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Posts posted by violetmoon1979

  1. Hey dcwalker!


    I've started walking again but have decided that for now, I'm just tracking my steps using my Fitbit. Just trying to get the minimum 10,000 recommended daily in. Since I hardly moved for 8 weeks, it's a lot tougher than I thought!


    Then towards the end of the day, my leg gets achy, but the docs said it would be for a while.


    I'm starting yoga back up this week. I've decided to go to a studio instead of doing it in my living room where my cat can break my leg again.





  2. Hi everybody!


    Sorry I'm late :p


    We had a 3 day weekend for the Queen's birthday so I haven't really been home.


    It's starting to cool down, weather has been great. Seasons are opposite here, so when it's your summer, it's our winter and vice versa.


    For the first time since I started in January, I'm up 400 grams this week. That's roughly one pound. I'm not bummed or anything, I'm actually surprised I made it all this time without a gain considering how horrific some of my weeks have been.


    I'm starting yoga back up on Tuesday. However, instead of doing it in my living room where my cat can break my leg again, I'm going to a studio. My leg is still achy, so I don't want to push it too much.


    Hope everyone has a great week!



  3. Hey Everybody!




    My leg is still a bit sore, so I have to keep it wrapped and I have to do some physiotherapy on it, but at least it's off and I can start going for walks again!


    I think I'll stay away from yoga for a while :p


    I lost 900 grams this week for a total of 16.4 kilos now. In January my goal was to lose 20 kilos by November, so I think I'll up it to 25. :rolleyes:


    Hope everybody is doing great!



  4. I'm not getting married on the ship, but I am having my honeymoon there. I ordered some "just married" door and room decorations directly from the cruise line so that it would already be decorated when I get there. Heck yeah I want everybody to know I'm on my honeymoon! If the ships a rockin' don't come a knockin'! LOL omg I'm so corny. :D



  5. Hi Everybody!


    I lost 1.2 kilos this week for a total of 15.5 kilos! I still have a long way to go, ugh but at least I'm doing it! I was hoping my engagement ring would fit by now but it's still too tight.... sigh.


    I still have til November to lose enough to make it fit. LOL


    Oh Belle, I'm jealous. I'm sooooooooooo overdue for a mani/pedi and wax. LOL I haven't done any of those things since I've had this moon boot because it's just too much of a hassle to walk through the mall.


    My eyebrows look like caterpillars, my legs are like Chewbacca and my lip was getting pretty bad. My fiance finally had enough and was like, listen, I can deal with the hairy legs, I can deal with your crazy eyebrows, but please do something about your mustache. LOL So I shaved it. Whatever. LOL


    Moon boot finally comes off next week, so I'm getting pampered, long overdue.


    Great job with the weight loss shootr and cruiserman! Great job winewanderer with the minimal gain during a 5 week vacation!!!!



  6. Hi Everyone!


    I didn't lose any weight this week. Not a surprise really. One night, my fiance and I went to a 6-course degustation dinner with matching french wines.... then a couple of nights later, we ordered pizzas and sides and had a mini Star Wars marathon....


    I'm still in my moon boot so I can't do any exericse. I have an appointment next week..... am hoping the freaking thing COMES OFF!! It does feel better, but gets sore towards the end of the day while working.


    164 days until the wedding and 166 days til our honeymoon cruise!



  7. Hi Everybody!


    I lost 1.8 kilos this week. I guess last week with the tonsillitis and not being able to eat/swallow finally paid off! LOL


    I am heaps better, this week i definitely made up for not being able to eat last week, so we'll see how next week weigh-in goes. :o


    My fiance and I went to a 6 course degustation dinner with matching french wines. I was SO FULL, I could hardly move, I was still full the next day and hardly ate. LOL Tonight, I went on a pizza binge. ugh


    We stayed home and watched movies, ordered pizza and I ate it all and then some.


    Tomorrow is a new day right??????


    Still in the moon boot! Can't wait until it comes off!



