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Posts posted by Tall-Cruiser

  1. ??? Something is not quite right here. As I mentioned in the other thread, the new photos show the Quantum of the Seas in the spot she's been in all along?!


    Geez. I think that the November 21st announcement is that they made a booboo, and in fact they've been building the Anthem of the Seas since the start of the year, not the Quantum of the Seas. That would mean that the Quantum IS closest to the door! :D


    Now that would be a major annoucement.

  2. Quantum has been moved forward since the photo above was taken?! Because in that photo she is where she's always been. Same with the photo with the Anthem keel.


    Given were Quantum is in the keel laying picture, I agree with you and others here that she is still in the back of Hall 6 and not forward. There are blocks on the left side under or around then green cranes, which is the same view we have seen in Hall 6 all along.


  3. Just posted the same below on he Anthem thread.


    So I sent an e-mail to the RCCL Press.




    1st Question I asked


    "In looking at the pictures of the keel laying I notice that Anthem Of The Seas is placed in front of Quantum in the Mayer Werft building dock. Is this temporary just for the keel laying or is Anthem going to be completed now first and floated out? "






    "Thank you for your email. Anthem of the Seas is scheduled to be delivered in spring 2015 after Quantum of the Seas. The photo that you are seeing is from the back of the hall looking forward and as you can see Quantum is in front."




    2nd question I asked and I attached pictures that I saved this time.


    "So Quantum has already been moved forward in the building dock to the spot that had NCL Getaway?"






    "Yes, Quantum has been forward"



    My thoughts and reaction - They have moved Quantum that fast? MW is really good. Wow!


    To add to this. I still have my doubts as the huge green cranes are still on the left side of the picture which means we are still looking at the picture and building dock forward.

  4. All very interesting.


    Let us know when you get answer to your tweet... in this thread and the other one. Thanks!


    So I sent an e-mail to the RCCL Press.


    1st Question I asked

    "In looking at the pictures of the keel laying I notice that Anthem Of The Seas is placed in front of Quantum in the Mayer Werft building dock. Is this temporary just for the keel laying or is Anthem going to be completed now first and floated out? "


    "Thank you for your email. Anthem of the Seas is scheduled to be delivered in spring 2015 after Quantum of the Seas. The photo that you are seeing is from the back of the hall looking forward and as you can see Quantum is in front."

    2nd question I asked and I attached pictures that I saved this time.

    "So Quantum has already been moved forward in the building dock to the spot that had NCL Getaway?"


    "Yes, Quantum has been forward"

    My thoughts and reaction - They have moved Quantum that fast? MW is really good. Wow!




    To add to this. I still have my doubts as the huge green cranes are still on the left side of the picture which means we are still looking at the picture and building dock forward

  5. So I asked:


    Isn't it (Anthem) in the way of the Quantum which foats out before the Anthem? What's the plan?




    Got back a reply:


    No, its not. There are doors in front of #QuantumoftheSeas which open up, when she's ready to go.



    Um. Have they put in another door and dug up the small parking lot recently?

    Someone else can tweet back with the Meyer Werft layout below and get clarification. I don’t want to look like a stalker. :rolleyes:




    What! Did they miss the fact that Anthem is "in front" of Quantum?

  6. I just posted this in he Anthem Keel thread as well:



    I tweeted Royal Carribean PR yesterday after they tweeted the image of the Anthem keel:


    Keel in this location just for ceremony?! Shouldn't it be at other end of hall, 'behind' #QuantumofSeas?



    I just got this response:


    Royal Caribbean PR@RoyalCaribPR54m


    No they're each at the proper spots. Here's a bonus pic of Quantum in drydock for having a such a good eye!







    I just tweeted back asking them basically "Huh?"


    That is interesting Lloyd. Looking at the new picture it seems that Quantum has the longer part of the building dock. I cannot see the dock divider here.

  7. I tweeted Royal Carribean PR yesterday after they tweeted the image of the Anthem keel:


    Keel in this location just for ceremony?! Shouldn't it be at other end of hall, 'behind' #QuantumofSeas?



    I just got this response:


    Royal Caribbean PR@RoyalCaribPR54m


    No they're each at the proper spots. Here's a bonus pic of Quantum in drydock for having a such a good eye!




    I just tweeted back asking them basically "Huh?"


    That is interesting Lloyd. Looking at the new picture it seems that Quantum has the longer part of the building dock. I cannot see the dock divider here.

  8. Don't forget that Getaway wasn't due to float out until January so any plans they had originally would have been to expand Quantum from January. Plus there are only 5 months between them. Was the only reason I could think of that they'd lay Anthems Keel. If they thought the ships could be built say a month quicker each plus the extra months from early Getaway departure if they could squeeze in Anthem and still meet Quantums timeline ..




    Well I suppose anything could be possible. The RC news tomorrow from UK should be telling. Good luck to all of you in the UK.

  9. Here's a rumour then with the imminent announcement. How about Anthem is being built first and they are ahead of schedule so Quantum would not be affected.


