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Posts posted by P&O SUE

  1. 3 hours ago, Adawn47 said:

    Good morning Sue.

    I have been in this position with my own Mum, as I'm sure many of us have, so can  understand how stressed and confused you are feeling just now.

    I'm trying to be very careful and gentle with my words now Sue because I don't want to offend or upset you in any way.

    I was given a peice of advice from my Mum's consultant when we were worried about taking a much needed holiday. It sounded unfeeling at the time, but after giving it a lot of thought, realised she was right.   Ok, here goes.

    No matter where you are in the world, no matter how much you worry or how much you neglect your own health it won't change a situation. What will be, will be. If the unthinkable should happen while you are away, you simply come home. You will be leaving your Mum in safe hands and with other family members for company. You can do no more. 

    You must not run yourself into the ground and neglect your own health as that won't help anyone. Take your much needed break and try to relax a little and more importantly Sue,   stop feeling guilty
    I hope I haven't upset you Sue, if I have I'm sorry.🤗

    Take care.x


    Thank you Avril, I’m not at all offended.  I won’t let John get the cases down from the loft yet, in case it ‘jinxes’ it! 

    We really need this break, but next holiday I’m taking in this country!

    • Like 9
  2. 12 hours ago, Peanut006 said:

    Family holiday to Devon end June, Ashcombe Cottages near Dawlish. Got a pool and activities for the children too, there are thirteen of us going.


    We have a few big birthdays this year, son in law was 40 last Saturday, my mum is 90 in July and I am 60 in August and it’s my hubbys birthday while we are away.


    On my mums actual birthday we are having afternoon tea at a Clifton Arms Hotel in Lytham 



    That sounds fabulous Michelle, I hope you all get away together.

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  3. Afternoon all, John and I have decided we won’t be booking any cruises soon, we should be going this Friday but we’re getting so stressed with the wait and hoping my mum is going to be alright. I will be giving her Home my sister’s and son’s phone numbers when we go away but I’m just crossing everything she’ll be ok before then


    It was her 85th birthday on Saturday and we took Mum to my sister’s for the day, they live in Worthing.

    We were half an hour into the journey and I got a call from the home that they’d forgotten to give us her medication 🙄 We didn’t go back! Then I got a phone call when we were coming back to check all was ok because we didn’t get back til 8.30pm! I can’t wait to have a week away from their calls!! 


    John and I were worried because she can choke when she eats but she was careful ( for a change!) and went slowly. I did suggest she had soup! It was a long but enjoyable day. My sister had had a lot of work done last year so we were looking at all that. We went to a pub and a walk along the seafront. My son, his partner and our grandson came too.


    I walked to work in the rain today, very miserable I’ve no idea what to pack for my cruise!


    Michelle, I hope your mum is ok, they are such a worry! 

    • Like 13
  4. 4 hours ago, Thedonkeycentrehalf said:

    Plenty of non-dining tables available in the Glass House when we have been on Azura, Britannia and Ventura.  My biggest concern about this is that I mentioned to Mrs DCH about the Jam Shed red that @Selbourne kept referencing which meant we visited the Glass House just for drinks more often than I would have otherwise expected🍷

    I agree we’ve stopped for a glass of wine several times on Azura and Ventura, the best Glasshouse’s in the fleet.

  5. Hello all, wow @yorkshirephil and @brian1 what an adventure you had. Sorry your trip ended early but at least you are safe. Happy birthday to Mrs YP, hope her day wasn’t spoilt too much.


    Thankyou @Eddie99 for the advice on the Cunard Blogs, I shall have a look. It looked a fabulous event in Liverpool although I feel sorry for the people on the actual maiden who didn’t get much special on their cruise!


    I met a friend in Rochester today and had a good lunch and catch up. The weather was really quite warm. A drama later with my mum but all resolved now ( I hope!)



    • Like 7
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  6. Afternoon all, oh my Phil and Brian not sure you’ll get on your tour today! I’ve seen some accounts of minor problems with the river flow before but not to that extent before! 
    Hope it improves soon.


    We actually have sun today, it didn’t look like it first thing but it soon came through. John is at work today so I’ve been sitting reading in the garden. I’ve come in for some lunch then will probably have a bit more R&R out there in a bit!


    Seeing a friend on Tuesday, taking Mum for a scan at the hospital Thursday then it’s her birthday on the 8th so we’re taking her out, so a busy week ahead!


    • Like 12
  7. I think they are doing some sort of building work round the station in Amsterdam which is why they are changing (hopefully temporarily) but they have certainly been docking centrally (we did last June) 

    I have noticed the 2026 cruises say ‘from Ijmuiden’ so check on the map info when looking at future cruises.

    • Like 1
  8. 9 hours ago, Eddie99 said:

    This is one of the things that puts me off river cruising

    We’ve thought about it lots, and identified lots of nice destinations but the likelyhood of too much/too little water seems quite high.  Perhaps I’ve just read too many 😞 descriptions and not enough 🙂 ?


    @P&O SUE - your Mum has a very nice last home, doesn’t she.  The old souls do sooooo much better in calm, “normal” situations, rather than in busy, overcrowded hospital wards.  Maybe it’s something the various actors - government, GMC, GPs, nurses, whoever - could look at, and somehow do more to treat the inevitable respiratory and urinary infections which, together with falls, seem to be the main reasons for hospital admissions?


    We still have sun - and a cruise ship or twoAE27B7FE-28F9-4D11-8FB9-DA3C8E678528.thumb.jpeg.34ba8f41fcf3c5695452ecab22172641.jpeg

    Very true, respiratory conditions were definitely all round the ward my Mum was in.

