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Everything posted by DaniDanielle

  1. No parade Maryann, my daughter took me to ShopRite while her son “Charlie sat” The store was nice and quiet while everyone was at the parade😁
  2. Charlie managed to stand up from his sitting position on the couch, by himself!!!! Hopefully, he will continue to improve. He is having trouble moving his left leg, yet he fell on his right side. I am just tired.
  3. His wife is devastated. She is not normally over emotional but today she was and it is so sad. Charlie seems a little better today but getting him to and from the bathroom is a chore.
  4. @dani negreanu Thank you for your support. I can’t believe I feel so much love from people I have met here❤️. Our Michigan friend passed last night, at least he was spared all the suffering😢
  5. My younger daughter and her 15 year old live with us, so they help. My poor widowed daughter is here every day so they help. She teaches in the school down the street . Her two go there so, at least five days they are here.
  6. He is not improving. Therapist came today and did some stuff but he just can’t get moving. He hasn’t been able to get upstairs to bed so sleeping downstairs has not been great. I think they sent him home too soon.
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