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Everything posted by Momof3gurlz

  1. Happy Anniversary to you both. I hope you’re having a great day celebrating!
  2. I agree Debbie. My Dad was a career Army officer, retired in 1973. He wore his “dress blues” uniform for my wedding and was also buried in it. No special permission needed. Must be different rules either for foreign military or royals.
  3. Well I think I broke the washing machine today 🥴. I attempted to wash an area rug, nothing super heavy but about 3 x 5 in size . I chose the “bulky items” setting. It went thru the first cycle fine, but then wouldn’t drain after the 2nd cycle. I tried the “drain& spin” cycle but it just hums. My Mr Fix-it drained it with a hose and will be looking at You Tube videos tonight. I have faith in him! If not, in his words - “just replacing the rug would’ve been cheaper”!
  4. Thanks Dani. This is primarily why I would consider that NCL cruise - to get a “taste” of multiple islands, and of course see the Napali coast. We’ve sailed NCL & they’re not my favorite but this would be just a means to an end (seeing the islands). Lots to think about!!
  5. I was a little bored earlier today so went back and read the first few pages of this thread. So strange, not the thread of course, just the feelings back then.
  6. How would you describe the vibe of both Oahu & Maui? For some reason I feel those would be the ones we’d visit. We’re not super active, outdoorsy types. Too old to try surfing 🤣. We like beautiful scenery, learning about local culture, relaxing on a beach or by a nice resort pool, just love that tropical vibe. Would love to visit Pearl Harbor, a pineapple and coffee farm. And of course shopping, eating and drinking! One thing I know for sure - I’m not getting in a helicopter no matter how beautiful the view. I’m just becoming comfortable with flying commercial! I guess I could just wait patiently for you to get to Hawaii and read about it on your thread lol.
  7. Thanks for posting that link Mark. I just finished speed reading it and I can see your point about a cruise not being the best way to see Hawaii since port times are so short. I do know Andy wouldn’t be happy with 5 sea days so if we chose the cruise option it would have to be NCL. I guess I need to get myself a guidebook or two and start really researching which islands to visit if we just fly there.
  8. Jumping onboard. Not literally of course (don’t I wish!) This comes at a great time. I’ve been toying with the idea of a West Coast trip and if we’re flying to CA, might as well hit Hawaii if we’re halfway there. Not sure if we would DIY Hawaii or maybe do the NCL cruise out of Honolulu that visits a few of the islands. So I’m really interested in the Hawaii portion of your report.
  9. Thank goodness for your quick thinking and spry superhero! But it’s terrible that the restaurant didn’t even acknowledge what happened.
  10. @HBE4 belated Happy Birthday wishes! A bit of a rant here. Andy’s surgery was 8:30 this morning, done in about an hour. Dr sent in prescription for Percocet, to be taken starting at 2:30 pm today, every 6 hours for 3 days, a total of 15 pills. By 1:30 pm, we still had no notification that it was ready so Andy called the pharmacy. They stated it was an “insurance issue”. When he pressed them for more info, the tech talked with the pharmacist who said insurance wouldn’t approve only 3 days worth, they said they’d only approve 7 days worth so Andy would need a new prescription from the Dr for 7 days worth. What?????? Andy said I don’t want 7 days worth. They replied the only way to get the 3 day prescription was to pay out of pocket - a whopping $22.49. So that’s what we did, duh. And people wonder why there’s an opioid problem??? Okay, rant over. Back to our regular topics lol.
  11. My bionic man is no longer bionic. He had his 2nd wrist surgery this morning to remove all the hardware. This bandage & splint will stay on for 10 days until the stitches are removed and he can then start a new regimen of PT focusing on motion of the wrist now that the metal plate is out.
  12. Very happy you got this resolved and can now enjoy all the final preparation for your cruise. Hopefully with no more surprises or stress!
  13. Oh that stinks Greg. I seem to recall discussing 3rd party booking sites recently, either here or on Bella’s thread. Someone was having an issue with one (it may have been the one you used) and the site was not helpful at all. I can’t remember if the poster went to their FB page or another social media site but I think it was eventually resolved. Maybe try doing a search on here?
  14. You really need a cheat sheet to keep up! I’m always afraid I’m going to refer to someone’s spouse by the wrong name.
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