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Posts posted by xrvlcruiser

  1. The only time it's acceptable for someone other than an "assigned" person to sit in the front seats is if the escort says - after everyone is ON the bus - that the seats are empty and would someone like to move up here?


    Also, it seems to me that it is polite for the "assigned" person to wait for the rest of the passengers to leave the bus before getting off since my assumption is that s/he moves slower and will delay everyone by insisting on being first.


    Maybe I'm old fashioned.



  2. Are you saying that if every passenger on a particular sailing chose one specific tour, Regent should be obligated to take all 700 passengers (about 20 buses) on that tour?


    And that should be true for every tour offered?


    Think of the fact that if there are 5 tours offered in a particular port, the arrangements for each one of them wold have to be set up that way - and then reorganized as time went on, when the number became firmer.


    I'm sorry but I don't see much logic in that and the financial obligation would be incredible, I would think.


    I realize I'm pushing the limits . . . . .



  3. I do not want to get into a discussion about this - everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion - but I do need to say that I have known and sailed with Jamie for more than 10 years as well as a number of other CDs. I have found him to be excellent in his job - organized, creative, nice to travel etc.

    I have also enjoyed many of the other CDs, both on Regent and the other lines I've sailed on. Each has his/her own good point and not-so-good points. But most if not all, do a good job.

  4. I was in one of the starboard cabins on the next cruise and the carpet was damp from the storm. As I said, I had one of the large fans in the room for a day o two and then the problem was gone.


    And no, no way was it the fault of the Navigator - no way to control the weather!



  5. I hate to see people denigrating the Navigator.


    She is the oldest - and smallest - of the 3 current RSSC ships, the standard cabins are exactly the same size as the ones on the Voyager and the set-up is one central corridor on most cabin decks - again like the Voyager - an arrangement I prefer to the double corridors on the Mariner. Much "friendlier".


    I did have a wet carpet in September/October due to the very large storm in the Carolinas before I boarded but it was taken care of with one of the large fans. No brown water (never have had any in the 3-4 times I've been on board). Is she due for dry dock? Sure - it's been several years and the Navigator is the ship to be used for the first World Cruise in 2017, the first in something like 5 years.


    One advantage of her size is that she can get into ports which larger ships cannot - and I am not talking about the huge ships but many which are called "mid-sized".


    The Officers/Staff/Crew are terrific, the food was outstanding in all the venues. No complaints at all.


    I don't post very often but really felt that with some people knocking the Navigator, I thought it was time to speak up.



  6. I sailed on the Navigator this fall and everything was fine.


    She is smaller than the Mariner and Voyager and very different in configuration.


    Also, she goes into dry dock on March 31 for 2 weeks in Barcelona for what I understand will be major renovations.


    That timing sounds like the end of your cruise.



  7. I know I'm way ahead of the game but we'll be visiting close to 30 countries on the 2017WC and many of those countries require a clean page in our passport for their stamp.


    It makes sense to have 20+ clean pages for the trip - it's very inconvenient if any of us gets on board and the Chief Purser/Clearance Officer decides you do not have enough pages for Miami->Miami.


    In reality, many of us board in Miami so if necessary, this could be done in the US Consulate in CA but I'm sure that there are more interesting things to do than spend the day at the Consulate.


    And one more item: the passports need to be valid for a specific time beyond the end of trip - I think it is 6 months - but check that.


    As I said - a heads up.



  8. It's been a couple of years since I've called Regent but the person I spoke to - she has been promoted - was wonderful. She answered all my questions and if she did not have the answers, she found out and got back to me.


    And yes, I have an excellent Travel Agent but some times I prefer to hear the information myself.



  9. I was on the mid-August around the UK trip on the Voyager - Chris Shaffer was the CD - and we had a Block Party on the 4th night - a sea day.

    Every Regent cruise I have sailed on - all ships - have had a Black Party since the tradition was started a number of years ago. And if I sailed on a back to back, each cruise had a Block party.


    Pamela1, clearly, I can't speak to your experience specifically but it seems like an exception as opposed to a change.



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