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Everything posted by Megabear2

  1. I normally avoid like the plague dress code discussions but this one really needs a reply. You cannot seriously be suggesting that P&O ensure passengers adhere to their dress code more than Cunard? I sail both regularly, Diamond on Cunard and Caribbean on P&O. You are comparing chalk with cheese in the dress code levels required before you even start. I love both lines but really it is laughable to suggest P&O make passengers adhere to their dress code (which is a lower requirement anyhow) more than Cunard. Even a glance at the P&O forum will tell you the regular P&O passengers are tearing their hair out at the dismal attempts to keep some sort of dress code on their ships. It's so much easier to adhere to what leans towards a casual dress code in the first instance as P&O do and they also offer many more venues where non formal is accepted, including the theatre. I can only assume as a devotee of both lines you are not being serious and having a laugh.
  2. I note that he was challenged yesterday by a poster on LinkedIn over the situation. I found that particularly interesting as it is very much a business related forum. It had occurred to me before that I was surprised the claimants had not visited him there before as he's very active on there. Clearly that might be changing.
  3. We are already over half way there - 48% of our electric was produced by wind and renewables in 2022. The exiting government and the new one have cleared the way for land based wind turbines and licences for new offshore ones are now up for sale. We have a legal commitment to be neutral by 2050 and are on target for beating that, hopefully 2035. https://www.nationalgrid.com/stories/energy-explained/how-much-uks-energy-renewable
  4. Thank you for the very detailed information which is much appreciated. This was a bit of a surprise as in the end we did not do get the upgrade on a bid, rather it just appeared - I called yesterday for clarification and was assured no money was required. Funnily enough two of my brothers did bid for an inside to outside but their upgrades bids have not been accepted either to date. Currently the only remaining cabins are balconies so I assume they wanted my outside for a purpose, but what I do not know. However it came about we are very pleased as when I booked P&O gifted us a champagne breakfast for our wedding anniversary as part of some promotion so now we hope to have it on our balcony.
  5. I was replying to Fionboard mentioning the need for power stations as she mentioned things other than ships. Obviously things will be different for cruise ships but the principle of electric cars etc which were mentioned by Fionboard will be solved by the increased use of wind etc. Actually some of the big cargo ships are trialling clean energy and electric so no doubt it's going to be feasible at some point although not immediately.
  6. Power stations will not be required using wind or tidal for electricity production. The power goes directly into the grid system via substations. These are bigger versions of the ones you see on land around housing areas. Already large amounts of the UK's electricity is produced this way. The clean energy you see mentioned on your electricity bill is produced this way. The announcement yesterday regarding both onshore and offshore wind turbines will make the move to this clean energy even more of a move away to self sufficiency by the UK for their electricity. As acknowledged by the last government and currently being looked at by the new one, the problem that has caused the slow movement towards the energy all coming from these sources has been lack of growth of the National Grid infrastructure to actually join up the system to move the power to where it's needed. Both governments were/are committed to speeding up the planning process to upgrade the grid. This explains the process: https://www.nationalgrideso.com/electricity-explained/how-electricity-generated/how-electricity-generated-using-wind
  7. As I said previously I have every sympathy with all of you. Unfortunately if there is a contractual dispute between P&O and Maleth the situation, regardless of what matters it covers, are one and the same. The food issue was something raised by Maleth in their defence to the BBC Watchdog article and as far as I am aware whatever food is being discussed is between them and this was the first acknowledgement by either party of a problem.It could of course be a red herring by Maleth to cover their rear end with the BBC reporters and the general public will never be party to the information. What however is very clear is that Maleth do not have the money to meet their legal obligation under the compensation law so basically it is a rock and a hard place for everyone involved. They at least responded to the Watchdog reporter which many companies do not do when challenged although the information provided really didn't help you or the other passengers. Basically the rules provide that like many other consumer laws/regulations there is a toothless regulator (CAA) as it has no power of enforcement. My personal opinion is that Maleth would be bankrupted if forced to pay out but as there is no enforcement to pay they are hoping that the cost of court action test cases will make the matter go away without resolution. The only hope without court action by a group of affected passengers or individuals would appear be that in the background the legal dispute between P&O and Maleth is resolved in Maleth's favour and with the grains of information in the public domain this would seem extremely unlikely. I wish you every luck with your resolve to continue the fight. However at the end of the day only individuals can decide is the principle in winning the €520pp is going to be worth the personal outlay in using lawyers and courts to pursue the issue which is why I asked if you are acting in a group or alone.
