several of her episodes are about theAmazon River and areas around the River.

    If anybody has info and pictures to share that would be great !  I hope we can be talked into it !

    Thanks in Advance,

    Dave & Lee


  13. On 9/2/2019 at 12:01 PM, LuAnn said:

    I would like to say...based on being LUCKY enough...to have sailed O a number of times...that  1) love the product (BTH I can only afford the T/As) and 2) Every one I have done...has been just the best...from the food..to the "lectures'" to the Trivia and 3) I have met people like "Paulchilli" who have helped me over the years ...because he is willing to share his expertise on travel/cruising etc. 


    And you know what???? EVERYONE...has a different experience...but that doesn't make one "right or wrong"... I do love O...and I think the "reason" that CC exists...is to share our experience///help///thoughts///ideas etc. 


    Can we just not try and be "compadres" in travel...??? and CARE about each other???  I think that is want most of us want???? 

    I like your positive  attitude !  It's refreshing as opposed to people complaining all the time.   We've been on maybe 15 cruises.  Most of them since we retired.  The one Oceania Cruise we took was great as were the others.  What's to complain about nothing.  Look around, turn on the TV, we are pretty LUCKY ! 

    • Like 3
  14. On 8/19/2019 at 5:16 AM, Floridiana said:


    That's exactly what I meant. That's what we had on our Mekong River cruise. Hotels at both ends. Our next 3 trips are ocean cruises, but I would look at a Russian river cruise if it were organized like that. 

    This question is not about Russian River Cruises, although we did do one on GATE1 in 2013.  It was great, the ship was old and we got stuck in a storm going through the giant lake to St. Petersburg at night in September and the ship almost flipped over !  We slept in our clothes, shoes on, life preservers on !  But, except for that a great trip !  And a great story !  Anyway, my question, my Wife and I would like to do that Mekong River Cruise, but, I'm worried about water levels.  Do they have that problem ?  How would they handle it,  if they did .

    Thanks in advance. 

    Dave & Lee

  15. 20 hours ago, LHT28 said:

     never implied you did

    But  some people in positions of power in their business life may carry this into their vacation life

    I think that was the point DAVEISPAR was making ( I think)

    Thank goodness not everyone  is like that


    On our 1st O cruise back in 2004  there was a man that would sit in the Terrace & read his book ..no problem the exception was when he finished what he was eating he snapped his fingers at the wait staff to remove his  plate ..never looked up or said thank you

    we saw him numerous times  do this

    There was a line for the Tourist person   I was in line  & next up ...when the person ahead of me  left this guy just pushed past me

    On his way back I stood right in front of his route ..He stopped  & looked at me  as if to say MOVE

    I just looked back & said  " Oh so glad I am not invisible "

    He was rude through out the cruise as if he was special some how

    Yes, that was my point.  But, I don't think rude people will ever change.  I wish they could see themselves.   

  16. On 8/16/2019 at 6:23 PM, DeanoNorthPerth said:

    So true. My wife tells me I will cop a punch in the head one day but I can’t help it. Whenever I am standing at Terrace Cafe and someone says something like “I’ll take some scrambled eggs, some bacon and two sausages” I always say to the server “He (or she) meant to say please. He (or she) just forgot”. That usually results in a glare (as yet no smack in the mouth) but it just makes me angry when the staff are treated with such disrespect. No wonder some crew get grumpy towards the end of their contracts.

    Last year we were on the brand new Norwegian Bliss, through the Panama Canal.   We went to the Tepanaki restaurant one night.  I no sooner sat down than the chef said, did you enjoy your omelets this morning ?  I guess, he had prepared them that morning.  I know, I said please and thank you, I always do.  My omelets weren't anything special or unique I must have said something that kind of made his day.  For him to have remembered me out of a ship of 4,000 people, sure made my evening !  Just another example of treat people the way you would like to be treated.  I think a lot of old people were in positions of power in their careers and now they don't have that anymore and maybe they don't realize how rude they are !

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  17. On 8/15/2019 at 7:40 AM, clo said:

    I call it "quick to criticize, slow to praise."

    We agree, "you get, what you give" !  Are you polite to the crew ?  Do you say, please and thank you to everybody?  Or do you get your drinks and food without a word ?  If not, then if I served you, I'd treat you the way you treated me.  And I'd go out of my way to please people who were polite to me.  So, guess what, I've never had to complain about any service on a ship or anwhere, really.  Try it, it works !

    • Like 8
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  18. On 8/14/2019 at 4:47 PM, raye70 said:

    Seems like I opened a can of worms 1st there is no up charge all b3 canons same price regardless the size of balcony al. All same size rooms.  They are not an urban legend and if you have nothing else to do but watch us lounging under the stars in comfort with a glass of wine enjoy,  it won’t , bother us. For the most part you will only see my feet I do not spend a lot of time in the sun and if i look up I can see you.  LTH have been reading your post as I started on Oceania in 2005 and have learned a lot at least you are not negative like a lot of people. So I will go back to no replies and enjoy my cruises my way.everybody stay well and smile

    We agree, we had 7008 on a Baltic Cruise a couple of years ago and it was a great room and balcony.  In November, we are taking the Marina again from Barcelona to Rio in room 7009.  7008 and 7009 are really great because the deck cuts in on 7010 and 7011, so we have half a wall facing aft and no wind because of the full wall to the front of the ship and great views.  I took 7009 for the great sunsets to Rio.  For those above us, as a rule, we keep our clothes on, most of the time, LOL, LOL !!

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  19. On 6/6/2019 at 7:30 AM, capriccio said:


    I say this as an avid cruiser but also as someone who lived in Italy for 5 years in the 70s and 80s:  it is the cruise ships that unload thousands (tens of thousands on a busy port day with the mega ships) of people and have overwhelmed the capacity of the cities and their attractions to handle them. 


    We returned to Italy for an extended vacation - to show our now grown kids where they were born - in 2011 and were absolutely stunned by the number of tourists (including us!) in Florence, Rome and Venice.  Talking to locals in every city, they all mentioned the number of cruise passengers as being the biggest contributor.   We had a great vacation but my parting words to my kids were "Come back in the middle of winter.  The weather won't be as nice but your sightseeing will be much, much better."

    All of us tourists can be a problem, but, be careful what you ask for.  What percentage of all the workers in all the tourists locations in Europe depend on tourism for their jobs ?  I don't know, but, without tourism Europe would be in deep trouble.  As would many other places in the world.  What's the solution,  I don't know, but,  they need to have one in place before doing something drastic. 

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