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Posts posted by 2chiefs

  1. On 9/19/2020 at 5:43 PM, scorpluvsdolphins said:

    I’m the opposite. I lose weight on a cruise. I eat healthier, don’t eat desserts, use the stairs as much as possible and don’t eat junk food like I do at home. I rarely drink unless I’m cruising with certain friends. 
    I need 2 cruises ASAP to lose 10 pounds a cruise. 

    We're in another group. We both typically don't gain weight. We overeat but we also over exercise in that we walk a lot and try to take the stairs as much as we can.


  2. 1 hour ago, BND said:

    You don't have to be a statistician to know that.  Numbers can be manipulated to say anything you want.   Our county just reports out numbers and breaks them up by positive cases (numbers and %), numbers tested, how many by zip code. population by zip code, deaths by age groups,etc.  So, there are ways to get actual numbers.  The problem comes in when someone  takes those numbers and turns them into something and/or someone takes numbers and puts them in a report without context.  Most news stories are done that way, they have an agenda.   Polls are only as good as the questions asked and how they are asked.  I hate yes/no polls because the questions are usually written in such a way to get the answer they want.  


    My DH works with a guy (degreed engineer so lots of math) who has been analyzing the data to death.  It drives him crazy to read the numbers reported out because they leave out important info and are reported incorrectly a lot of the time.  My oldest son took college level probability and stats in HS (went to the Governor's Science and Tech HS) and then he double majored in math and astronomy in college and uses his degrees in his job, and his instructor in HS had a MS in stats.  She showed them all kinds of ways that stats are manipulated daily.  


    I've looked at the death rates from COVID-19 based on numbers reported out and while people are making a lot of noise about the US, our death rate is lower than a lot of other countries.   But, you don't see that.  What you see is 190K people without any context (age, health status prior, etc).  


    I hear a local political ad that says the over [insert number here] current cases and climbing. Of course it's going to climb. It can't go down. They fail to say at what rate it's climbing [which continues to decline] and worse yet fail to examine the death rate or hospitalization rate....  It drives me nuts.


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