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Everything posted by Megabear2

  1. This doesn't look like anything I've seen on any of the other Cunard ships. Even though it's early there are 10's of cases being moved to the landing on my floor and cages are stacked against the wall.
  2. Well deck 7 has the cages stacked high and people's cases are being moved into A lift zone ... I just got out at 5 and walked the rest of the way to assist two people with walkers who looked most frazzled.
  3. Interesting reading. I've looked at the t&cs by clicking through the link now I know it's apparently real. They don't have anything like the stuff mentioned there, pretty much a standard business privacy contract and seven paragraphs about UK data protection rules. At least I now know it's not dangerous!
  4. No idea, I shop at Lidl!
  5. I have found some old posts about it now particularly regarding terminology of the t&Cs. As a result I've clicked into the ones in the email and to be honest as they are under UK law they seem pretty bog standard, ie you must not post falsehoods etc. There are 7 paragraphs about how they use and protect data. I note in the old Cunard posts there's a worry about financial risk but these UK ones do not mention anything other than privacy, ie you can't repeat anything you take part in due to business sensitivity. I actually do surveys for other organisations and if this is real it isn't any different from what I can see.
  6. Megabear2

    On Deck

    Has anyone heard of this communinity? I've received an email purportedly by association with P&O and Cunard asking me to sign up by 10 June. Anyone else? Is it real or fake? "In partnership with P&O Cruises and Cunard, we are delighted to share with you an online community about all things cruising – The On Deck Community Are you Interested? Please click on the link below to take part in our quick survey and join:"
  7. Has anyone heard of this communinity? I've received an email purportedly by association with P&O and Cunard asking me to sign up by 10 June. Anyone else? Is it real or fake? "In partnership with P&O Cruises and Cunard, we are delighted to share with you an online community about all things cruising – The On Deck Community Are you Interested? Please click on the link below to take part in our quick survey and join:"
  8. That's fine if you're happy to do that, however I would only go if I actually want to make a booking or was near as certain that I'd be doing so as nice though if sure these guys are i don't want to waste mine or their time. I can get a rough idea of the current prices from the website as I'm pretty sure unless an extra discount is on offer they'll be working with the same figures. Obviously if that's what a lot of these people are doing it explains why there aren't enough appointments if you definitely want to book. Meantime my cash stays firmly in the bank when it could be with Cunard and with time to discuss other options at home I may not book.
  9. I don't think hard sell comes into it though, as assumedly you book the appointment knowing you are wanting to buy. I cannot see many "window shopping" wasting time on their holiday.
  10. One is totally out of service, has been all voyage. I assume the second one is for luggage but the knock on is causing a problem already. After the theatre last night there was a build up of wheelchairs and other mobility aids and the lifts could not cope. With the luggage being moved tonight it may be a lot worse for the users. I'm just being lazy as I've a sore hip from a bad step but others may be in real need later.
  11. Well it begins ... already two lifts in Stairwell A out of service, although one has been all voyage, and one in stairwell B. Ominously the cages are appearing on the landings too. If moving the luggage this evening is anything like on embarkation I just hope they have it better sorted with the lifts today. I gave up on A lifts after 12 minutes and went back to B but crowds were hovering.
  12. Perhaps demand is so high they've very little left to sell!
  13. If you've never sailed P&O, I respectfully ask how you can know what the food is like onboard? I read reviews of all sorts of places but unless I've actually tried them myself I'm not exactly qualified to comment or judge on the offerings.
  14. Sorry Zap quoted you in error ... to many cocktails on this sunny afternoon!
  15. For the sake of the £300 saving on my £10,000 probably not but the loss of the 10% for early booking by waiting to get onboard is a different issue. I must confess to not thinking about it for a couple of days until my husband asked if it was booked yet but I never dreamt I'd not get an appointment at some time.
  16. Speaking to a few they are trying out Cunard as the price for this cruise dropped very steeply after final payment date. Several have mentioned they wouldn't normally choose Cunard as they had perceptions of old fashioned and class divisive. Most are saying they will come again, but the pricing of lower grade cabins will need to be right for them to consider, quite a few have mentioned moving across from P&O in particular.
  17. Judging by the vast number of red cards I'm seeing being presented around the ship it may well be new to Cunard people seeking new bookings rather than old timers like me! I'll have a quick look at 7.30 tomorrow but I can't miss my disembarkation slot as my husband is collecting me before an important work appointment. That comes first as it pays for the cruises ...
  18. Clearly the number of people handling the initial calls is a problem in my opinion. It is very unfair to expect people on holiday to hang on the phone endlessly with.no idea if there may be an appointment and we've no appointments notices on their "door". Common courtesy should surely be to offer a voice message to the effect we currently have no appointments today but our next available slots will be available on X, Y, Z. The opening hours on port days are short so the seadays are obviously most popular. As I say, I've not booked onboa Cunard ship since 2018 but I have booked on the sister line P&O and never had any problem. This is a lesson learned.
  19. In my case two longer voyages would offer 3% discount on each so not to be sniffed at. Of course the 10% early booking discount has now ended too. I'm a bit cross as I deliberately waited to book.onboard and now unless I.miss my disembarking spot I'm not going yo be able to do so. Te the Pursers Ofgice I just passed by an around 20 people in the queue, probably last day arrangements being made for disembarking. I'll pass.
  20. Well judging by the amount of disappointed people today and on the other seadays they are going to lose a lot of potential bookings by not answering the telephone or being able to leave a message. A great shame but their loss.
  21. I've been down. There's a notice saying we are fully booked - that's been out every seaday - but we will see you no appointment in Southampton between 7.30 and 8.30. I just chatted with a lady who told me it took 5 days from her call being answered to her getting in today.
  22. Queen Anne. The phone just rings out. I'd almost given up to be truthful as the online fares have of course changed as the early booking period ended on the 3rd and for the sake of 3% I was fed up with sitting on the phone for 30 minutes or so never to be answered. I'd hoped for voicemail to leave a message but probably far to sensible!
  23. Ive not booked onboard Cunard for years, probably 2018 or thereabouts. So silly question but if you are unable to get through to book an appointment- I've been trying since 2nd June and it's constantly telling me they are assisting other guests - can you just rock up down there to speak to someone? They are currently closed until 3.00pm so this will be my last attempt.
  24. Yep, auto correct - the pub was called Mauritania and I didn't notice it changed it. Sorry.
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