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Everything posted by 1ANGELCAT

  1. For anyone with access to the Smithsonian channel, Quantum is currently showing on tv now.
  2. For those of you that get the Smithsonian channel, at 6pm eastern time tonight Nieuw Statendam is being shown on Mighty Cruise Ships.
  3. Good sunny and warm afternoon. Back with the children dinners for supper tonight. They smell so good. I don’t believe anyone else here lives in the Chester county Pa area but stay indoors and stay safe. There was a prison escape on Thursday evening and he is considered to be extremely dangerous, (life imprisonment for murder). He was spotted in the area of Longwood gardens around 2am and per police advice Longwood is closed today. I hope he is apprehended soon. i hope we get an update on Baby Murphy soon.
  4. @Husky1987, Alaska pure sea salt does have a great mail order service. The blueberry flavor is amazing.
  5. To celebrate bacon day, we had scrambled, eggs and bacon for breakfast. The cats enjoyed it too. Heading over to Lancaster county today for chicken bbq takeout from Bird in Hand Fire Company, It’s always delicious. The fire companies are always so supportive of each other’s efforts. Witmer posted on Facebook to please support the BBQ and posted pictures of their own corn preparation for their upcoming dinners. They had 800 dozen ears of corn to clean and store ( 3200 pounds) for their next 3 dinners. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists
  6. Good cool 55 degrees morning, supposed to get up to 85 today. Just read on the news that Jimmy Buffett died yesterday. RIP,
  7. Good chilly and sunny morning. It was in the 50’s and going up to 78. The heat wave starts Sunday , supposed to be the hottest week of the summer. I have an update on Barb. She’s coming along slowly and tired easily. They had a meeting with the surgeon and he told them he had to remove 12 lymph nodes. She gets a port next week then starts chemotherapy the following week.🤞🙏 @Crazy For Cats, safe travels tomorrow, I’m sure Mona will do her best, I love the meme, if mine could dial the phone, they would try it. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists. Birthday wishes for Terri.
  8. I wanted to mention that I read on the Royal Caribbean forum that a 19 year old young man went overboard from Wonder of the Seas on Tuesday evening while off the coast of Cuba. The ship searched for 3 hours and then had to sail for Grand Cayman with a medical emergency. Prayers for the family.🙏💔
  9. Good beautiful cool 64 degrees and sunny morning. If only it would last, starting Sunday it’s supposed to be 90 and above for several days. Today is a sad day in history, 26 years ago we lost Princess Di. I was actually onboard the old Nieuw Amsterdam sailing for Alaska when the news report was announced. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  10. @Cruzin Terri, please let us know if you have decided to evacuate. According to Accu weather app, the flooding can be life threatening. Stay safe.
  11. Good cloudy and humid morning. It’s good to hear from our Florida family that all are safe so far. @Cruzin Terri, please don’t take any chances with this storm, we need you here.❤️ Watching the weather channel, the storm surge is destroying so much In it’s path. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists. Stay safe.
  12. Good cloudy afternoon, it’s very humid and rain is expected later . The shis kebabs sound delicious, but having chicken tonight. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  13. @RedneckBob, @St Pete Cruiser, @aliaschief, I hope you all are staying safe. Idalia sounds like a nasty person.
  14. Good cloudy and breezy morning. It rained during the night and possibly more tomorrow. Sadly, too many fur angels have crossed the rainbow bridge lately. I’ve had 6 crossings since January of 2020. Salem, Charmer, Socks, Jaguar, Fluff and Ninja. Until we meet again. Love lobster tails by just regular butter please. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  15. Good evening, I hope everyone had a good day. Just read on BBC news that P&O Britannia broke loose from her moorings earlier Sunday while docked in Palma Mallorca, during a freak storm. Some minor damage but ship is said to be structurally sound. A frightening situation for the crew and passengers. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  16. Good sunny and warm and humid morning. It’s 75 with 85% humidity, going up to 87 then cooler tomorrow. Not much going on today, just some errands and grocery shopping. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  17. The cabins are called Lana rooms , they never were balconies.
  18. Good sunny and very humid morning. It’s 71 currently with 95% humidity, had rain during the night. Tomorrow is supposed to be 87 then cooler on Sunday. A banana split sounds good, not sure what is on the menu today. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  19. For all of you that have been following the Oosterdam thread , it finally has been locked. I’m sorry for what happened but some of the comments were beyond inappropriate.
  20. Good rainy and cool morning.It’s 64 and only going up to 71 today. Today is also National Peach 🍑 Day. according to an email from a local farm market. Welcome home to our travelers, Debbie and Sandi. Blassings and prayers to all on our lists.
  21. Good sunny morning.It’s only going up to 75 today and rain tomorrow, but humidity is going back up. Happy Birthday to @Vict0riannand may more. Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
  22. @Nodakboiler, just looking for an update.was the missing laundry ever found?
  23. Good beautiful cool and sunny morning. It’s going up to 80 today and tomorrow then rain on Thursday. Happy 42nd anniversary @grapau27, I wish you a cruise to celebrate 🎉 Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.
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