    Although her voice isn’t great it’s lots better than in the hospital so we’re grateful for that. I dread to think how she would have gotten on if she’d been in her flat, I don’t know how long she would have had to wait for an ambulance, the home called it and said it was urgent, it came very very quickly. I’m sure because it was a nurse who called it they responded more quickly. We did come close to losing her…

    • Like 2
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  9. 22 hours ago, Jennizor said:

    Yes Waju, the land is owned by Peel Holdings and they are currently trying to get planning permission for a Ryder Cup golf course ( never going to be granted as we haven’t got the infrastructure that would be required). It will probably be housing, but again they have the same infrastructure problem. The land just beyond our garden, and up to the fields, just a wood and under it is the feed from Ulswater reservoir, so that can’t be built on either. As we are in our seventies I suspect nothing much will happen in our lifetime. The farmer certainly hopes so and we will have the cows for a few more years.

    My Nan and Grandad used to live in a village between Canterbury and Dover. My sister and I used to go and stay in school holidays, they had fields on all four sides. I often used to go and talk to the cows! (Through the fence) They used to look intently at me when I chatted 😂 My Grandad worked on the farm doing things like driving the combine harvester.

    Many many happy memories spent there and spoken of often at family gatherings.

    • Like 6
  10. Morning all, dull here no blue skies 😔 Rained lots yesterday! The South East often seems to miss the sun now, it often used to be the best place to be!


    However, went to see Mum yesterday and it was lovely to see her sitting in her usual spot in the lounge and able to speak more clearly, she was virtually impossible to understand  when she was in hospital. She’s still struggling with eating but the home are being very careful with what she has and watches her carefully when she eats.


    This was on her room door, I felt quite tearful.





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  11. Afternoon all! My mum is finally on her way home from the hospital! She was declared medically fit to go yesterday but they didn’t get the medication ready .we were sitting waiting from 4pm-7.30pm! All three of us were nearly falling asleep it was so hot in there!

    Anyway they’ve sent her by hospital transport now as I’m working the late shift today. They phoned me to say she’d just gone at 4-30 so it be interesting to see how long it takes, I bet they’ve got a few drop offs! Can’t wait for her to be back there safe.

    • Like 19
  12. 7 minutes ago, Eddie99 said:

    Yorkshire Phil

    Welcome to the forum, and your first post. 😳

    What’s going on there then?  Have you had your records scrubbed???

    Anyway - have a good journey and a great holiday

    We May have a little rain today, apparently, so that will make a nice change

    Enjoy BH Monday everyone 

    @P&O SUE and @Josy1953 - hope today is better for you

    @grapau27 - continue to improve.  Maybe do another test.  Throat, cheeks & nose

    Take care everyone

    Ooh on my phone I can see Phil’s photo had disappeared but I couldn’t see it was his first post! How strange!


    John is working today, I have our grandson for a couple of hours this morning so that will be lovely. Then once John gets home it’s off to the hospital…

    • Like 6
  13. Morning all, sorry I haven’t had time to catch up on all the news. My mum is still in hospital so life is work and hospital visits at the moment. My sister is popping up for a brief visit today so we get a day off from visiting. We’re busy sorting stuff out at home today. I should be getting excited for our cruise but can’t get excited yet. Really hope she’s out soon and safe in her Home being well looked after.

    • Like 17
  14. Just now, davecttr said:

    Yes, it can a painful experience. This is my 3rd extraction over a long period, the first upper right  resulted in midnight hospital visit. The second lower right was OK and this third upper left one was OK for a few days. There was a development last night, the original dressing in the socket fell out but no bleeding and I had a better nights sleep with no pain killers. Hopefully I am over the worst as I am cruising in 3 weeks time. This extraction took 20 minutes including the injections.

    It worries me a bit that I’ve had 3 out of the 4 taken out. It was only the bottom ones that gave me gip but the second time I was told they’d take the top one out too as it would have nothing to bite against. So I do wonder if that other one is ok without the bottom one to bite against! 

    Fingers crossed you’re over the worse now and can enjoy your cruise.

    • Like 3
  15. Morning all, thanks for the good wishes about my mum. My sister says the Home is probably missing her as she’s probably the liviest one there 😂 She walks up and down the corridors at 6.30am with her trolley to get her ‘exercise’! 

    Her speech was so difficult to understand yesterday and poor John fell asleep in his chair by her bed as it was so warm! Plus he gets up 4.30am and had been at work until 2pm then straight up the hospital. 

    I’m going to try going on the bus today and get there earlier than I can when I wait for John to take me, then he’s going to come and pick me up without coming in.


    My plan to sort out clothes etc for my cruise has gone out the window!!

    • Like 11
  16. 21 hours ago, davecttr said:

    Day 9 of my wisdom tooth saga and I am fed up. All was going well until last night when the pain level increased and I used my remaining tablets. So I went shopping this morning for cater packs of Ibuprofen and Paracetamol and food so egg drop soup and scrambled egg is the order of the day. Apparently I need to allow up to 3 weeks for the healing process.I did plan to assemble my new garden storage boxes today but the weather forecast was heavy rain, guess what, no rain so far.

    Wisdom teeth are a nightmare, my dentist tried for an hour to get mine out I was in agony! Another dentist came in and said I think she’s had enough now! I had it taken out in hospital in the end but I had to wait a couple of weeks and was overdosing on painkillers every day!

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