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Everything posted by DaniDanielle

  1. I did one also. My mom did one a d we couldnโ€™t believe some of the things that happened to her but she wa a child of the Depression.
  2. My bunion surgery was a failure. I did everything I was told to do and my foot looked okay for about a year. Now my toe turns in and over the toe next to it. Before surgery it went under the toe๐Ÿ˜ณMy daughter, however, had a perfect surgery and result but a different doctor which may have helped. I will never have the surgery again!!!
  3. @Momof3gurlzI had my hip done five years ago. I kept putting it off but finally did it. My surgeon said he tells his knee patients that they will hate him for awhile before they love him again! I found bunion surgery worse than the hip.
  4. Reward night sounds much better! I think I will have one tonight, having our favorite Joe and Pats pizza(for those who know J&P) and maybe swap out vodka for a glass of Pinot Grigio!
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