  8. Big news this morning. We have been upgraded from our Outside F132 to Balcony A203. Never having sailed Aurora I've no idea if this is good or bad. It looks like it's just on the edge of being under something called the Crystal Bar and the Lido Grill. Most of our family group are on Lido deck so we will be nearer them which is good. However there's not much I can do about the move if it's really bad, and it appears to be fairly substantial upgrade so I'm interested if anyone has any views on being in this cabin or area of the ship. Thank you.
  9. I do indeed recall them. Interestingly I have been doing a large amount of online searches, almost daily at present, for Caribbean land based holidays for the end of 2025 and that company comes up at the top of every search labelled as "Preferred". Considering I'd never heard of them before I assume one of the websites I have visited (I wonder which ...) has somehow labelled them thus. Hopefully harmless but annoying.
  10. 0 How ironical this post is. I am one of the very few CC forum members who have kept this Maleth issue live and also the person who started this thread highlighting the fact the issue remains unresolved, in other words sympathetic and hoping for a good outcome for the passengers involved. My mention of the "food dispute" was in relation to our P&O insider's Post #32 where it was mentioned food is a contractual issue. My point regarding "lots of mention of chocolates, water, soft drinks etc" was to try to distinguish between the presumably paid for in flight food contained in the contract and the mysterious disputed unpaid sum which Maleth appear to have thrown into their argument with P&O, ie sustenance whilst delayed or sat on unmoving aircraft. I am fully aware of the legal issues - I worked in the law and politics all my working life. Whilst having every sympathy for you I do not welcome your strident assertion I am conflating the issues. The facts remain that the CAA have no power to enforce the award of €520 each that you and the others are owed, that Maleth and P&O appear to be in some legal contractual dispute, that Maleth do not appear to have the funds to pay the compensation and P&O do not appear to have any legal responsibility to passengers regarding the airline. Like it or not that is the situation (and personally I do not like it, or think it fair) but it will not from what I can see change any time soon. I note from your first post you are apparently taking some sort of legal action. You do not say whether you are doing this individually or in a group action but whichever the case I hope you and all the others involved get a suitable outcome. I, and possibly others on here, would be interested if you might be willing to be kept up to date with your efforts to obtain your compensation but if you are unable to do so that is fine. That said might I ask you don't shoot the messenger if the issue is discussed in the future.
  11. Thank you for the information. No, I've never considered it as I did not know it existed! My trips to Bournemouth are generally by bus to walk along the sea or by car for the BIC for a concert. I've never thought of shopping there or in the surrounding area as I recall a lot of shops being closed down, much like here. I will look into it, thank you.
  12. If it wasn't for Sainsbury's and Tesco plus the local market I'd have nowhere to buy most clothes locally, even Matalan have shut down here since Novichok and the pandemic. We do have M&S still but they no longer stock what they describe as "smart and wedding wear" or suits of any description for men so it's a 40 mile round trip trip to Southampton if we need those and quite often they don't have the sizes in stock either. As a result most of my cruise wear is bought online from Ebay, sometimes new but generally "preloved". In 2019 for my world cruise my entire wardrobe cost £200 and I still wear a great deal of it on subsequent cruises.