    With Getaway leaving early rather than leave a half empty dry dock until they lay all of Quantums base blocks to then float her forward they could lay all Anthems now in front. Get her done then finish Quantum?


    Just a random thought of course. But it makes maximum efficiency of dry dock space now if blocks are ready! :confused:


    Very interesting theory! The question then is, were is the divider in the building dock between the two ships? Is there more room in the back section of the building dock where Quantum is or forward where Anthem keel blocks are? Its hard to tell from the current picture.

  10. I don't think this is possible, but just want to throw it out there. Would it be feasible or possible that they can lay sections of the Anthem keel, without upper blocks, and then lift the whole thing with a crane up, float Quantum out (or just forward), and then replace the Anthem keel section?? They could even swap spots if the Quantum can fit under the keel. Puzzler here. But that half wall that they close off the dock with to fill with water definitely looks like its closed in the same area as what was the middle of the Getaway. Another thought....if you've seen the special on tv where they build the Disney ship (not at MW, but in general), they did it in two halves in two yards. Sealed up and made a temp wall to water tight the ship, and towed it out to sea and to the second yard to mate with the other half. Maybe they'll do that with Anthem? Float it out and then put it back in and assemble the other half??


    I think that is feasible. But what is the max crane lift capacity? I saw/read somewhere that some of the cranes are in the range of 800 tons. Not sure if that is the max they can lift or not.


    The process used with the Disney ship is also very intersting.

  11. They only float forward when a full lower block assembly is complete.


    My bet is Anthem will be built first, floated out to an external dock in Spring for the upper deck works, then they complete Quantum and float her out as per her original schedule and this would be "the big announcement" .


    Otherwise for the next x months until all Quantums blocks are laid and she can be moved forward you've got a third of the hall unused and Anthems blocks all ready??


    That process seems like a lot of work and in reverse order. Why wouldn't they do it the same way they did NCL Breakaway and Getaway. Worked out just fine as we all have witnessed.

  12. Thanks for posting this update and timelines. I think once we see more pictures especially were they have positioned the dock divider now between Anthem and Quantum we will (maybe) have a better idea of what they are planning. If that divider is too forward then, hmmm???


    This one is strange though. Have they ever floated out a third/half of a new build?

  13. Meyer Werft may have some press photos up on their site soon enough with close-ups of the sign and the date inscribed on it. Yup, there is another block behind it. All for show? To officially mark the start of the joining of blocks?! Join them in the basin, in front of the her sister ship, before they move the Quantum of the Seas? Pffft. When's <insert month here> Fool's Day in Germany?!


    The picture is now on RC press page. Left side with twitter updates.


  14. Yup. I wonder though if that is a permanent placement of the anthem keel, or just for a ceremony (that had to be today?!).


    Some Quantum blocks have been spotted in hall 5 in previous webcam and tourist images.


    Can you see what the date is on that picture's announcement? When I zoom in the image is not clear. Also looks like there is a second block behind?

  15. Great to see the Anthem of the Seas keel being laid in front of the Quantum of the Seas.


    I guess we'll be seeing a lot of blocks from both ships in both hall 5 & 6, I would think.


    I wonder what's going to happen webcam-wise now!? :confused:




    Anthem Keel Laying in front of Quantum! This is strange. I dont recall seeing this process before. It has to be just a ceremony and one they may have wanted to keep quiet for a while. They are planning an announcement on Thursday on which the speculation is that it will be about Anthem. This is a "more to come" moment.

  16. Maybe they're making up for the long shot from the webcam.

    With the Norwegian Getaway leaving MW tonight, I can't wait to see what Monday's webcam update will be, i.e., a second camera on the Quantum of the Seas?


    Edit: Just found out that the Allure February 23rd cruise, which follows mine, has been cancelled for repairs on one of her propulsion motors. That's too close for comfort.


    Hopefully the update of the webcam on this coming Monday is much better than the last one.


    Where is Allure going for repairs? Hope you guys are unaffected. Good luck!

  17. After looking at the CGI fly-by video of the ship from the quantumoftheseas.com site, the glass balconies on what I think is deck 13 seems to align to figure #11 balcony glass from the patent sketch.

    If this is deck 13, It makes me wonder why those balconies would receive a different treatment than the rest of them.

    I've outlined the sections in the attached image.


    I think you and hcps-osullivax both are onto/found something. Looking at the picture on the main page for Quantum, you can definately see the difference in the balcony glass. It almost looks like deck 12 may also have some, but it could just be the reflection.


    Great find guys.

  18. Was just wondering if anyone knows when we might hear any new updates with Quantum or Anthem?? I am specifically interested in the restaurants being offered and also the summer 2015 itineraries- when does the Anthem begin sailing?? Is that not in 2015?? Anyone know where that ship may be stationed and what itineraries may be offered. I feel like it has been so long since we have heard anything. I know with Oasis-- we were getting more regular updates and news.


    There is talk about an announcement in UK on November 21. Most feel that it will be about Anthem. Then maybe they will reveal something during the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. And since Port Canaveral just announced the building of a new cruise terminal that can handled the large ships up to Oasis Class, we may soon hear more about home ports.

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