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Everything posted by Megabear2

  1. If cancellation does become the only option the extras can be cancelled before the entire package is also cancelled. These extras will be fully refundable. You should be able to do this via P&O in your cruise personaliser or over the telephone. You have plenty of time to do this, in fact they are the only items not at issue at this stage so one less thing to worry about.
  2. I appreciate that under normal circumstances P&O will not deal with you direct due to your travel agent booking however in these circumstances I would make a call to them myself to ascertain exactly what they will require and accept from you via your travel agent. It is simply a matter of not being piggy in the middle between two organisations if you do this, you are not seeking to make the amendment via them just asking for confirmation and advice of what they will require/accept. Take contemporaneous notes or record the conversation so you can share it with your travel agent once you have clarified the situation. I am assuming you do have access to your father's will and if so suggest you let P&O/your travel agent know this. However as you will be aware the will in itself is at this stage unproven as it has to go through probate. Obviously that procedure will be long and probate will not be proven before the date of the holiday and it is for this reason I do not understand the relevance of it at this stage as it is not a "legal" entity until proven. The only proviso regarding the will would be if you or your mother are named as executors because if you are not and someone else is then it would most likely not suffice. That being said the death certificate is a legal document identifying your father's passing and is a legal document even at this stage. Rather than causing yourself undue stress and anxiety this direct approach should give you clarity as to whether the actual change will be possible or whether cancellation and an insurance claim is the only option. Am I correct that there are other passengers involved, not just your parents? That being the case before going down the cancellation route I would check with all the insurance companies that all the passengers will be covered in the event of cancellation following your father's passing. Unfortunately not all insurers behave the same way with regard to travelling companions. Clearly your mother will be covered. Once you have this information you should then be better placed to go back to your travel agent to discuss the situation from a more informed position. I wish you every luck and hope a suitable solution is offered for you all.
  3. Weekly Update on the prices on my August cruise: Inside saver from £2698 Select £2958 Outside saver £2998 Select £3458 Balcony saver £3998 select £4698 Deluxe Balcony £4998 Select £5398 This means the inside and outside savers have moved back up by £100, tye balcony cabins have stayed the same but each grade's select fare has seen a drop. If the "theory" is correct the saver prices will have now reached their lowest point and start to fluctuate very little until the sail date. My upgrade bid would now be dearer than the current select price on sale.
  4. Thank you for the information and clarification. It would appear you actually need to ascertain from someone at P&O which cruises in the 12 months might actually offer an evac chair as clearly it is no good your constantly checking on line for availability. Meantime it would seem your travel agent has not been following the necessary procedures if they did not note the wheelchair/evac requirements. They should know it's mandatory to ensure an evac chair is available. Under the circumstances they appear to be partly responsible for your situation as they should not have taken the booking without ensuring the chair availability. It would not seem unreasonable to ask your agent to ascertain which cruises within the necessary time frame are available to your parents if you are willing to go down that route. However you did the correct form filling on 1 May and P&O should have responded to the lack of an evac chair upon receipt. If you need to take the issue further I would suggest writing to Executive.Correspondence@carnivalukgroup.com
  5. Well I'm currently an hour into waiting to speak to Cunard about our form - the statement at the beginning of the call stated 30 minutes ... Mysteriously my submitted form on 30 March appears to have removed our mandatory 1 to 1 assistance from the booking. Ironically the P&O cruises do now show it. I think they are all making it up as they go along!
  6. We will need to wait to hear from the poster. I would assume as it was a booking made on 1 May the travel agent would have told them it was online but no doubt they will tell us.
  7. Post #242 indicates the booking was made on 1 May for an August cruise so it would appear that on this occasion it is not an older booking. Selbourne's suggestion is excellent but it would require sufficient people at the other end to deal with things promptly.
  8. How many of you are involved, is anyone intending out of your party to travel? Which other cruises have no evac chairs, are they all this year? I assume you have all made final payments now, does your confirmation at final payment show anything different to your original booking confirmation which presumably showed Pasenger X evac chair as per the screenshots above? If something suitable is not available are P&O offering a refund? Which department are you and your t/a dealing with? Sorry to ask so many questions but it will help to make suggestions to you. Thank you.