  8. Hey!


    I'm in Australia also (Darwin) and am doing Weight Watchers. I've lost 12.5 kilos so far. I'm doing the online program with the app on my phone and honestly, find it ridiculously easy to follow. I do love food as well and I HATE HATE HATE to exercise, so I really have to push myself to make the right choices.


    I'm cruising in November for my honeymoon!!



  9. Hey Everybody!


    So good to see you back Belle, sorry to hear of all the things that are going on at home. I hope things get better soon.


    shootr - Are you feeling any better? How long do you think you'll need to continue on the bland diet for?


    I lost 1.3 kilos this week. Normally I would be happy for a loss like this, but I was SUPER SICK last week with tonsillitis - I couldn't eat, I couldn't swallow, I couldn't breathe if I was laying down flat! It was awful.


    I didn't eat for 3 days, had to sleep on the recliner so I wouldn't wake up choking, and I was all by myself because my fiance was on a business trip. I only lost 1 kilo. LOL I was hoping for more. LOL


    I can eat again! And I'm back at work after 5 weeks off because of my leg. I DO NOT want to be here today! BOOOOOOOOOOOOO



  10. Nah, nothing to do with the name, that just happens to be what the boot is called. It's huge and bulky and you use all this velcro to strap it into place. Luckily I can take it off to shower, but I'm supposed to keep it on the rest of the time.


    How many hours did it take you to walk the marathon???? OMG I can't even imagine doing that!!!!!

  11. Hey Everybody!


    I'm down 800 grams this week, which is a pleasant welcome considering last week I lost 0.


    I hope everything is ok with Belle! I miss the poems!


    As luck would have it.......... I woke up a couple of days ago with the worst sore throat I had ever had in my whole life!!! It was like swallowing razor blades. I went to the Dr today, (you know in my moon boot) and she said that I had tonsillitis! Because I need something else wrong with me. RAWR!


    So she put me on penicillin and some numbing gargle so that I can eat. I've hardly had anything to eat the last few days, so I'm hoping my misery shows positively on the scale. :p


    I've had a real rough time sleeping too, right when the pain killers wear off, i swallow or something in my sleep and the pain wakes me up! There's nothing I want more right now than to sleep 8 hours with out interruption and to eat something solid!


    Ok enough complaining. :D


    Have a great cruise cruiserman! I'm so jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!



  12. Thanks guys!


    I'm getting married November 10, and getting on a cruise November 12 for my honeymoon! Hence the diet. LOL


    We're getting married in Vegas and then flying to Fort Lauderdale to do an eastern Caribbean cruise. We've got a group coming with us on the cruise. LOL So it should be interesting



  13. Good on ya dcwalker!!


    You are kicking tooshie and taking names!!


    I went for a follow up on my leg on Friday, I'm ok to start putting weight on it as much as comfortable but I still need to keep the moon boot on. :(


    First few days of that my leg was really aching towards the end of the day, but it's starting to feel better.


    I have another follow up in 3 weeks. Fingers crossed!!



  14. Hello!


    I'm hypothyroid as well, I've been taking thyroid hormone for a few years now after having a partial thyroidectomy.


    I do weekly check ins on the other thread. Everyone there is pretty nice!


    I know everyone is different, but my personal experience is, I've never been/felt the same after my thyroid surgery. I've struggled with my weight ever since and lose very very slowly. I also would like to lose about 80-100 pounds.


    I've been doing weight watchers since January and have lost about 25 pounds.


    What dosage are you on? I take 100mcg.



  15. shootr - sorry to hear about all that!! Hopefully just a few days or so on the easy foods and your belly will get better.


    Good job to everyone who lost this week! I am very jealous LOL


    I didn't lose anything this week. 0 up or down. I guess I can't complain, I'm still in my moonboot and crutches so I haven't been able to exercise and laying around bored all day, I've been overeating plenty. :(


    Had a follow up on my leg today, it's getting better and I have a follow up appointment in 3 weeks. LOL


    In good news - I BOUGHT MY WEDDING DRESS YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!!! :):D:p



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