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Posts posted by xrvlcruiser

  1. I don't think anyone is suggesting that the information volunteered on the forum is "final" - particularly related to health issues - those need to be discussed with one's own doctor who knows what each person particular situation is.

    Having said that, this is a very good place to start. And to have people like RachelG is a big asset. (Thank you Rachel! And all the others who help)



  2. I agree - I hate having my passport away. this went very well.


    I can only speak about my experience with VisaCentral and the Consulate in NY but I know there are others out there who sent their passports to other offices - don't know where - and got good service too.



  3. Eager2Travel,


    I do remember the Indian lunch!


    Here is the web address (I think) http://visacentral.com/visas. If it's not correct, call Regent ad get the correct one which is Regent-related.


    I'm on the WC and Regent covers the cost of out visas - I don't know how it works for other cruises.


    The form is complicated - and some of the questions strange - and has to be done on line - my suggestion is to print it out, fill it in and type your answers on line. The people at VisaCentral were helpful.


    I live near NYC so I took my papers to the VisaCentral office near Grand Central Station along with my passport. I think it took 10 days for the passport/visa to be back in my hands. And as someone said - it's good for 10 years.


    Good luck!



  4. I think I am one of Keith's examples:


    I used MedJet Assist about a year ago - I was on vacation with my family in Puerto Vallerta when in the late afternoon, I fell. I was taken to a new hospital/clinic quite close by - in the same complex with a casino - where I was examined and x-rayed. Indeed, my hip was broken.


    I spent the next 24+ hours there while my kids made all the arrangements for me to be transferred to my local hospital.


    For Medjet Assist to come to get me, I had to have a specific doctor to accept me and to have the hospital where he was accept me as well. That was all accomplished.


    At 8pm, I was taken from the PV hospital by ambulance to the local airport where a Lear jet with 2 pilots, a nurse and a paramedic was waiting for my son and me. We flew - non-stop - from Mexico to Westchester County, NY - we arrived at 4am - where I was again met by an ambulance and was taken to my hospital of choice.


    The only "limitations" were:

    1. I had to have a specific hospital and doctor to receive me where I was taken.

    2. My policy for the next 12 months had some limitation regarding my specific issue - if I had a problem due to my hip within that time-frame, it would not be covered - this was MJA - not other insurance.


    Everything was done efficiently and in the time frame discusses. I had no issue with any of MedJetAssist's service. And understand the 12 month limitation.

  5. >>Interesting fact.............there is one old gentleman on board who has completed 4,100 nights on Regent ships<<


    He's been on all the ships (not the Explorer) sailing for the past 11-12 years. He's a very special gentleman - a former US Navy Officer.

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