  9. The insurance issue on dog sledding is interesting - I investigated earlier this year for some friends who were travelling on a land based ski holiday to Canada. No two companies were the same, although most did cover it albeit with some provisos. Nationwide just state dog sledding covered with no other wording, Staysure state Dog sledging* (only when driven by a professional driver provided by the organiser) is covered, Good to Go consider dog sledging as a B grade hazardous activity and require an extra premium, Post Office cover for dog sledding is only covered under winter sports cover with a local driver or mushers, Admiral again extra premium and winter sports cover and the list goes on. Most definitely for some travel policies you will need to have winter sports cover at the very minimum to be covered and in a lot of cases purchase an "extreme sports" upgrade as well. A lot of the Canadian sledge companies offered the chance to actually become the mushers and drive the sled and under most policies you were not covered if doing this. Assumedly if you purchase the extreme sports cover you will get more in depth cover.
  10. I'd no idea a simple question, relevant to only me on one voyage would generate 4 pages of people delving so far into a relatively minor inconvenience and falling out with each other. It's not the end of the world to me. To be clear, I do of course appreciate everyone onboard cannot get an appointment. However my post was a simple enquiry from someone who had not booked onboard a Cunard ship for a very long time, in fact my late mother made the last onboard booking I was involved with and she died in 2015. Processes have obviously changed since then with appointment being the only way to book onboard, that's fair enough. This will be my last post but I do wish to point out that as only the third voyage on a new ship Queen Anne apparently has processes for doing things slightly differently to the other ships - not my words but those from the nice staff at the purser's office who I spoke to following the very good advice from Exlondoner to ask there. Yes, maybe I should have asked the question earlier in my trip but to be truthful I wanted to experience the ship and the service levels before committing myself to what for me is a very large sum of money.
  11. A survey is surely a good way for the company to garner their newer customers' feedback? If I am sent one I consider it a courtesy to fill it in despite my not being a new customer. This one in particular was very relevant being a new ship and it asked questions about service levels, disembarkation in ports and other important areas, some of which clearly need improvement. You may consider a survey trivial but many will welcome the opportunity to offer their opinion.
  12. There were quite a few staff leaving in Southampton yesterday from bar staff up to the choir master, entertainment director etc. A lot amongst the lower grades were very excited to be either going home or changing ship.
  13. Not worth the bother I'm afraid. I have however received a survey today so have commented on my disappointment.
  14. I have now signed up. In the first things to do is a section to introduce yourself. Since 1 June there are 41 new members doing so. Could it perhaps be that they limit the time of membership and introduce new people to get different opinions? I did email direct for further information and received a reply in 2 hours explaining the role.
  15. Update on this issue. At 7.30am there were three people waiting yesterday for the office to open. One gentleman appeared and was dealing with things. As I was number four I hung around but by 8.00am be was only on number 2 in the queue. Disembarkation then started and deck 2 was by then very crowded so hanging around didn't seem too wise so I left and waited in the Queens Room for my colour to be called. Unfortunately I therefore did not get to make my two bookings and am now debating whether to go ahead as both are now over £1,000 more than they were when I was first onboard.
  16. I believe it is a personal link by invitation so I presume that's why it isn't working. I posted the details several.people had said it was closing down.
  17. Here's the message: "A brand-new cruising community has just SET SAIL! In partnership with P&O Cruises and Cunard, we are delighted to share with you an online community about all things cruising – The On Deck Community Are you Interested? Please click on the link below to take part in our quick survey and join: https://www.ondeckcommunity.com/ta/1jn3Vx3FBNW47VhNKMh_yg Why join? • The purpose of the On Deck community is to create a space for you to share your thoughts and feedback on everything when it comes to the cruising industry, travel, holidays, and more. • It’s your opportunity to take part in fun activities such as surveys and discussion rooms, vote in quick polls and more. You feedback will help to shape the future of the cruising industry. • Whilst you’re On Deck, you can earn points for taking part in our activities which count towards our monthly prize draw to win one of x4 £50 eGift cards. If you sign up and log in by Monday 10th June 2024… • Earn a bonus entry into our monthly prize draw • Gain an automatic entry into our SAIL AWAY prize draw to win a £100 eGift card We look forward to welcoming you onboard! The On Deck Community Team No longer interested in hearing about On Deck? Unsubscribe here: Don't send me any more emails" I emailed them for further information and they replied: "We can confirm there is no financial liability to members, and no joining fee of any kind. You can check the sites Ts & Cs if you wish so as to reassure yourself before deciding if you want to join - Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy Regards The On Deck Community Team"
  18. I think this morning was ratter exceptional due to the very serious incident with the medical emergency. We went off 20.minutes later than our time but had to use the.internal concrete stairs rather than the correct exit. Those that were classed as "able bodied" were being allowed down the stairs with the remainder held. The lady directing us in the disembarkation area told me someone was critically ill.having collapsed and needing resuscitation. This of course was beyond anyone's control.