  13. A creditable run but in lower company. Glad to see him still competing after some pretty poor runs. I think my dear old friend is like me, getting caught by the youngsters. Still has entries at Goodwood and York but a few of us think he might prefer some smaller easier runs toget his confidence back up. I'd agree a bit longer might be worth the try but I guess the trainer thinks otherwise. Whatever he does he really tries, bless him! Incidentally yesterday was the first run for my two year old colt Invincible Love - I had shares in his mum and carried on when she went to stud. Sadly I couldn't be there but even though it wasn't a winning debut I was very proud to see him from birth to his first run. I'm now on another many miles journey home down the M11, M25 and M3. I will need that week in Italy at the beginning of August to recuperate from the last few days!
  14. Hello from the home of racing! Jeepers what a few days these have been but here I am to cheer on my boy! It's been quite a few days, the hectic dash home last night followed by a game of shall I shan't I but here I am loyal to the last. Come on my boy, make my day Decoy!!!
  15. P&O Ferries are a totally separate company from the cruise line and are absolutely nothing to do with each other. A large amount of money was paid by the cruise line to publicly advertise this fact after P&O Ferries atrocious behaviour to staff a few years back.
  16. P&O do not have a Yacht Club, I believe that is MSC. P&O suite guests do not have a separate restaurant or area exclusively for their use, their only "concession" is breakfast in The Epicurean restaurant which is the top pay for restaurant on their ships, in fact not all the ships in their fleet even have this restaurant facility. Basically all P&O ships share public facilities throughout and no matter the grade of cabin everything is open to all. There is an area at the front on five of the fleet offering an exclusive adult deck area and this is available for purchase by all passengers regardless of cabin grade. It is the same as offered on Princess ships.
  17. Nope, it was cancelled along with most BA flights to London this afternoon/evening, we are told they don't think we will get back to London today by BA. Airport hotels are now officially no go so caught the airport bus back to Waverley and now booked on 17:30 train to Kings Cross arriving 22.08. Then we plan on using underground or Elizabeth Line back to Heathrow for our car which is at Hilton Terminal 5 - a taxi from the airport hopefully followed by the 2 hour drive home. All of this assuming the London trains work, otherwise we head east to my sister in law in Hornchurch and back to Heathrow tomorrow. Thankfully I overbooked the parking by two days so not a problem there I hope! BA not really able to help as total confusion. Hopefully we will get compensation as we should have flown yesterday evening. They have confirmed to hold all receipts and submit claim.
  18. Oh joy ... should have flown home last night but the flight was delayed until this afternoon, currently estimated at 14.30 this afternoon. Edinburgh airport security yesterday was hell on earth, it just couldn't cope with the volume of passengers, then told we aren't going anywhere and all the joys of getting out again. Currently in the Hampton by Hilton hotel which we booked very quickly rather than waiting for BA to get in gear but have to check out at noon - would have been perfect timing but now the airport is in big trouble with the Microsoft outage. Certainly going yo be an interesting day ... On the good side, we had a great time in Edinburgh and surrounds, Paul Weller was brilliant (we got very wet and rained on) and enjoyed a lovely break. Weather was kind most of the time. Now however to quote Michael Buble I just want to go home!
  19. This is in no way accusing anyone and no offence intended but please consider seriously the donkeys well being and health before choosing to ride on one of these lovely creatures. Animal charities worldwide have highlighted the lives they are forced to endure despite regulations and attempts to help them live better lives. Unfortunately many of the owners ignore the rules on health, my husband had an argument with a donkey owner when being encouraged to ride down as the animal clearly had sores and was bleeding where the girth of the saddle was rubbing into him. His reward was to be sworn and spat at. Incidentally there are also donkeys on the steps in Oia. The kindest thing to do as a visitor to places where donkeys and horses are used as tourist transport is to not use them.
