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Everything posted by Momof3gurlz

  1. I agree. My oldest was two weeks overdue and I was scheduled for induction on the 15th day but went into labor the night before. My middle DD was induced at 11 days past her due date. Youngest arrived on her own 7 days late. I will say the induced labor went very very quick. Not ideal for a first birth because there’s no gradual increase in intensity, it’s just BAM-hard labor. @Lionesss your daughter looks great!
  2. I look at it this way. If I didn’t post for a while without any prior explanation, then came back to find nothing mentioned I would probably think “gee, no one even noticed I was gone?” I think it can’t hurt to just ask.
  3. @Jimbo enjoy your week in NC! In addition to HBE, @bobmacliberty hasn’t posted in a while. I thought I might see something from him after his Bills beat up on the Patriots last light. I hope everything’s okay with both of them and they’re just busy with holiday stuff.
  4. I’m so glad to hear you’re both going and hope you have a nice, relaxing week. Happy (belated) Anniversary to you & Jack!
  5. Just getting caught up here. Started a little Christmas shopping this week. Yesterday I pulled out all the plastic bins with indoor Christmas decorations and decided some things could use a refresh so tomorrow I’ll hit all the craft stores and HomeGoods. Andy started putting up outdoor lights but it’s slow going this year be a he’s only “allowed” on the ladder when I’m home to hold it for him. It is bitterly cold here today, 40 degrees but very windy making it feel so much colder. I’m jealous of you who are cruising this week.
  6. @Sunshine3601 adding my condolences for the passing of Eric’s Mom. IMO, going ahead with the cruise might be just the thing for you both. Eric could use the time to think about and plan what needs to be done when you return, without the outside distractions of work and everyday life. But that’s only my opinion and the two of you will make the choice that’s right for you. You and your family are in my thoughts.
  7. Sorry to hear about the house problems. Those unexpected things are such a pain, and somehow have a way of popping up at the worst time.
  8. We’re back from our weekend in PA. The bathroom project is 99% done and our SIL can finish it up on his own. The drive home yesterday afternoon was hellish. It took 7.5 hours to make a 5 hour drive. The majority of traffic was from the Mario Cuomo Bridge (still TappanZee to me) up to New Haven CT. But by then it was raining heavily so still slow going. Today starts a few weeks of healthy eating & wine only on the weekend. Between our recent cruise, Thanksgiving and a second Thanksgiving dinner this past weekend, my clothes are feeling a little snug!
  9. Don’t sell yourself short. The support, the advice, the sympathetic ear and especially the example you’re setting all play a big part as well. I think what you do and what @Tree_skierdoes (at least what I think he does from what he’s mentioned about his work) is so commendable.
  10. We had a traffic free drive to PA today, thankfully. But to keep myself occupied while Andy drove, I put a deposit on a cruise! Found another repositioning from the Northeast to San Juan next November. Interesting 9 night itinerary (and really nice rates, too) on Jewel of the Seas. 11/9 - departs Bayonne NJ 11/10- at sea 11/11- Bermuda, noon arrival (with overnight) 11/12- departs Bermuda at noon 11/13- at sea 11/14- at sea 11/15- Curaçao 11/16- Aruba 11/17- at sea 11/18- arrives San Juan i recall some here having sailed on Jewel and really liked her. What in particular did you like?
  11. This is so impressive Greg. Everything looks beautiful and your home is lovely. I especially like the stars who appear at the beginning of your video, they’re adorable and a bit mischievous looking 😉!
  12. I’m sitting on the sofa watching the Patriots game, so stuffed I can hardly move. A few good pics from today. The pumpkin pie was devoured before I could get a picture.
  13. This is an amazing story! Cherish every one of those ornaments and the memories they’ll rekindle year after year.
  14. We’re celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow at our middle DD’s house in Massachusetts. Including some of SIL’s family, there’ll be 12 of us. I’m making sausage stuffing, 2 pumpkin pies and a charcuterie board. On Friday, Andy and I will drive to PA to have a 2nd Thanksgiving with our oldest and her family, and hopefully Andy & our SIL can wrap up the master bathroom remodel that’s been going on since March or April. It was initially delayed when they all came down with Covid, then they had vacations planned and then Andy was out of commission with his broken wrist. In case I don’t get back on here until late tomorrow, I wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to all 🦃🍁, and safe travels to those who will be on the road, in the air, or on the seas.
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