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Posts posted by mommio

  1. On 5/29/2024 at 2:06 PM, pirate4me2 said:

    Some days I wonder how Chris and I have made it 12.5 years in marriage. yesterday  was one of those days. I had to make my mouth guard that will keep me from grinding my teeth at night, and I have a TERRIBLE gag reflex. Like…it’s pitiful. He laughs and makes fun of me brushing my teeth because of it. So needless to say, this guard forming was guaranteed to be an…uh…let’s call it an episode. A 30 minute comedy show. 

    I follow the directions, warming to the mold, and head to the bathroom mirror. Crazy sounds come out of me as I’m trying to bite down on the mold (I have to bite down for 3 minutes on this thing!!!) and Chris comes running, to “make sure I’m ok.” In all reality, he just wanted to laugh. Obviously, round #1 was an epic failure.

    Being the “sweet husband that he is” (his words, not mine!), he offers to help with the second go round. We rewarm the mold, and I mentally try and prepare myself. I bite down, and do good for the first minute and a half, then feel myself starting to gag. Chris is cheering me on “it’s ok, you’ve got this, don’t let go! But if you need to throw up, remember to take that thing out first or else it’ll taste like throw up every time you put it in.” Needless to say, that last line made me gag (but not throw up) and round #2 was a failure. 


    We proceed back to step 1, and I mentally prepare myself to make round 3 work. I tell Chris is this round doesn’t work I will suck it up and pay the $800 to the dentist for a custom mold. He proceeds to tell me $800 is a cruise, which ticks me off, and now I’m DETERMINED this will work. We head to the bathroom, and I pop the mold in and chomp down HARD. And Chris proceeds to pull out his phone. What the heck? He’s VIDEOING ME? I make crazy gestures while trying not to let up on the pressure, and he goes, “if this goes down like the others, I want a video to show everyone. It’s too funny!” I grab his phone and delete the video, and “ding!” The timer on my phone goes off. Chris says “see, you just needed a distraction! You didn’t gag!” We test the mold,

    and it passes the fit test! Yay! Thank you honey, you did good helping me with this!


    But…wait for it…the turd ruins it all when I go to bed. I put the mold in, and then start to be me and wig myself out. Chris goes “what’s wrong?” and I tell him “I don’t trust it! What if it falls out while I’m sleeping and I swallow it? What if I choke on it? What if I DIE from it?” His reply, “We will sue the heck out of the company and be rich. You won’t have to work anymore, we can just cruise all the time. Go to sleep.” Uh no, that’s not what will happen! “Chris, if I swallow it and DIE, I won’t be rich, YOU will! I’ll be DEAD! I won’t have to work because I’ll be DEAD! And never able to cruise again!” His reply, “And these kind of conversations will never happen again. It’ll be QUIET. Just put the damn thing in and go to sleep.” 

    Needless to say…he wanted quiet, he got quiet. The guard worked, I think, I didn’t die obviously. 

    Fellow gagger here. Like you, my husband doesn’t get it. 

    Disclaimer: This is a horribly disgusting story.  

    We were driving with our little puppy sitting on my lap. He developed a tummy issue. He didn’t vomit but whatever ever evil thing came out the liquid the other way. IN MY LAP!  Waist to thighs. 

    Cue my dry heaves so hard I had tears streaming. 

    His response “If you vomit on yourself it’ll only make it worse”. We were in a slow crawling traffic mess that took 10 minutes to find a minimart for something to clean up a bit. 

    I really love this dog. 

    And we’re still married. 

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    • Haha 8
  2. 8 hours ago, Funsince1983 said:

    We have baseball and softball tomorrow, need to swing by the farm to check on the horses (I'll probably just do that with my broken arm girly), then we have the pleasure of taking a whole gaggle of teenage boys to the Phillies game for W's birthday 🫠


    Sunday the big two have golf lessons (would be all 3, but broken arm) and I think that's it. Hoping to squeeze in a trip to my brothers to go see my niece at some point also. 

    Mom’s do so much and we can only hope our kiddos come to understand that. 

    I knew this going into the game with marriage going into it with a 12 and 15 year olds as a stepmom. 

    We had really good communication going into the game. 

    Took the oldest (girl) prom dress shopping and I loved it. 