  20. Thank you. He is checking now! I've kept the booking for the pub as things are quite sparse time wise due to the concert. Now trying yo find something better for Friday, Sunday and Monday before we head to the Highlands. I was hoping for some fish at least once. Sifting through stuff while here in Heathrow waiting to depart. All the Scottish flights are very full, we've seen four go in the past 2 hours and no seats on any of them according to the announcements. All suggestions gratefully received!
  21. Just packed our bags for our Scottish adventure and totally at a loss what to take! Looks like two dry days, the rest hovering between Cloudy with showers, drizzle and downpours. Friday looks the best day and as I'm on my own that day (typical) as my husband is going across to Glasgow for a client visit I've booked myself a hire car to visit the Falkirk Wheel, Kelpies and Linlithgow which I didn't make last month from Queen Anne. I hope Miss Google can help me get there okay or I might get very lost! Flying out of Heathrow tomorrow - fingers crossed - BA just emailed to say the flight is now full due to people rebooking from the fiasco earlier in the week. Couldn't even get seats together when I looked earlier in the week so we are stuck in rows 21 and 23 right near the back. They've also asked we check our hand luggage free of charge so it sounds like it isn't going to be much fun! Our original flight changed a month back and this one is two hours later so it will fall into the interesting category. Saturday is Edinburgh Castle Paul Weller day, forecast is damp and drizzle until 7.00pm, hopefully dry after that so fingers crossed. I've been distracted so forgot to book anything for food but have just reserved somewhere called The White Hart for an early meal before the concert. It claims to be the oldest pub in Edinburgh, but I've visited so many "oldest pubs" over the years I can't help but wonder! The Scottish menu looks interesting though with plenty of Cullen skink and haggis, I just hope it is good as I'm in trouble for forgetting to organise food whilst in Edinburgh - I'm told rather sarcastically that if we can't find something tomorrow there's McDonalds on Queen Street ... Hope everyone is on the mend, blood pressures are normalising and that England surprise us all and play like Brazil '70! Have a great day all.
  22. I'm so pleased for you. Wishing you all a wonderful time.
  23. I heard it would be a low turnout but we've just queued for 10 minutes to get in and the box was so full the lady got a ruler to push the votes down. I was supposed to be at the count but as I've been ill I've excused myself, I'm rather glad it looks like a long night!
  24. An interesting observation. How did you find the sunbed situation on your recent Arvia cruise or did you not need to use one? Obviously the P&O suite guests do not have the benefit of a Grills Terrace so assumedly everyone needed to use the sunbeds on deck. Certainly I've never experienced on any Cunard ship sunbed density like on P&O so moving a sunbed hasn't been a problem, in fact staff generally have rushed to assist. Perhaps the observation by the OP of people dragging sunbeds refers to no staff to assist with the placement of beds on Queen Anne.
  25. The timing of the hurricane is not going to help. There are two more storms on more or less the same trajectory immediately behind which are quite high wind tropical storms so clean up will be hindered. Looking at Grenada this morning the destruction is fairly comprehensive and even as an island with more affluent residents it will take a long time. The islands associated with the UK will be hindered for assistance by the general election tomorrow as well. In 2017 St Vincent was one of islands the worst hit by Irma and Harvey along with Barbuda being destroyed and parts of Antigua badly damaged. The UK was responsible for assisting and was on the ground for a couple of weeks then they left. St Maarten, flattened had Dutch and French assistance, the Dutch rebuilt fast not so the French. Unfortunately recovery in places like St Vincent and Dominica has been very slow. P&O ran the 2017/18 Caribbean season despite the destruction and held charity events onboard the ships. The islands welcomed the passengers with open arms and those of us who didn't cancel could not help but be humbled by their reception. Itineraries were changed - St Maarten had no jetty left for instance - prices were slashed but we went and the islands were overjoyed. It's very early in hurricane season, more tropical storms and hurricanes will undoubtedly affect the islands. Hopefully the P&O ships will still visit and those of us travelling will spend lots of cash to aid the islands' economies. If 2017 showed anything it's that our spending ashore is absolutely vital to help recovery.
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