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Everything posted by Momof3gurlz

  1. I’m trying to catch up but it’s like swimming against the tide lol. We flew home yesterday from our 2nd trip to Disney in three weeks and I can definitely declare that I’m Disney’d out. We thought it was tiring with a 9 & 11 yr old? Even more so with a 3 yr old and a 1 1/2 yr old - and their parents were with us this time!! Anyway, it was a fun time and the best thing is I (a notoriously fearful flyer) did great on both flights. All that time sitting around during the pandemic, I told myself that when things got better, I was going to conquer this fear that was holding me back from a lot of travel options. Now granted, I may have needed half a Xanax 🙂, but I was not a basket case & can honestly say I enjoyed it. I was so very sorry to read about the passing of Queen Elizabeth. Such a loss to many of you here, but really to the world. I can’t believe that while I was gone, it went from summer to everything pumpkin. I love fall, I’m just not ready for it!
  2. 👏👏👏. Thanks for the link, I’ve saved it to my recipe app. Now will your DW share her filling recipe too?
  3. I’m an early riser like you Debbie, while Andy would sleep until noon if I let him. Your balcony room service breakfast looks amazing! Looks like you’ve had good weather. @A&L_Ont good luck to Owen and his team! @grapau27Graham, those pizzas look absolutely delicious, as does @Ozark_Kid’s @Jimbo I declare a tie in the pie bake-off. I’m also curious to hear your thoughts on the vodka pie crust. My septic story. When we sold our previous house in 2017, the buyers inspector declared that the septic system was failing and needed to be replaced. We found this hard to believe as we’d had no issues and the house was only 12 years old. We had a septic guy come out to look things over (he was recommended by a friend) and he found that the pvc pipe coming from the house to the septic tank was nearly crushed. According to him, this happens a lot when homes are built, they install the system, then back fill and rocks/stones in the fill eventually compress the pipe. He dug it up, replaced it and voilà, the system passed re-inspection with flying colors. Cost to us $300. Needless to say, he is now our “septic guy”. The house we’re in now has a 40+ year old septic & leaching field. Septic Guy says the tank won’t fail as it’s concrete, if anything we may need a new leaching field someday. Busy packing, we fly out at 7am tomorrow, back to Disney with middle DD and her family. Staying at Bay Lake Tower this time, a first for us. I’ll try to keep up while we’re away.
  4. Sorry you were up during the night but glad it didn’t last. I’m super picky about chicken, to the point that I rarely order it in a restaurant. I just don’t feel they clean all the yucky stuff (we call them chicken “oogies”) off like I do at home. I hope yesterday was the worst of it & you continue to improve.
  5. When we stopped there in April on Anthem, Independence of the Seas was there too. Other than the swim up bar area, we didn’t find it very crowded. It was our first time back since the Perfect Day renovations. Glad to hear you received a clean bill of health. My 5 year is coming up next month, really dreading the prep. 🤢. I hope they make it up to you!
  6. I’m so glad he’s home. Life changing for sure but from all the prior comments (including the good Dr), thankfully it’s something treatable.
  7. This makes me happy! I love putting a face to a name. You both look great. Marietta I hope Charlie feels better soon!
  8. Awww, she’s adorable! Welcome Lizzy, you have lots of company here. Edited to add: Between Lizzy and the new baby on the way, you’re going to be one busy lady Sue.
  9. I don’t find it creepy at all. We love doing this and the type of people we’re usually listening to don’t require eavesdropping; they’re typically talking loudly so as to be heard by anyone& everyone around them. We call it “broadcasting”, like they want to be sure everyone around them is as impressed as they are with themselves. I especially love when you absolutely know something they say is BS. Good for you for calling it out!
  10. Yes, first time for both. Only the 9 yr old was able to get up and stay on his feet on the board, but he’s the more athletic and adventurous one.
  11. I’ve been out of the loop the past few days. Since we got home from FL very late Wednesday night I haven’t felt great. Very tired, slightly achey and not much appetite. Two negative C19 tests so it must be just a “bug” I picked up traveling. Anyhoo, been catching up on laundry but it’s all basically going right back in the suitcases since we head back to Disney next Sunday with our middle DD, SIL and two GDD’s. Flying this time though. Bon voyage to @Sunshine3601and @DaniDanielle! So exciting you’re finally getting to meet. I hope you’ll share some pictures here. @A&L_Ontgood luck to Owen & his team. He must be very happy to be back playing ball. @aussielozzie18keep those beautiful photos coming! @h20skibumthinking of you and your family as your daughter starts treatment tomorrow. @GeorgeCI hope your test results are good. During our two night stay at Margaritaville Hollywood last week with the grandsons, the flowrider was the hit of the vacation. When I told them some cruise ships have flowriders they both asked if we’d take them on a cruise when we have them next summer. I have a feeling it would cost less than the week we just spent with them - they eat nonstop! ( perfect for a cruise)
  12. Too funny, we may have unknowingly crossed paths yesterday Bob! We got there a little before 2:30 and sat upstairs with this beautiful view. It would be even funnier if you know them but I agree about sharing their names. If you ever meet a couple in their late 60’s, early 70’s who split their time between Amelia and the suburbs of Philly, and have a RI connection you may be on to something, lol. @dani negreanu I hope you’re having a wonderful vacation with your family. @Sea Dog so sorry about the loss of your friend. That was truly a beautiful tribute you wrote. Cherish all those great memories of him.
  13. We made a successful transfer of the grandsons to their other grandparents yesterday, then we all had a nice lunch at their club and a golf cart tour around their neighborhood. @bobmaclibertytheir house is within the Omni complex, overlooking marshland. We have an open invitation to go back sometime and stay a couple of days with them. We’ll definitely take them up on it and consider ourselves fortunate that we “in-laws” get along so well. Andy & I have been enjoying the blissfully quiet drive home. We should get in around 9 tonight, depending on traffic in NYC/CT. Time for me to catch up on all I’ve missed here over the last few days.
  14. FWIW, about 8 yrs ago, Andy’s sisters husband was diagnosed with a very rare form of cancer, stage 4. He spent 6 months in Seattle WA at their Cancer Center and has been cancer free since. I don’t know what your daughter is dealing with but just wanted to share that miracles do happen, even with rare and aggressive diseases. 🙏
  15. We made the 3 hour drive south from Orlando to Hollywood Fl today and checked in to Margaritaville Hollywood Resort. Our grandsons had a blast trying a flow rider for the first time. I’m sure they’ll want to do it again tomorrow. I love these boys beyond words, but I won’t be sad to drop them off to their other grandparents on Tuesday in Amelia Island! I’m pretty sure the other grandparents here know how I feel LOL.
  16. Mark and Susan, I’m so very sorry for what you’re going through. As you say, “ family first”, and your extended family here understands. Prayers and healing thoughts for you all.
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