    I took her out to practice driving, only one little dent in a 63 vw bus rear bumper. If you could drive a 63 vw with a wonky shifter and no seatbelts, well, you could pass a dl test. And know how to push start a manual car!


    The younger son was his momma’s baby. Really didn’t want much to do with us, but we always let him know we were there for him. He ended up taking care of his teenage stepbrother after his mom passed. We’re very proud of him and he’s come around as he’s reached his 50’s. 

    Families are so wonderfully complex and delightfully wonderful. Thankful I learned to roll with the flow and adopt the gentle nudging way of handling things. 

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  3. 4 hours ago, Saint Greg said:

    Ugggh. Don't own dogs if you can't take care of them. One of the reasons I don't own them anymore is so I can travel easier.




    What the holy hell!  We’re retired. When we travel we hire a dear friend who house/dog sits. She can’t have a dog where she lives. It’s a win win situation. The dog and garden photos she takes are amazing. Also, I feel like the house is a little tidier?!?  

    But yeah, your pets need you to do your job.   DON’T get a pet if you can’t commit 💯 to their care. 

    Much less like procreating..

    • Like 9
  4. 1 hour ago, dmet0225 said:

    Ours opened late this afternoon.  The wife went to pick up prescriptions, and the line of cars was 7 deep.

    Always amazed at the line for drive up pick up. 

    I just left my dr and they called in this prescription! Why isn’t it ready?


    Pharmacies around us are overwhelmed. 

    As the two of us need multiple prescriptions refilled every 3 months I appreciate their hard work. We could get them mailed but that’s just a total crap shoot with usps.  (please don’t report my bad word). 

    • Like 1
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  5. 7 hours ago, TravelGirlinDallas said:

    If people are keeping toothbrushes in the safe, possibly dripping spit water in there, maybe I can't use those anymore...

    Ohhh, so thats what that little carpet like pad in the safe is for!

    • Haha 6
  6. 3 hours ago, Saint Greg said:


    Yes. While I never thought about them going as far as putting the toilet brush on the counter, this is why my bathroom counter is always clear. My stuff is in the back of the highest shelf in the closet and my toothbrush is my the safe.



    I don’t go that far, but yes, my toothbrush is never left out. Everything put away. 

    Also note to self, use the wipes AFTER they clean. 

    • Like 2
  7. 23 hours ago, sid_9169 said:

    This final day before the long weekend, already lazy coworkers seem to have forgotten how to do their job altogether... I'm determined to do whatever it's takes for me to make it till quitting time, even if I have to do everything myself...




    Hey Sid, just grab Chako's broom and sweep all day!  On the other hand, all that sweeping and vacuuming may be what's causing his bathroom "mishaps" 🙄

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  8. 12 hours ago, LatinaInTexas said:

    Absolutely! I haven't been on a Carnival cruise that wasn't a casino cruise in a long time. 

    I don't spend a lot of time in the casino partly because it's too smoky and when it's packed full on the casino cruises it's horrible. This ship has a nice sized smoke free section.

    Some of Carnival's ships have a smoke free casino on another deck.  They are usually brighter and not so much of a party atmosphere.  I do like not coming out with attached aromas, but sometimes the smoking casino just is more fun with the noise, people, and faster bar service!  Either way, the casino is going to entertain us on every cruise.  Of course, we're going to gamble either way.

    • Like 3
  9. On 5/22/2024 at 4:08 PM, ggooglyboogly said:

    At a hotel for work this week, shower flooded this morning and then I came back after the work day to this little number on the bathroom counter. I’ve read enough reviews and immediately thought of @sid_9169 and @Saint Greg and that there might be something to the limited access for room attendants….


    I'd have to go buy new toiletries, starting with a toothbrush and case!  But also I would show this to the manager and refuse any room access.  


    That's a whole lot of other peoples 💩 getting flung around your stuff.

  10. On 5/22/2024 at 10:39 AM, pebbles1102 said:

    On Monday May 27, we leave for our summer vacation. It is just my husband and me.  We are doing a land vacation to Bruges, Belgium and Amsterdam.  I will keep the Tribe updated on our shenanigans.

    Have a great trip!  We did a cruise that included all three places and they were beautiful!

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