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Posts posted by 2chiefs

  1. 1 hour ago, Bigbob7777 said:

    My DW and I only have 1 drink a day and the discount rates work well for us.  

    I agree with you but they shouldn't say "always included" which can be deceiving. I don't know why they changed their separate pricing. The old pricing for picking the perks you wanted made more sense to me and probably for you since not all cruises are "discounted". They do have some "simply sail" rates which in reality are the inverse of the old pricing but it just makes it that more confusing..

  2. Since I am retired military I always check the military block for special pricing. I noticed that the military discount quote didn't say anything about drinks, wifi & tips being included so I contacted customer service. They informed me that the discounted price excluded those "all inclusive" items.


    Doing the math in my head based on previous pricing for added perks, the discount had much less value than if you purchased the perks. So the "military discount" in reality was no discount at all. So if you are military or police expecting a discount, think again.

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  3. 22 hours ago, rsail203 said:

    I took the pcr test 120 hours before my scheduled flight. Got a positive result, months after 2 vaccine shots and constant mask wearing. Board of Health made me manditory isolate. I'm completely asymptomatic and I'll never know if it's a false positive. Obviously I had to cancel and I'm so jealous of those about to board today. Have a great cruise!

    Probably a false positive. All that aggravation and your bubble is busted. I'm sorry this happened to you. I will wait till these strict protocols are gone before I cruise. Right now our state is wide open with almost zero mask wearing and it seems like a vacation already after a year of being cooped up.

  4. 10 hours ago, MommaBear55 said:

    So, for you who think pronouncing Cay as "Kay" is okay, how wound up do you get about calling the thing we use to get there a boat vs ship?

    As a sailor, we were told that the definition of a boat vs ship is that a boat could be carried on a ship (generally).

    However, they also told us submarines were referred to as boats but they (most anyway) can't be carried on a ship. The only thing I can think of is that the earliest submarines were so small that they were referred to as boats and a tradition was born.....


    Which brings up another pronunciation issue. 

    Submariners call themselves "Sub-mar-ee-ners" (accent on "ee" not on the "mar")


    This thread is evolving.....

  5. 4 minutes ago, HicksRA said:

    A little off topic, but the thing I miss most about cruise food is no good old fashioned patty style country sausage. Those Vienna sausage sized wieners they call sausage just don’t cut it with me. 

    Not off-topic!

    Good sausage is made from pork!

  6. 1 hour ago, ipeeinthepool said:

    You can also toss the turkey sausage in the same can.

    There's a reason most people in America only eat turkey once a year....

    or that there are no fast food restaurants (like Popeyes, BoJangles, Chic Filet etc) specializing in turkey.

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    • Haha 1
  7. 14 minutes ago, BecciBoo said:

    These folks don't seem to be the least bit concerned on their cruise 2 weeks ago, I bet they would not say any money wasted here!  And everyone seems to be having a blast.  I'll go with that....



    Looked like a ghost ship. It sure didn't look fun to me. I wouldn't waste my money.

    I'll wait for full opening. This ship looked so empty that I can't see how they could make any money.

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