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Everything posted by Momof3gurlz

  1. Congratulations in advance to Chris and Donna and to you & Eric also on your new daughter-in-law. You’ll have a nice dinner Thursday and an even nicer celebration with them in March 🚢 !
  2. LOL. @Sea Dog this reminds me, I meant to comment after our recent cruise that I think the 4 Diamond vouchers each will suit us just fine going forward. Based on my typical daily cocktail or wine consumption, we’ll use vouchers for those and there’ll be a few left for Andy’s soda, coffee, etc. each day. We will just pay for any additional sodas or coffees.
  3. Yes, that’s it. I started it around 11 am today and have read almost half. Granted, that’s ALL I did today 🙂.
  4. I admire your commitment! I would be in Medical if I drank that much. I talk a good game but in reality, 3 drinks is about my limit in an evening. Spread out over a full day, with food and water in between, and some of the drinks being more frou-frou, I might be able to drink 5. Hangovers were unpleasant when I was younger, but as I’ve gotten older they’re just awful so I try to avoid them at all costs.
  5. I didn’t realize there was a new Crais also, I’ll have to look for it. I started with Nelson De Mille’s , saving the best (Connelly) for last. This De Mille book is very good, IMO.
  6. I finished this book yesterday, didn’t love it. Might actually be my least favorite Grisham novel. This morning I download the new Michael Connelly and Nelson DeMille books to my Kindle. How to choose which one first?!
  7. Sorry to hear Linda’s now sick. I hope she’ll have a mild case. Andy is still negative and feeling fine. You are right about getting it now vs during the holidays. We were supposed to go out Saturday night to a nice restaurant to celebrate youngest DD’s birthday. We moved it to next weekend the 18th but I’m worried if Andy gets sick in the upcoming days, we’ll have to extend it even longer. Not to mention, we saw youngest DD briefly Monday night so I hope she doesn’t get it which will ruin birthday plans she has with her friends. They’re taking her to Foxwoods overnight in the 19th and to the Patriots game on the 20th. My cold symptoms are all gone, I just feel fatigued - from all my laying around LOL. Feel better, both of you.
  8. Happy Veterans Day and a heartfelt thank you to all who serve. I may have posted this before, but here’s my favorite veteran, my Dad, in the back of a helicopter somewhere over Vietnam in 1967. For some reason it’s my favorite picture of him, looking so young and handsome. I think it’s also because he was a career military man through & through so this photo really captures him in his element. I miss him.
  9. I’m really enjoying your photos and it looks like you’re having great weather this week. I’ll be curious to hear which of this weeks islands was your favorite.
  10. Yes, I was just about to. @Td6462 I found an unpleasant souvenir on Tuesday, positive Covid test for me, just cold symptoms. Andy is fine and still negative.
  11. We were posting at the same time. That stinks. I hope it’s not shut for the rest of the cruise. Did you hear if there was any other damage?
  12. Since I felt so good this morning, I did a couple of loads of laundry and a bunch of ironing. I guess I overdid it because I spent the afternoon resting and dozing on the couch. I have a bad habit of doing this whenever I’m under the weather. Feeling better now but I think it’ll be takeout for dinner.
  13. Very nice beverage area. I know nothing about separate ice makers, but from experience I know that Samsung refrigerator ice can’t be counted on. Would a countertop model work?
  14. I feel significantly better today Greg, thanks for asking. Just some minor congestion. I haven’t had a fever at all and the only headache I had was the sinus pressure type. I hope you continue to improve and hope Linda stays negative. Andy’s still fine.
  15. They’re certainly attempting to makeup for the first night dining snafus. Are things getting better in the MDR?
  16. I feel pretty much like Greg says, cruddy with a bad cold. I took a 3 hour nap this afternoon, which I never do. The problem for me is, I take daily anti-anxiety medication so there’s not much I can take OTC to relieve the cold symptoms. Tylenol, nasal spray and LOTS of fluids - although not necessarily the fluids I want 😉.
  17. Oh, no Greg. Hope you have just the cold symptoms and nothing more. You know, everyone keeps saying “stay hydrated” 😉😇! Unfortunately, I’m sticking to water since I’m taking Paxlovid.
  18. Well this is a lousy cruise souvenir. I just feel like I have a miserable head cold. Originally thought it was just allergy type symptoms from all the leaves & leaf blowing. My Dr sent in a prescription for Paxlovid, since I’m “age eligible” LOL. Andy feels fine and tested negative. I guess it’s a good thing I still have lots of laundry to do, a book to finish and of course this thread to keep me entertained.
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