  19. I personally drive a very old automatic Ford Focus which belonged to my father. As my husband is having a very bad fibromyalgiia day he brought it to collect me in. He was directed into the pick up lane even though he expressed belief I might be delayed. Being very crowded and knowing I'd be looking for his car he hobbled (literally) over to the arrivals hall to see if there was any sign of me. After 10 minutes he heard my car's registration and description being called so returned to the car as quickly as he could where upon arrival he encountered a man with a mirror on a stick looking underneath the car. He was then told they were about to notify the.bomb squad of a possible threat and he was lucky they hadn't already been called. Apparently was quite threatening. At this point my husband said ratter than discussing all this wouldn't it be better to let him just go to the short stay car park as they could clearly see he was no threat to any just a man who was very slow as he was having difficulties walking today. Further discussion and he was allowed to drive off. I arrived just as he disappeared out of the pull in with no idea what was happening. A lady from Intercruises had witnessed all this and said I should call.him to come back. Whilst I was waiting his return she told me what had happened and how cross she was at mentioning bombs in the port which she felt was totally unwarranted. Knowing my husband driven to the short stay I asked if there was ANPR in case a fee was due whereupon she took my registration number and said she would check. Guess who she had to check with ... yep Mr going to call.the bomb squad. After 10.minutes of trying to get back into the loading bays she did manage to get us into an expedited lane and I ended up driving us back. If my husband wasn't so upset I'd have to laugh.
  20. Well apart from the port services manager telling my husband he was going to call the bomb squad to his car, thankfully all went well!!
  21. Obviously health issues are far more important than our getting off on time. Hopefully it wondering too serious for the person involved and we will be back on the move.
  22. Just managed my walk up staircase A. Two lifts were out of action as suspected and there was a big cluster in the waiting area on deck 2. Decks 5 and 6 were totally rammed with cases and cages, deck 7 far more ordered. There is currently a very busy silent disco going on which led on from the Beatles tribute band who have been performing in the Queen's Room from 7.00pm with just a short break before start again at 9.00pm. The Queen's Room has been really busy all day firstly with the guest choir, then tea and a talk on art. It has been a pleasure to see so many people enjoying this space as for a lot of the voyage it has seemed a little deserted and sparsely used apart from the ballroom dancers in the evening. "The Beatles" in particular had everyone up dancing or singing along and clearly very much lit the touch paper for the crowd. More things like this would seem to be a good idea. Anyway I shall close with thanks to you all for reading. It has been a pleasure taking you all along with my view from the cheap seats and I hope that those who wanted a view from down here have found it enjoyable to travel with me. My next cruise will be on the "dark side" as I sail with 23(!)😱 family members to Scandinavia in August on P&O's Aurora so it will be a while until I'm back home on Cunard, again on Queen Anne but next time in a club balcony with my husband to celebrate my 69th birthday and my 44th wedding anniversary. I'm looking forward immensely to both. Happy sailing to everyone boarding Queen Anne soon, she's different but beautiful. Enjoy!
  23. So it's not just having the broken lift at A lifts putting on extra pressure which is what I thought may be the problem there. I'll be walking up later to ease pressure for the less able bodied so I'll take a look.
  24. Yes, I have seen cases on embarkation day on the other ships but as we know on here was a bit of a mess with muster check ins being halted due to the lift crowding which in turn led to queues throughout the ship. Some people's luggage showed 6 hours after the boarded.
  25. Selbourne, I thought of you when I saw the start of the queuing after afternoon tea finished and also because of the cabin surrender rule being back. I hope it isn't too dreadful in the morning for you and Lady S, it would be such a shame after all the other problems with your room.
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